Commissioner of Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs a Yu Yu Hakusho Fan

Kondo Shinji, Commissioner of the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, made a visit on January 12th to the Kyoto International Manga Museum. During his 40 minute visit, Kondo casually read the displayed manga while listening to the curator's explanations.

During an interview after the visit, Kondo commented that the exhibition taught him the importance of cooperation between the local administration and the university, which acts as a knowledge base. Kondo also mentioned that the exhibition reminded him of his favorite manga when he was young, such as Kyojin no Hoshi, Ashita no Joe, and Yu Yu Hakusho.

Source: ⊂⌒⊃。Д。)⊃KajiSpeed≡≡≡⊂⌒つ゚Д゚)つFullAuto (Yes, that's the name of the blog)