Weekly Shonen Magazine Circulation Drops Below 2,000,000
In comparison with sales from 10 years ago, Weekly Shonen Jump's circulation has dropped 2.8 million, and Weekly Shonen Magazine's circulation is around 1.9 million. If the manga magazines experience declining sales, the publishers won't be able to make a profit unless tankobon achieves good sales. Editor-in-Chief Ibaraki (In March he was assigned as the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine that will replace Monthly Shonen Jump) said, "The popularity of One Piece once lost its lead, but now it's back to the top again. The reason for One Piece's comeback is thanks to author's (Eiichrou Oda) great effort. Thanks to the comeback of One Peace, the circulation of Weekly Shonen Jump increased from 2.75 million to 2.78 million last December. This is the first time in 11 years Weekly Jump's sales have increased." Source: News4Vip |
Manga Zombie
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275 million to 278 million
LOL >.<
The top picture is a cover
The top picture is a cover of Shonen Sunday.
Though it's not mentioned in the article.
Was just using a generic
Was just using a generic Shonen magazine cover, didn't pay attention to which one it actually was :P
I never thought Shonen
I never thought Shonen Magazine had much worth looking at.
Still, I imagine there was some popular stuff on it. But after the almost simultaneous loss of RAVE, Samurai Deeper Kyo AND GetBackers... that had to hurt. Although the loss of RAVE has been made up by the excellent Fairy Tail, about the only Magajin title I deem worthy.
Hajime no Ippo is the manga
Hajime no Ippo is the manga your read Shounen Magazine for.
That is the best Manga
That is the best Manga indeed! If I could't read that, I would not pay my mortgage to read it!
shonen jump is way better
shonen jump is way better than magzine