Aoba Shuppan Bankruptcy Aftermath, Adult Magazine Suspended, Jump SQ Enjoys High Sales
Also, other magazines formerly published by Aoba Shuppan have also been succeeded by magazines from other publishers. Green Arrow Shuppan's MYSTERY Sara (ミステリーサラ) (10/13) is the successor to Sakura Mystery, while MYSTERY Sara's extra issue, Mystery Blanc (ミステリーブラン), was launched on 10/22. Last but not least, Sakura Mystery DX has been transfered to Mediax and resumed publication on 10/6. Chuosha reports that France Shoin's adult manga magazine Comic PAPIPO, originally launched in 1991, will cease publication after the 10/29 release of its December issue. A new magazine titled Visualstyle was launched on 10/26. The magazine is centered around games, music and other entertainments. The first issue also featured a special feature on Clannad, as well as an interview with LIA. preview of the first issue can be found on the magazine's official website. According to Shinbunka, the first issue of Shueisha's Jump Squared has already sold over 500,000 issues since its November 2nd release. Source: Ultimatum Tidbits |
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