ActiveAnime Gorgeous Carat Galaxy GiveawayJULY 18, 2006 - Active Anime is a website based in Houston, Texas that is dedicated to delivering the top news, exclusive interviews and reviews of anime, manga and live action Asian releases in North America. We have a humble cadre of writers both local, national and up North in Canada to help bring you an array of information and reviews on diversified titles and various mediums (DVD, video, manga, graphic novels, and more). We are happy to announce our fourth giveaway courtesy of Digital Manga Publishing and June Manga. Active Anime is giving away TWO sets of GORGEOUS CARAT GALAXY SIGNED POSTER and GRAPHIC NOVEL. Contestant must be 16 years older to participate and win. To join the contest and read the official rules, visit the CONTEST page at Active Anime. About Active Anime: About Digital Manga, Inc. |
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