NETCOMICS presents three exclusive brand-new titles. With simultaneous releases in both the U.S. and Korea beginning September 2006, these titles are making their debuts only at and (NETCOMICS' Korean affiliate) as an on-going online series. NETCOMICS is currently looking for a new Full-time Proofreader, as well as students interns fluent in Korean. Are you bored by stories that only seem to mindlessly recycle tales you've already read? Are you ready for something new? Do you crave more than what's already out there? Well, comic fans, the long wait is over. The newest player in the graphic novels arena is gearing up to launch their own explosion of imagination, and you're invited to tag along for the ride. NETCOMICS, the newest kid on the Asian comics block, is gearing up for its first stint at the San Diego International Comic Con, which is set to take place on July 20-23, 2006. Backed by one of the biggest names in manhwa, NETCOMICS is getting ready to stand their ground amidst some of the most important names in the graphic novel scene. With over 20 titles in their first year and still growing, they've certainly got something to tickle anyone's fancy. NETCOMICS presents a lineup of sensational new comics to be released in Fall 2006. Spanning multiple genres, from fantasy and romance to suspense and mystery and everything else in between, fans of manhwa and manga will not be disappointed by the latest offerings of the newest publisher on the American block. [ Read More ] |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |