SerializationX, or X/1999, is a manga from the popular all-female manga-ka team Clamp. Based on the end of the world, and taking its cast from many of Clamp's other popular series, X has spawned an animated full-length feature film, Anime TV Series, and numerous merchandises. Despite its immense popularity, X the manga was never finished, which left numerous fans in a cliff-hanger, speculating on why the series was put on hiatus, and what kind of ending Clamp is planning, if they are planning to finish it at all. |
Manga ZombieComiPress teams up with writer Udagawa Takeo and translator John Gallagher to publish an online version of the English-language translation of Manga Zombie. Finale: PanelosophyPanelosophy - Recession Special An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga RankingTop Manga Series and Volumes for March 2009 Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |