NewsCB Games reports that Manga Fighter, a Manga-Styled Massively Multiplayer Online Shooting game, has entered its closed beta phase. However, new information can still be found on Manga Fighter's website. Although some manga series will be temporarily serialized in Shonen Jump after Monthly Shonen Jump cease publication, Mahou Tsukai Kurohime will be serialized on the website of the "new magazine" (that will replace Monthly Jump), and the author of Kurohime will serialize a new manga on the "new magazine." The first volume of Otaku USA has been released, and Heisei Democracy has a review (Via Icarus Blog). While reading Otaku USA, don't forget to check out Ed Chavez (MangaCast)'s "Japan's 24-hour Content Delivery System." After almost a year of hiatus, Masakazu Katsura's Zetman will finally resume serialization in the upcoming issue of Young Jump. Yaoi Suki reports that Kitty Media has licensed to new yaoi titles: - I Want to Be Naughty! by Mei Sakuraga Also confirmed are a few previously leaked licenses: - Scandalous Seiryo University by Kazuto Tatsukawa According to Shueisha, Ikeda Akihisa's Rosario + Vampire will be adapted into an anime. According to ANN, the official announcement of the anime adaptation will be made in the July issue of Monthly Shonen Jump. Source: Ultimatum Talk Sakaki Ichirou (Author) and Fujishiro You (Illustrator)ls light novel series Strait Jacket will be adapted to an OVA series, with the first OVA episode to be released in October 2007. An official site for the anime has opened at this link. Also, PEACH-PIT's Shugo Chara! will be adapted into an anime. ANN points out that the Broccoli Books website has been updated with new information on the Coyote Ragtime Show manga. According to the info, the manga will be released on June 27. From ANN comes an interview with A.D. Vision co-founder and CEO John Ledford, who talks about the current state of ADV and its plans for the manga market. Via: MangaBlog According to nebs66, the July issue of Shonen Jump has started a new campaign to promote "Shonen Jump Evolution," which will result in major changes in the content of Shonen Jump. Full detail regarding the change can be found here. A website for SJ Evolution will also become available in the future. Via: animeOnline ANN also reports that Viz has a few changes in store for Shojo Beat. |
Manga ZombieComiPress teams up with writer Udagawa Takeo and translator John Gallagher to publish an online version of the English-language translation of Manga Zombie. Finale: PanelosophyPanelosophy - Recession Special An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga RankingTop Manga Series and Volumes for March 2009 Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |