New Magazine From Ohzora Shuppan

The first issue of SweetPrincess (Cool-B special) will be released on 5/22.

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Hmm, translation on the

Hmm, translation on the contents coz I thought it's pretty interesting:

'Cool-B', a highly anticipated magazine focusing on Games (for girls only). Revealing news that will catch all girls' attentions.

Magazine Contents:
There will be SS*, popular Seiyuu interviews, Merchendize catalogue, many other contents, so let the girls' breasts bounce**! ♪

The dvd (which comes with the first issue of the magazine) will include beautiful movie trailers and 13 demo softwares.

*SS - most likely stand for Sidestory
**Geez, it's weird phases like that that make me doubt my translation, but it's most likely right. =.=;

mmm.. error on that...

mmm.. error on that... 'Cool-B' should be 'Sweet Princess'.

