TOKYOPOP is Now Recruiting Website Content Writers! is looking for individuals over 18 years of age* to be reviewers, columnists and feature storywriters... Reviewers will be needed for the following: A columnist will be selected for each of the following categories: Feature writers will be selected for each of the following categories: If you are interested in contributing, please e-mail with brief proposals and a writing sample by June 19, 2006. If chosen, writer will be contacted to work out a writing schedule and will receive monetary compensation for such work. Pieces should be written with journalistic integrity and TOKYOPOP style. Writing guidelines for (word count) Reviews: About 500 words per review Columns: A minimum of 1,000 words Features: A minimum of 1,000 words *Entries limited to applicants who are 18 years or older, or majority age in the area s/he resides in, whichever the higher. |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
*wonders what "TOKYOPOP
*wonders what "TOKYOPOP style writing" is... a rule where you can't diss their manga when reviewing? o.O;
Don't use words with more
Don't use words with more than 3 syllables?
Seriously, Tokyopop isn't being very professional about this. What about people residing outside of the US, can they send in submissions as well?