More Information on Rumored New Series from Death Note Creator Takeshi ObataThe same blog that released scans of Takeshi Obata's new Weekly Jump series a few days ago has released another scan. According to the new scan, Obata's new series will be called Blue Dragon: RaruΩGurado. There has been no official confirmation regarding the new series, and the scans posted has not yet been confirmed to be authentic Jump scans. |
Manga Zombie
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An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
I wonder if this is true.
I wonder if this is true. And if so, will it be tied to the Blue Dragon videogame? it would be great :)
i love this show, but i do have one question about it. i just wanted to know what L's real name is and how old he is? i also want to know how old Light is? so if you could email me back that would be great thank you
His real name is L Lawliet and he is 25 years old.
Who wrote....
death note
hey i was wondering is BB or Beyond Birthday really part of death note?
death note
i like the death note series.......but it is too short..... if there any some coming death note........plz reply me.
Smart way to corner Light
L should have changed his name to Light Yagami!:D would have been funny to see how light would managed to kill L than.
you can't just change your
you can't just change your name and think it will apply to the death note. The death note follows your birth, the name that you entered the world. After all the death note is a tool for gods.