Kyoto Police Tightens Grip on Loli Manga
The fact that manga containing excessive sexual content can be accessed by juvenile at common bookstores and convenience stores is regarded as a social problem in Japan. As a result, the Kyoto local government has decided to label manga containing inappropriate content involving elementary school girls, also there will be a meeting with the Juveniles Growth Planning Committee on the 15th to further discuss this matter. According to a local government official, "Sexual content involving elementally and junior high school girls are becoming increasingly common in manga magazines. Sexual contents in live-action videos are restricted by the law, but there are no restrictions for manga. Such manga can be hard to spot by their covers, and they are sold at common bookstores." Until now, only 4 manga around Japan were labeled as "harmful books." This is the first time such comprehensive investigation has been carried out. An official of the Kyoto police juvenile section said, "Intercourse involving children under 13 is in violation of the criminal law. Lolicon manga may stimulate similar crimes in the real world, so we can't leave this situation unattended. We are going to warn the parents through these labels. This is not a restriction of the "freedom of press" since the act of labeling is not banning the publication of the books itself." Source: Kyoto Shimbun |
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Tightening Grip on Loli Manga
I've lived in Japan for 13 years. I've seen little effort to shield the young from disgusting sexual materials.
For example, all convenience stores carry Rape Mags. Often they depict some cartoon female getting raped by some tentatcled monstrosity. It's very disgusting stuff. But whatever, it's fantasy. If an adult wants to buy it, then I guess that's his or her business. But the material should not be sold at convenicence stores, and even if it is, it should not be viewable by children. Yet it is.
While in America adult material is usually covered and kept in a place where children can't view it, in Japan it's freely displayed with the other magazines. Five year olds wondering around the store can gaze at the covers of these magazines.
That's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm glad they seem to be trying to clean up things a little, but so far this sounds fairly minor. Japan has a long ways to go.
I think regulation for
I think regulation for creating and reading fictional manga contains description of intercourse with child resembles to arrest Agatha Christie because she killed someone in her mystery.
Such regulations for indecent writings had been repeated again and again in Japan from even 18 century till today constantly, however all things went to same as before of squeeze by authority within few years. This inspection by police is a warning for the publishing industry and publishers will restrain themselves but essentially nothing will be changed as a result. It???s a mean to maintain the order of society.
Lolicon manga should not exist in the first place! what the hell is with those mangaka and publishers!! will they only stop doing this when elementary girls start being kidnapped,raped and killed?! Don't talk about freedom of press here! it need to be banned!! for the safty of the childrens! it got to be banned at all cost!! what the hell is with those sick plp getting fun watching kids being abused? they r not human beings but devils in human flesh! is no use labeling them ! the kids can get it online if they want! all these sick things need to be cleared from the world! all the sick mangas wheather is lolicon,hentai,shounen ai ,yaoi or yuri! there r so many healthier choice of manga out there y do these plp like to pollute their own mind and soul? sign~
get real... freaking puritan.
listen, pal, first of all, I live in America, where they're FAR more conservative than Japan about anything sexual, and yet for some reason, the crime rate in America is way higher than that of Japan, where the materials can be accessed easy.
Why is this?
Simple - porn is an vent. You see, we're all not all perfect, adult-loving puritans like you, and we sometimes get desires that people like you call "evil" and "disgusting" and "dangerous", but we can't help it, and it's not going to go away.
So let me ask you this: what would you rather we do?
...fap to drawn pictures?
...or fap to real children?
get my point?
Lolicon doesn't harm anyone, and contrary to what some people say, it's a legal way for us to get sexual enjoyment.
The more you cut people off from what they want, the more depraved they're gonna get, and the better chance there is of them taking it out on a real child or something.
Venting/scape goats
this is totally true! i agree that no one is perfect n people have the urges that no one can take from them. i personally watch yuri n lolicon n some other hentai, n i dont go out raping people or children n im just a regular person like everyone else!
n i dont like people telling me what i can n cant watch
we should just keep this material from children thats a great idea! but i dont think people that r into hentai yuri lolicon yaoi whatever i dont think they should be judged
people venting should not be banned
> will they only stop doing
> will they only stop doing this when elementary girls start being kidnapped,raped and killed?!
Considering the wide availability of these (and much harder things) and the very low rape rates (in japan), any correlations would indicate the reverse of what seem to assume.
You will NEVER get rid of lolicon/mangas/etc, its to popular.
You guys that disagree are morons, if it does somehow become "Illegal" its just going to go underground, like the drugs and crap like that.
If it does happen to become illegal, it wouldn't bother me a single bit, but of course, I have 100,000+ images, and several hundred videos, so I could take all mine underground, and give it away, and it still would be out there if I didn't!
I love the sexual scenes they have in manga, turns me on every time I look at it. I like it better than real adult porn, but not better than the real stuff though.
lolicon lives FOREVER!!!!
>Considering the wide availability of these (and much harder things) and the very low rape rates (in japan), any correlations would indicate the reverse of what seem to assume.
Exactly. I would make the connection to certain graphs that show the same correlation to video games and crime rate everywhere. Limiting the availability is a fine and probably needed step however not a concern to me since I am not a habitant of Japan. But the fact of the matter is if someone is going to do something they will do it regardless of the material available to them, the presence of this material may actually avert someone from committing the crime and imo, that person waking it in his/her room is much better than on the streets looking for a different way of making his/her fantasy anything other than that, a fantasy.
>all these sick things need to be cleared from the world!
There's just no way to clear all this stuff from the world because people like it too much. As said by someone else, lolicon and other sexually explicit manga has too big a fanbase for it to disappear - especially in Japan.
I think that perhaps removing it from news stands, etc would be a good move though as it would reduce the chance of minors getting their hands on it.
As for the moral issues concerning lolicon, I don't feel there really are any. If a person actually went out and raped little girls to depict what they saw in a manga, then there's obviously something wrong with the person in the first place. If you were to argue this, then would you also argue that pornography is the reason behind every single rape in the world?
When it comes down to it, it's all about a person's psycological make up and whether they can distinguish between reality and fantasy. Sadly, some can't which is why you get the rape stories. However, the majority of us lolicon fans know that it isn't real and would never commit such crimes.
>As for the moral issues concerning lolicon, I don't feel there really are any. If a person actually went out and raped little girls to depict what they saw in a manga, then there's obviously something wrong with the person in the first place. If you were to argue this, then would you also argue that pornography is the reason behind every single rape in the world?
Right, and along that line, you can just go ahead and ask yourself if every act of violence is the reason behind every gory movie on television. Of course not. some people are violent, regardless of what they see or hear. Likewise, some people are rapists - don't ever compare us to them!
I know a lot of people that are only into lolicon because it's animu - they're not even slightly intersted in real children whatsoever.
I am not pro or against anything here, however making illeagal a certain combination of colors, pigments and pixels alligned in a certain order does seem just a little over the top. Also I believe it does not stimulate real world acts of a similar nature but rather the converse, the only reason real life versions of these things are illeagal (not that I would ever condone such a thing) is not because the images themselves are illeagal but rather because in order for them to have been taken a real crime would of had to occur in first place. But again i say this has a higher chance of reducing this kind of thing from happening in the same respects that making prostitutuion legal would lower rape etc, it is because they have their "fix" if you will, and people who are going to go out into the real world and do it were probably going to anyways and need psychiatric help. Never have their mental problems been brought on by these mangas or anything of the such, you either have a psychological disorder, or you don't, and one cannot be developed by reading these unless they are read and an extremly young and impressionable age where all complexes are developed. However as can be concluded from the previous statement I do believe these things should be shielded from the younger children at least up to age 16 or 17 as it is much harder to dvelop these complexes at those ages. Anyways that's just my say on it, but I am just saying, if you think these things are solely responsible for such things, you are wrong, there is a minute chance they could help one develop their plans for it, but that person was already messed up in the head to begin with.
Regarding lolicon as a substitute for actual rape
Regarding lolicon as a substitute for actual rape:
Loliconners might also look at their pictures and think: "WEW! THIS IS KEWL! I'M GONNA DO THIS CRAP IN REAL LIFE!"
See. For every argument there is an equal and opposite argument.
The ban... Is a good thing...
lolicon is a mistake
i've been a lolicon for a decade but after i discovered what the feeling of real love is like, i realized that what i felt for lolis was not sexual but rather just a strong instinctive reaction to their cuteness.
love is mutual however lolies can never give your love back simply because people have no romantic feelings that young
so all of you, grow up. lot of women are very poor at love but when you find the right one, you will never opt for lolies again
good luck
living in a fantsy
guy let me tell u something or more like ask, wat if not all people belive in that crap!
Neither can a pornstar.
I love lolicon. I have for a long time, even after finding "real love". But I'm not gonna stop watching porn simply because I found someone. I mean there are things about porn that love can't replace either. Like weird kinky sex that no steady girlfriend in their right mind would ever give you.
So uh... yeah. Ban everything some retard might try an do in real life. There will be no good movies. There will be no good literature. There will be no fun video games. The only good things left in life will be fluffy bunnies and working electricity. Maybe a few giraffes.
>Maybe a few giraffes.
oh lawd, furries! O_O
My steady girlfriend gives me the most fucked up sex you could possibly imagine. her raep fantasies are just the tip of the iceberg.
and she's azn.
Enjoy your hand.
Regarding the above idea
Not bad... If I get in power, I'm going to ban everything that might be harmful if tried in real life.
Stop worrying about lolis
Stop worrying about lolis and go back to campaigning...
Don't tell me...
Don't tell me you like these awful things, Bill?
Don't be fooled by the
Don't be fooled by the official report of rape in Japan. It's low because in reality victims seldom file a report. Because shame-based society like Japan can be very very cruel toward the victims rather than the perpetrators.
get rid of these stuff
First things first
You want to talk about banning indecent stuff the public reads? Let's try starting with indecent things the gov't does. I don't know about Japan, but in the US, the gov't has been doing indecent things for years. Torturing and harassing prisoners (Guantanamo Bay), the PRESIDENT having affairs (Bill Clinton, Franklin Roosevelt, Warren Harding, etc), and many other government officials doing indecent things (too long to list, see for more details)
>Don't be fooled by the official report of rape in Japan. It's low because in reality victims seldom file a report. >Because shame-based society like Japan can be very very cruel toward the victims rather than the >perpetrators.
You do realize that people here also don't report rape much of the time. In fact, it's like that everywhere. Even if you adjust for that, Japan still would have a low rape rate.
If you go to MEGAUPLOAD, you can actually download some of those "harmful" books. For free. No age verification. So any horny teen with internet access can go and look at loli manga. Maybe that should be a more pressing issue than convenience stores.
Give me a break.....this is not the 1920's this is 20XX.
Japanese are short people ( average height ) and thus characters might appear midget like. Sex is not big subject in Japan since it is a common thing. However like most place ( unincluding the USA ) they seperate there media into two catergories....children and adult. Lolita is just the idea of womenly girls ages 4-10 mostly who is considered womenly but in the west they turn it around. Japan has maintained there age of consent ( 16 years old ) to counter with the rest of the worlds adult age limits. Most Japanese people do not have sex ( which is apart there religion ) and this leads to felicio, and there imaginations running wild. Most people having sex in Japan is the youthfulls since that is a normal thing to forfill. The problem with lolicon is the misconception itself. It is like Bishojo's which is just Hentai without the much needed sex scenes or where the whole thing ends with the scene looking like a sex drive. Also the group of consumers who ushered in that ( late 1970's and end 1999's ) era is dying off. Also lolicon is just Hentai but in comical representive form. There is all kinds of size women out there and there is no reason to be missinformed. Another thing....lola is used in Australlia that means girl...and lolita is womanly girl.
The police is just cracking down sales of such items to minors. That is all. However suggesting putting labels on the suggestion of putting labels on books is a bad idea from the start.
All I know is there is a big difference between a real little girl and a lolicon. Personally I find the lolicon to be sexy and cute in a way that I would just never see preteens in real life. I as a matter of fact am strongly agains abuse in any way shape or form and I dont like it when they even simulate those being hurt in the comics. There are much things worse in the world other than lolicon and I would rather catch someone beating off to lolicon than real child porn. I know the difference between fantasy and reality its not my fault that afew perves who take it to the next level ruin it for all of us just because too many of you cant see the big picture. Im glad that Japan has the gus to make this stuff to show the world that there is a demand! And it will never go away. You may not agree with it but dont force your opinion on me if you dont like it stay away from it, its that simple.
Say no to Child porn! DX
Say yes to Lolicon ^_^
Just to add to the comments
lolicon is a sub-gere of Hentai. The whole purpose is the admiration of womenly girls. Girls who have no womenly features and is unmolded. Not to repeat myself, seemy earlier post.
About preteens in real life. There is no such thing as a pre-teen. Lolicon extends into age zero. There is only adult and child. There is new adult ( but never a morph of the both ) , to be honest. I am not defining it, I am just being realistic on the subject. Since sex is a subject that we know too well from the start. Even if it is movement of the body.
Real life is abuse. The most beautiful things, are the most ugly things. The truth is that some people are messed up in the heads, and is unable to control there true nature. Most of these "real life" instants is not public. Having understand that, there is a really big mountain to climb ( if you know what I mean ).
Comic books is the equal to real life. If not, then it is writing no different then the one anybody can input.
About masturbating, People can do that without even thinking. Personally a found ( what I beleived ) what was the worlds largest vagina. I took some pictures, wented home and did the obvious......made some model shapes.
Hentai is not porn also. Porn is just getting to the point of sex. Hentai is the perversion of it, in story form. Think of a pulp novel, or B-movie but in comic book form. The sex is there but nobody cares about it.
I know the difference between fantasy and reality its not my fault that afew perves who take it to the next level ruin it for all of us just because too many of you cant see the big picture.
It is not fantasy. It is fact. That all fiction withdraw from fact. It has occured, it is going to occur, or is occuring right now as I type this.
If you want to talk about ruining it all for us, go say that to the Anne frank writer. That lady lied, and knew it was a lie. Millions and millions of WWII drama's is based on that one novel.
In Manga ( comic books ), this is pure fiction. Unlike the Americas, the old world has the Magic. America just wish we had the magic. The Native Americans are the ones to ask that question.
Well Japan has it's freedoms. To stop one media would have a collapse on trade, and turn media into a joke. People just need to grow up. Remember all mommies was dirty girls at one time. The vice versa with perverted daddies.
Remember Lolicon withdraws from the real life, life that occurs at random, instead of the "peeps" who manifest such XXX works.
Child porn only has been a problem recently since the Catolic church thing. Prior to that was the 1970's ( the results of the 1960's ).
In truth these ideas and actions have allways been in society. It is just that people on the internet is being honest about it. Since people in real life could not understand and uses. Racial profiling.