Backstage: Rumic WorldRumic World is one of the most complete English guide to the works of renowned female manga artist Rumiko Takhashi. The large fansite consists of 7 series-specific subsites: Tomobiki-cho, Life at Maison Ikkoku, Ranma ½ Perfect Edition, The Inuyasha Companion, Mermaid's Flesh, The Ring & The Rosary and Rumic Theater. Over 10 years old (counting its subsites), Rumic World is one of the oldest site of its kind, and it continues to grow as new works from Rumiko Takahashi are published every week in Japan. While the individual subsites that make up Rumic World have been around much longer, the official birthday of Rumic World is May 28, 2002. On that day, Harley Acres, Dylan Acres and Mason Proulx official merged their own fansites, giving birth to the Rumic World we see today. In this Backstage feature, we take a look at the history of Rumic World as well as its subsites. Also included are interviews with Rumic World's creators, and an extra special interview with Toshifumi Yoshida, former Viz anime producer who worked on the Ranma and Inuyasha anime. If you have any suggestions on what website you'd like to see featured on Backstage, or want to see your site featured, please let us know. |
Manga Zombie
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