Prince of Tennis and Other Weekly Shonen Jump Manga Ending in Late 2007According to the latest Jump info, after 8 years of serialization, The Prince of Tennis by Takeshi Konomi will end in issue 52 of Weekly Shonen Jump. Also, Belmonde le VisiteuR by Shomei Ishioka will end in Weekly Jump No.48, and Boku no Watashi no Yusha Gaku by Shuichi Aso will end in Weekly Jump No.49. Edit: It was later confirmed that The Prince of Tennis will not end in November. |
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Prince of Tennis Ending in Late 2007
So not going to happen, it would end, maybe next year ut right now, it cant. the ending would be a mess if they did. A match is more than 5 chapters and there are just 16 weeks left and they still got three and a half more matches plus the conclusion and the match between Fuji and Tezuka. Not to mention that Ryoma is yet to gain his memory back It would be impossible to end the series that fast, unless they triple the page count of every chapter. It would give the story a somewhat decent ut not a great ending.
Besides, they would forgo a large sum of money if they do that, not good for business.
Happy Birthday
Can you wish Takeshi Konomi and Tite Kubo Happy Birthday tommorow on the 26th of June. Please, i don't know how to contact them directly.
Ryoma-kun is so kawaii
Ryoma Echizen is now in the Kzone magazine (october edition)
don't end prince of tennis
don't end the series this early... talk about fuji and tezuka having a tennis match. Finish the match between Fuji and Ryoma Echizen. Please don't just finish the series after the nationals. Make up more events like talking about them being PROS or anything.
prince of tennis should
prince of tennis should continue, except the whole thing should show what echizens career as pro goes like, kind of like show what it showed nanjiro doing when he went to america. If this series was continued it would make so much money. Very successfull so far but it could be continued very successfully and to the delight of all who read it.
spoilers, don't read if you haven't gotten to the final chapter!
I just read the last chapter of prince of tennis...i'm so sad to see it end! *sniff* and what happened to Ryoma? Sure Kaidoh become Buchou (oops spoilers) but what happened to the regulars? And what's Ryoma doing back in the US? Has he gone pro, there?
So the drama! So the mystery! I hope they get to have at least a decent epilogue to this.
By the way, when are they going to update the anime?!
Just end POT,it truly sucks
Just end POT ASAP.I do personally hate cocky main characters, esp ryoma plus crappy,predictable,lame tournament sagas(not giving up,finally they win crap) and not to forget the repetitive usage of shounen formulas + trying to talk & act cool at all times.This manga deserves nothing compared to other SJ sport mangas such as captain tsubasa & eyeshield 21.POT animation series also are as lame as the mangas.
I think the main reason why the POT is serialized in SJ is to expand the marketing prospect of SJ,this time by targeting female teenagers(judging from the presence of too many bishie characters in POT).Take naruto and DBZ, and combine them with tennis=POT.
Enough already,just end this crappy series ASAP.
nerdous fuck u yah prick
What happened to the POT
What happened to the POT OVA/OAV series?
Why did they end the series so fast
i wanna see what happen next they should continue it in their life going pro or somehing like that
i demand more