Belgian Police Stumped by Death Note Manga MurderANN is reporting that the Belgian police has reached an dead end in the investigation of the recent "Death Note" murder:
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
He dpesn't give a damn until
He dpesn't give a damn until he takes your death note.
Liten carefully kira, O am
Liten carefully kira, O am stoll here and as long as I am alive, your party is over aaaaaaaaaa that means what? my party will ever end so shut the fuck up!!!
Are you saying he's going to
Are you saying he's going to take advantage of me and then take my Death Note. Noooooo! Hahahahahaha! I will punch him.
one, shut the fuck up. two,
one, shut the fuck up. two, you already played this charade before and no one excpt confused and misa, three, what you don't know about me fills the encyclopedia britannica.
I'm going to punch you in
I'm going to punch you in your ovaries.
I'm going to punch you in
I'm going to punch you in your ovaries.
i have my own shane and its
i have my own shane and its better than her's so shut the fuck up before i show you my true genius bitch
go ahead, by the way, guys
go ahead, by the way, guys only go down when you hit them below the belt.
Why do I have to shut the
Why do I have to shut the fuck up?
not you, Him, this is
not you, Him, this is between me and him.
you are in no position to threaten the likes of me asshole!! You need my face to kill me and you need to find me to kill me, other than that you're fucked.
Oh ya.
Oh ya.
Ya but killing gets boring
Ya but killing gets boring after a while at least I can watch them suffer and cry for mercy. Hahahahahahaha!
That my friend is a little
That my friend is a little something called sadism.
Shane Lucas greer you assume
Shane Lucas greer you assume and judge to much your ignorantness blinds you and you know nothing of me and you do not impress me at all that kira was not me and making a youtube video is not hard but you soon will pay
So should I punch him there?
So should I punch him there?
You obviously have a lot to
You obviously have a lot to learn about Irish-Scots.
I am part Irish and part
I am part Irish and part scottish and those people individualy are fierce think of the damage they'd do combined.
Oh. Blonde moment.
Oh. Blonde moment.
Wait a minute. I didn't do
Wait a minute. I didn't do that bakini dare yet. Damn!
yeah and i am a berserker
yeah and i am a berserker norsemen so shut the fuck up shane
Why don't you make me you
Why don't you make me you hammer throwing village raider.
Well. I got to go do a dare
Well. I got to go do a dare real quick and then I'm going to bed. You kids have fun. Play nicely.
I won;t make any promises
I won;t make any promises about that.
Wait. Are you british?
Wait. Are you british? British rule.
only from my grandmothers
only from my grandmothers fathers side.
because i am living in
because i am living in greenland and want to discover the new world
I am afriad Erik the red
I am afriad Erik the red beat you to it.
as for what's left, i am
as for what's left, i am also a black foot native from My grandmtother's side,
I'm weird. I have the
I'm weird. I have the British flag on like everything I own almost. Don't ask why. I think british men are hot. and hot accents.
I am afriad the only accent
I am afriad the only accent close to british accent I can do is Buzz Killington
Them red coats. Ha! Good
Them red coats. Ha! Good times. Good parties.
it was eriks son not him
it was eriks son not him that discovered the new world dumb ass
I just know alot of British
I just know alot of British slang.
some of it was
some of it was understandable but I think they were drunk when they decided to make fag slang for cigarette.
Well I'm going to Europe
Well I'm going to Europe with my friend next year after school and we are going to England first and then we might go to Japan because she was born there.
yeah bring back british
yeah bring back british colonial rule of amirica
Well. I'm going to bed. Love
Well. I'm going to bed. Love love kiss kiss hug hug.
British men can come to
British men can come to America any day.
I was born north of the
I was born north of the american border. So I don't count.
I'm Mexican. Ok. Bed. Now.
I'm Mexican. Ok. Bed. Now. Sleep.
"I'm going to punch you in
"I'm going to punch you in your ovaries" what????
Kira you are not fooling anyone, I have already exposed you, and the other Kira knows of you so you are SOL.
no the other kira does not
no the other kira does not know of and by the way did you say what i did no you did not i am tired of fools who think there clever but am glad you think i am not kira exposing me as you wrongly put it is exactly what i wanted you to to in some sense.
Yeah Yeha yeah that's as
Yeah Yeha yeah that's as likely as a sober Irishmen.
shane is blind
i telled you you assume to much and why do you think i had a link to on my name i mean to a fake L video i am kira but ever thing i say i some what a act
By the way I have been
By the way I have been burned, I have been bit I have been broken cut and parylised there is nothing you cna do to me that hasn't already happened.
i am out of you league to
i am out of you league to shane you just can not see it
Doesn't mean I won't fight.
Doesn't mean I won't fight.
I have so many advantages
I have so many advantages over you.
revealing my Identity
revealing my Identity doesn't weaken me.
stop saying things like that
stop saying things like that to make your self sound heroic and also stop sayings to make your self sound smart your so insecure are you not
Not to mention I did fool
Not to mention I did fool you of all people with that Suicide Charade.
you already have enough
you already have enough weakness as it is
A person like you wouldn't
A person like you wouldn't miss a chance to see a person like me die and as I recall you were egging me on.
no you did not i already
no you did not i already said you did not your not as smart as you think you are
if you was you would have seen that i have fooled in with a act within a act within a act
one things certain if not
one things certain if not for me Misa would have killed you on the spot.
"A person like you wouldn't
"A person like you wouldn't miss a chance to see a person like me die and as I recall you were egging me on."
A part of me wanted to
A part of me wanted to believe your bullshit, but you aren't Justice, soeaking of which, Tru justice us the very thing you called me....blind.
your justice maybe blind cuz
your justice maybe blind cuz you have to use stupid sayings but mine is in the light and can see what is going on
"one things certain if not
"one things certain if not for me Misa would have killed you on the spot."
It's true, because of how
It's true, because of how you treated her, she would have killed all that knew, including me.
All you ever do is sit at
All you ever do is sit at home on your little computer contemplating, who would you piss off next.
how i treated her do you still think that i was or am connected to kira?
"All you ever do is sit at
"All you ever do is sit at home on your little computer contemplating, who would you piss off next."
I don't know what you are,
I don't know what you are, but good and human don't fall into that category.
All I know was act or no act
All I know was act or no act you nearly caused an innocent person to ruin there life so they could satisfy you.
I just hope that you don't
I just hope that you don't pull the same shit again because, If taht happens I won't stop her this time if it kills me.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
you like to make the other
you like to make the other person into the character you want him to be thats why you assume to much.
You know goddamn well what I
You know goddamn well what I aam talking about.
your insecurity and the be
your insecurity and the be product of that to make me into the character you see it to be your enemy thous make so many assumes is getting annoying.
"You know goddamn well what
"You know goddamn well what I aam talking about." no i really do not wgy you want me to so that i can be the character you want me to be (typical shane enemy)
"typical shane enemy" You
"typical shane enemy" You act like you know me.
you act like you know me
you act like you know me
Well Like I said before if
Well Like I said before if not for death note I would have become someone like you.
you think you know what i am
you think you know what i am like you have know idea but you like to assume and make people you have made up your mind about into you perfect what ever so that you can make your remarks about them and make your insecurity feel less
"demonstrates courage, the
"demonstrates courage, the very thing true leaders are made of. the very things True Kira lack."
"All you ever do is sit at home on your little computer contemplating, who would you piss off next."
well there is some examples of you assuming and you busting your own ego and putting your enemies down a clear case of insecurity that also explains your need to give out knowledge to show you are smart to boost your insecurity ego
and that is why your probable kinda smart any way a need to prove your self cuz of your insecurity but you do not need to take it out on me
Maybe so but I do'nt bleive
Maybe so but I do'nt bleive killing is justtice.
you should rethink every
you should rethink every thing you think you know
Whoa how long has his been
Whoa how long has his been going on.
Shane Lucas greer your so
Shane Lucas greer your so weak and pathetic you should stick with that intellectual shell you use because the real you is quite pathetic you are also quite foolish are you not?
If i am weak how come you're
If i am weak how come you're hiding I would goe as far as risking my life and the next to destroy evil. and why did you wait until V posed as killer to take bak what you admited, "Do you really think there was a magical notebook that kills" is what you said right.
"If i am weak how come
"If i am weak how come you're hiding I would goe as far as risking my life and the next to destroy evil. and why did you wait until V posed as killer to take bak what you admited, "Do you really think there was a magical notebook that kills" is what you said right."
I meant that when you
I meant that when you admited you were cosplaying when I blackmailed you to admitting that, and now you are spoutiting the same cosplaying bullshit you said before. the jig was up days ago.
think about it fool what
think about it fool what would i have done in that situation if i was kira?
if i was kira i would say i was cosplaying i already said i do not want you to believe me
if i was not kira i would say i was cosplaying.
misa, were you using me?
misa, were you using me?
I think true kira is going
I think true kira is going way too far with this.
But it's painfully obvious that his goal is Misa and he will say or do anything to get the bitch.
Though here is one thing I know for sure.
true kira hasn't taken his hand outta his pants since he met Misa.
would you like me to bitch
would you like me to bitch slap you v ps then why did i not give her my email and give her a fake one and why have i not emailed her once when if i wanted to i we would have each others email by now you V really are a fucktard
What's that? You're exposed?
What's that? You're exposed? You admit chokin the chicken when you see Misa then?
Wow you must really get off to that bitch.
I mean, I was just joking but WHOOOOA!
look do not put your
look do not put your problems on me just because you do that does not mean you have to accuse others of that so not to be expected of it your self cuz people only guesss when you do that
What's wrong? Am I making
What's wrong?
Am I making you angry?
but,seriously. If you're so smart why can't you come up with a better comeback?
your moms so fat that when
your moms so fat that when she went to school she sat next to every one
Hey V!!! Wow!! What's going
Hey V!!! Wow!! What's going on with you two??
LOL wow I thought you were
LOL wow I thought you were above insults.
If you got no(good) jokes I guess you aren't the genius I thought you might be.
i am above insults but i am
i am above insults but i am just giving you what you want
I WANT you to get better
I WANT you to get better jokes.
Um, guys? What's the point
Um, guys? What's the point of all this??
true kira
true kira has not got a death note and neither has misa there is no death notes and kira and misa are cosplaying only without the costumes
Uh oh!!! I have a feeling
Uh oh!!! I have a feeling this is not going to turn out well!!!!!
eh...x pretty much hit the
eh...x pretty much hit the nail on the head there.
ok, well i have got to go
ok, well i have got to go now. I have lots of things to do!!! BYE!!!!
......X, no one actually
......X, no one actually knows if death notes exsist or not they dont have any proof or just dont even know if it could actually exsist....there r alot of supernatural thinga out there that we dont know of or that people havnt discoveryed u cant just go on saying that deaths irnt real it can be real but no one really knows if or if it isnt real yet.
I say they ain't real cuz no
I say they ain't real cuz no one claimed to have one till death note was released.
u dont know that u dont know
u dont know that u dont know every person on this earth u dont know so if u say death notes irnt real ur wrong.....any supernatural can be real, and u dont know some where someone does in fact has a death note....
u cant just take the
u cant just take the possiblity that a death can in fact exsist! no one knows if they do exsist or not, there is a chance they can in fact exsist........
I say they ain't real cuz
I say they ain't real cuz no
Submitted by V (not verified) on Wed, 2008-03-26 15:41.
I say they ain't real cuz no one claimed to have one till death note was released.
u dont know if death notes r real or when a person got it or if a person has it or not....and before the death note manga/show came out there was a jappanese legend about the death note and do u know they started saying they had a death note to cosplay abecause of the show...they could in fact have a death note and heard about the jappanese legend about the death note and shinigomis
In Japanese folklore, a
In Japanese folklore, a shinigami is a spirit that collects the souls of the dead. Translated as "Death God" (sometimes referred to as "angels of death"), a shinigami is essentially the personification of death.
death has been portrayed as a tangible being throughout many different cultures. Almost every ancient civilisation has a form of death god, such as the Egyptians' Anubis or Thanatos from Greek mythology. The only difference to shinigami being that it was not a term referred to in ancient Japan, only first being noted in the Meiji era. According to literary critic Masao Azuma, Japanese perspectives on Death originate from those of the Chinese. "There was originally no Death worship in Japan. In China, there are characters similar to the shinigami, called Somujo or Koshinin, whose job was to take spirits to Meifu (The Land of Death).
The fact that these shinigami are not mentioned in Shintoism, and the numerous ideas conjured out of the simple words "death god", lead to an abundance of differing interpretations of the deity. Commonly appearing in a wide range of works of fiction - from plays, books, manga/anime to even video games - the shinigami tends to be crafted depending on its author tastes. However shinigami are most generally presented as a psychopomp figure.
For instance, in the anime Bleach the role of shinigamis is to route the saved human souls into the Soul Society while handling the menace of the Hollows (evil soulless ghosts). The term shinigami is given to the group of human-appearing rulers that are either born into the job or have attended "Shinigami School". Additionally in Death Note, an anime primarily concerned with life/death and good/evil, shinigamis also play a large role. Within their own world, the Shinigami Realm, the death gods look upon Earth and write down names of humans intended to die in their notebooks. They are portrayed in these examples as having complete control over human life and knowledge of the afterlife.
Just like the Grim Reaper is often given human qualities, so too are the mystical Japanese equivalent. A very popular light to cast the shinigami in is one of bearing the same emotions and desires of a human being. No matter how different they are described or drawn, the gods of death can seem strangely familiar in their emotional responses or their need to reason. In the Japanese novel "The Accuracy of Death", by Kotaro Isaka, the shinigami, as Death, is portrayed as a charming character that is kind at heart. Sent to survey people who have a week left until death, he is much happier sampling music at a record store than pursuing his "job". Similarly, Ryuk, the Earth-bound shinigami from Death Note, cares little for the rules and procedures in his realm and seeks mischief and adventure on Earth to cure his boredom.
Also appearing as a recurring character in the video game series Castlevania and the title and subject of a rakugo play, it is quite evident the extent in which the idea of the shinigami is appreciated. Due to its simple translation, it appears that the title is even considered appropriate being applied to mortal beings as a form of compliment. In the manga Zombie Powder the main protagonist is referred to as the "black-armed shinigami" not because of any power bestowed upon him to take life, but because of his feared killing ability.
Interestingly enough there exists an urban legend in Japan suggesting that the Shirogane Tunnel in Tokyo is a gateway that shinigami use as a path between the lands of the living and the dead. There have even been reports of screaming faces set into the silhouettes or the tunnel's pillars.
i found this info on this link
Death Note is quite possibly
Death Note is quite possibly the most morally ambiguous piece of fiction I've come in contact with in my life. It is filled with violence that I feel I must reject and embrace at the same time. The plot is a story about genocide. The genocide of evil itself.
The concept is relatively simple, it's a sociological thought experiment: what would you do if you had the ability to kill anyone as long as you knew what they looked like and their real name? But the question is taken further. If you had this power and you had decided to use it, how would people find you? How would they view your acts? How, indeed, would they stop someone who can kill with a thought, or in this specific case, the stroke of a pen? The response that Tetsuro Araki had to Tsugumi Ooba's manga, which sought to answer this question, was a dangerously entertaining television series, running an unorthodox 37 episodes.
The Plot
The Shinigami, or Death Gods as the word is translated, are rotting. They sit in their realm, with ultimate power over the world of humans, wielding the ability to sap life from the world and they spend all their time...playing cards. The World is in a state, murderers and the corrupt walk away from their crimes smiling. The world is racked with war and strife with no end in sight and the bad men keep getting away with it. A bored Shinigami, named Ryuk, decides to play a little game. He drops a spare Death Note onto the human world. A bored, and brilliant, young high school student sees it fall out of the window, picks it up and reads the inside cover.
The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die
The boy is named Yagami Hikari, or as he is nicknamed, Light. He looks upon his rotting world, being bright he can't help being curious, and he tests the notebook. In the middle of a crisis where a mad man has taken hostages, in the middle of the news report to this affect on television, the man dies of a heart attack. 40 seconds after his name had been written in the notebook, with his face in Light's mind. Later, a young woman is accosted by a motorcycle gang in front of a convenience store, she pulls away and escapes across a road. One of her angry assailants give chase on his bike only to be accelerated perpendicular to his a dump truck. Yagami Light watched with the notebook hidden inside a magazine from within the store. Confused and indecisive, Light rallies his moral upbringing behind the fact that, yes, while it may be the right thing to do and that it is very definitely wrong to kill people, those people who do should not be allowed to do so without recourse, without punishment. If they learned that they would forfeit their own lives by willfully taking another person's, they would not act in such a manner.
Over the next week, the world of crime is very quickly being depopulated. Hundreds of hardened criminals drop dead. The vast wasteland of scum that breath air that they do not deserve are struck from the mortal coil. The world will be cleansed and Yagami Light will be its God. In response, the world that is rotting attempts to save itself. A mysterious figure appears, not a person, not even a name, just a letter. L. He comes to the police in their hour of need. Using the little information at his disposal he determines that the culprit is living in Japan. And immediately, L begins his hunt for he who the people have named Kira(pronunciation of Killer).
The main character of this story, who arguably is the protagonist and villain, is one of the most morally jarring figures I've encountered. Sympathizing with him makes me feel like a bad person, in a similar manner to the way I feel about Alex in A Clockwork Orange. Over the course of the series, Light's mood falls into something akin to mania. As he fights, outwits and outmaneuvers his enemies he delights in their deaths in his plans coming to a conclusion despite the fact that many innocents have fallen into his way. He becomes in many ways much like classic villains, but he is far, far smarter. At many points throughout the series it struck me that he might as well have read The Evil Overlord List, his schemes are all well thought out and careful.
Light's machinations, his games of deadly chess with L and the police, give this story much of its plot. The danger that his enemies face by opposing him and the skill with which L brings Light to the brink suffuses this series with suspense. Every episode brings the characters closer to death at each others hands. Every minute detail of their plans must be successful or else they will come upon the knife. Almost every episode ends with some plot point dangling tantalizingly, the characters held in horrible suspension of the certainty of their survival. The drama involves the police and many detectives, but the feel is closer to that of a televised spy game. Such high stakes are more the realm of James Bond than Inspector Morse, or Detective Conan.
Anime is about style. Death Note is crisp like the apples that Shinigami love to eat. The animation is perfect in many ways and it manages to make writing names on paper suspenseful and exciting. The character designs are interesting, only one character manages to get anywhere near goth-like, and she's a squeaky blonde. Light is a slim and trimly dressed preppy, or he would be on this side of the large pond. L, reminds me of a sort of hobbit.(And when you reach that point in the series, Mikami reminds me of a Dalek) The main characters tend to be androgynous males, indeed a great deal of the tension between L and Light seems to be sexual in nature.
Final thoughts
Death Note is a solid series and I recommend it highly. It manages to pack a great deal of entertaining themes and plots within a morally ambiguous central concept. It will pull you to the brink again and again. The three seasons are each given their own thematic elements and the plot lacks the repetition that some anime suffer from.
this is the link i found this on.......
Shinigami (??????,
Shinigami (??????, Shinigami? literally "death god" or "God of Death") is the personification of death that evolved in Japan, having been imported to Japan from Europe during the Meiji period. This image of death was quickly adopted and featured in such works as the rakugo play Shinigami and in Shunsen Takehara's Ehon Hyaku Monogatari (One-hundred Story Picture-Book).[1]
The term shinigami may also be used more loosely to refer to any death deity. It seems to be a recent term, however, as it belongs to no specific Shinto deity and is rarely used in folklore.
Today shinigami frequently appear in original Japanese works of fiction (anime and manga most often).
Perhaps the first appearance of shinigami in Japan was in a rakugo play titled Shinigami. It is thought that this play was based on the Italian opera Crispino e la Comare, which was in turn based on Der Gevatter Tod, a German fairy tale recorded by the Brothers Grimm.
Shinigami characters often appear in modern Japanese popular culture. These characters are typically employed as psychopomps, bringing deceased souls to the world of the dead. Shinigami appear in the following fictional works:
In Bleach, shinigami (translated as Soul Reapers in English adaptations) govern the flow of spirits in the living and spirit world. Their duties include sending normal human souls to the Soul Society and the purification of Hollows, human ghosts who lose their souls and become soul-devouring monsters. In Bleach, they are portrayed as humans who have been born in the Soul Society or died in the living world and subsequently joined an academy for shinigami. While performing their duties, they appear as humans wearing a black kimono & hakama along with a white nagajuban (under-kimono) and obi (kimono sash), with their zanpakut?? (spiritual sword, usually like a katana) at their hip in the same style as a samurai.
In Death Note, Shinigami live in their own world, writing names in their notebooks to extend their own lives (and thereby killing the person whose name was written). The only ways for a Shinigami to die are if a Shinigami runs out of time by not writing names in their notebooks, or if they kill someone to extend the life span of a human out of affection, as seen by Gelus's death for Misa Amane, or if they get the maximum penalty in not following the rules set for the Shinigami.
In Descendants of Darkness, the main characters are shinigami who work in a place called Meifu; their job is to make sure that everything goes well when human souls die and are reborn.
In Full Moon o Sagashite, shinigami ensure that a person dies at the moment they are fated to die by interfering with circumstances and events that would cause a death earlier or later than fate deems; they then act as a psychopomp. These shinigami were once people who committed suicide and now must collect souls as punishment.
In The World Ends With You, Neku Sakuraba and his friends must win a week-long "Shinigami Game" administrated by a group calling themselves Shinigami under the threat of being removed from existence. The Shinigami use a stylized skull and crossbones as their insignia.
A shinigami character appears in Shigeru Mizuki's comic series Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro and Kappa no Sanpei. He has a skull-like head and likes watermelon.
In the Murder Princess manga, the character Dominikov is a shinigami.
In Naruto, the shinigami is a monster-like deity clad in a flowing white robe which can be invoked using a technique known as the Dead Demon Consuming Seal.
In Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety, shinigami resemble small, cute versions of Death, and try to convince their victims to commit suicide. The title character, Risky, is a shinigami who attempts to use a miniature scythe to send the female protagonist to the land of the dead.
In Ballad of a Shinigami, the main character is a shinigami whose job is to collect the souls of people at the moment of their death. However, she attempts to make a positive impact on the lives of the people who encounter death.
The Shin Megami Tensei games and their Persona spinoffs, a shinigami class of demons includes many death-related gods borrowed from mythology, such as Chernobog, Persephone, Ankou, Hades, Mot, and Thanatos.
In YuYu Hakusho, the character Botan and other shinigami are represented as kimono-wearing girls that ride on oars. These girls guide departed souls to the Spirit World (Reikai), where they are judged by the deity Koenma.
In Zombie-Loan the main character, Michiru Kita, has what is called "Shinigami Eyes". These allow her to see a faint ring around a person's neck, when this ring becomes completely black that person's death is near or that person is a zombie.
In Princess Mononoke the Shishigami (The Forest Spirit which resembles a great stag during day) turned into a Shinigami when his head was cut off. It resembled a humanoid made of tar-like liquid that towered over the forest and trees, killing anything that touched it.
In The Dark One Saga, a horror tetralogy. Shinigami watch over a person their entire life, serving the dual purpose of guiding them to limbo once deceased, as well as being a guardian angel.
In Dragon Quest II, the evil priest Hargon wishes to summon a shinigami named Shidoh (called Malroth in Dragon Warrior II). It is unknown whether or not Hargon wants Shidoh to help him rule the world, or destroy it.
Characters associated with death are also commonly named or nicknamed "Shinigami":
In Rozen Maiden, Suigintou's medium(Megu Kakizaki) prays to Shinigami-sama in the episode where they first meet.
In the Akumaj?? Dracula/Castlevania series (video games), a character named "Shinigami" (Death in the US games) is a loyal servant to Dracula , working to hasten his master's revival and assisting him in creating a world of darkness.
At least three characters from the multiple Gundam universes are called "Shinigami" as a nickname. These include, Kyral Mekirel from G Gundam, Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing, and Terry Sanders Jr. from Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team.
In the manga Hellsing, character Walter Dornez, has the nickname "Shinigami".
The protagonist of the anime Darker Than Black, codename Hei, is known by the nickname "Black Shinigami" for his skills at killing opponents during a war in South America ten years prior.
In the manga Zombie Powder, the main character, Gamma Akutabi, is nicknamed the "black-armed shinigami", referring to the black armor he has grafted to one of his arms.
A character in the Klonoa games goes by "Shinigami Guntz" from his job as a mercenary. Most of his moves has 'Shinigami' in front of them.
In the japanese manga "Shinigami Lovers" the character Sei is a shinigami who is chained to Mika's soul by the Thantos Lovers chains.
[edit] Related deities
The following are Japanese death deities but are usually not referred to as shinigami:
Enma (???-??, -dai??)
Enma, also known as Yama, is a Buddhist deity who judges the dead with either reward or punishment in Jigoku (the afterlife).
A goddess in Shintoism, wife of Izanagi. Izanami is a goddess of creation who later became a goddess of death.
this is the real deal
Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan
Last Updated: Saturday 24 March 2007, 10:55 GMT
Strange deaths in Tokyo cause a panic outbreak in Japan.
People in Shibuya held banners of support claiming their hero "Kira" has been punishing the criminals
Strange deaths in Tokyo cause a panic outbreak in Japan.
Several hundreds of people organized a manifestation today in Shibuya in favor of the recent deaths of criminals. The population has been shocked by a recent leak from the police that dozens of yakuza bosses and other criminals have been dying in the last weeks in undetermined circumstances. The Tokyo police department has confirmed the news and said they are investigating alongside CIA specialists. There have been a few dozen of cases reported to the media.
Realitity taking over fiction
The young supports of the deaths have been claiming that someone they call "Kira" is responsible and holds the power of God to punish the criminals in Japan. Local newspapers have reported aditional information leaked from the police which talks about hundreds of deaths across several other countries. The deaths are similar to that of a fictional movie recently released in Japan where criminals were killed by means of a book dropped from heaven by creatures they called God of Death. Fiction or reality, many people are scared they might die over minor or falsely judged crimes..
this wosnt an april fools joke this is real and here's the link i found it on...see for urself...
Let me put this another way
I don't believe in death notes,I won't believe in death notes.
and I don't give a FUCK about what you have to tell me about it!
I say they don't exist. So to me they don't.
You can take all your shitty FOLKORE AND LEGENDS SOMEWHERE ELSE!
I don't believe in them.
You may think they exist,
but frankly I don't give a damn about what you think.
true ur right V, i cant
true ur right V, i cant force u
I keep an open mind about
I keep an open mind about folklore because it has been my ambiton to seperate fact from fiction and if there is no logical way to explain an unusual event then to me it is supernatural. Hell Like I said on the other blog, I've seen it. from drinking glasses moving on their own to currency appearing out of thin air. I even went inside my own mind.
BTW I have deicided to call myself Hurricane Wolf despite you all knowing my real name.
Hey confused, still mad at
Hey confused, still mad at me?
Ok. All I got was something
Ok. All I got was something about hands being in pants and Death Notes not being real. Um... Call me bitch one more time and I'll slap the shit out of you V. All of you act like 3rd graders when you fight. Damn! I do have a Death Note even though it can't kill. I had it before I even knew what Death Note was. I didn't know about Death Note until this year and I have had my Death Note since I was about 15. I don't know if Kira has one or not, but he's not getting mine or me. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He could care less if he has followers. He just likes turning people against each other. Now I just want to catch the guys who kidnapped me and dumped me off in the middle of nowhere and also find out who is the one that threatened me and my friends. This Kira here will never know anything about friends, love, happiness, or loyalty. I showed him that the first time I followed him, but like he really cared. Times have changed now and this Misa has changed now and she is not going back to Kira! So what if I used the Death Note on myself. Like Kira cared. I just want the truth from everyone and if you don't I will find out.
Submitted by true kira (not verified) on Wed, 2008-03-26 04:08.
You did do something wrong you lier. I wanted to make you happy and satisfy you, but you could care less about anyone or anything. He's right Wolf! If he did care we would have each others emails, but he don't care. He doesn't care about anything or anyone. As far as him having his hands in his pants there has to be something there first. Oh. Burn. That was a good one.
By the way V I'm no ones
By the way V I'm no ones bitch especially Kira's. He can keep his hands in his pants all he wants, but they will never touch me.
Misa, I'm sick of you. How
Misa, I'm sick of you.
How could you turn on us when we actually cared about you.
The line "I have feelings for Kira" will piss me off infinitely.
He lied to you and used you. Then you have the nerve to say you aren't some kind of tool? THEN you go back to him? If I'm this pissed off I can only imagine how Wolf feels.
I really don't give a damn about you or your life anymore.
Didn't you just read what I
Didn't you just read what I posted? Does it sound like I even care about him anymore? I know he doesn't care about me or anyone else for that matter. There is nothing he can say or do to make me change my mind. I won't let him play me a third time.
misamisa check ur email
misamisa check ur email
Go fuck a cow V!
Go fuck a cow V!
Three times the fucking
Three times the fucking charm V. What the hell. I can't take it back. I wish I could. What the hell do you want me to do?
misamisa this is improtant
misamisa this is improtant check ur email
V, leave Misa alone.
V, leave Misa alone.
Got nothing to say V?
Got nothing to say V?
Kira can say all he wants,
Kira can say all he wants, but I won't go back to him. I might have been dumb for a lot of things, but I'm not that dumb that I would let him fool me another time.
misa......check ur
misa......check ur misaamane68@yahoo account im on my gmail i have to tell u something
V leave misa alone!stop
V leave misa alone!stop fighting we have a case to solve anyway
V is scared and stupid and
V is scared and stupid and doesn't know anything.
I always have something to
I always have something to say.
And I say if he returns you will go right back to him.
Fooled you once,shame on him, get fooled by him twice and you would gladly do it again.
Oh sure. What ever. Kira
Oh sure. What ever. Kira can't sweet talk his way this time. I might be a girl, but I know when a guy is giving me a line.
Give me one good reason why
Give me one good reason why I would do it again.
I don't think you do.
I don't think you do.
Hey I did not come here to
Hey I did not come here to pick fights and we are not getting at each other's throat's while Kira is jerking us around, so stop it. We hve got to find this guy before he finds us, even if we quit right now he'll just kill us anyway, and afterwards continue on his rampage. and if he doesn't kill us his worshipers will.
1 good reason
You are desperate to find a kira to follow, just look at your past.
Some random person can say they're kira and BANG you follow them. And you said you we're your own person.
Yes I do. How would you
Yes I do. How would you know? You are not a girl. I modeled and I'm in a band. I get attacked by guys all the time. I think I know when a guy is giving me lies.
At this point I'm at a few
At this point I'm at a few throats.
That was the past. It is
That was the past. It is going to stay there. When he gets on here he can say whatever he wants and it won't work. If I believed a guy for everything thing they have said to me I would have slept with tuns of them already, but I'm just too smart to fall for it.
If that's the case Misa why
If that's the case Misa why has he gotten you twice already?
If you know you're being lied to why go with it?
V just stop fighting and u
V just stop fighting and u two misa this is a case this site was here to solve this case but were also here to solve the japanese case about one should be fighting when we should be solving a case! V u started this fight with misa so u stop!
You think you have me at the
You think you have me at the throat and if you ever touched me in real life like that I would nock the shit out of you. I would get my Mexicans on you. They would cut your ass.
stop V! leave misa alone, u
stop V! leave misa alone, u shouldnt be the one to judge people! leave misa alone and stop this starting with misa.....this is a case and u shouldnt be fighting....stop bothering misa
Get every mexican you know
Get every mexican you know and maybe you'll have a chance.
Cuts are nothing to me.
Flesh wounds are nothing to me.
Where I'm from those don't mean shit.
I can take any damage you can give.
Ya but Kira has never given
Ya but Kira has never given me a line like the ones I get. They are pretty sexual ones. Not that you needed to know. Kira just confused me. That is one of my weaknesses, but I'm ready now.
If only I could use my Death
If only I could use my Death Note on you it would be even worse.
V just wants to take his
V just wants to take his anger out on someone and if it can't be Kira then he settles for me. You think I'm just a tool for Kira well I feel I'm just a tool for you to take your anger out on.
Well you can't and even if
Well you can't and even if you could nothing your death note could do would amount to what I've been through.
That's what you think. I
That's what you think. I have used the Death Note on myself and it's pretty painful. I thought I really was having a heart attack and it hurt so much I wish I was dead.
And no. All of this anger
And no.
All of this anger was just for you.
Like I said he can say what
Like I said he can say what he wants, but I'm not going to fall for it. Why don't you get that through your head?
Because I believe if he did
Because I believe if he did it twice he can do it again.
I think you're the type who never learns.
How would you know my type?
How would you know my type? You don't know me personally. Rarely do I ever fall for something a third time. I believe in second chances and not third chances when it comes to forgiving people. I will never forgive him. He can say what he wants.
I know. You are jealous.
I know. You are jealous.
That's what you said after
That's what you said after the first time.
That was the first time. You
That was the first time. You would have to be stupid to do it a third time. I'm ready now and he can't change my mind again.
And what's there to be
And what's there to be jealous of?
Getting screwed over?
Lying to those who thought you were their friend?
Tell me?
this is like a place you all
this is like a place you all go to act out your weird play
and ??? i did not say that a death note is impossible but true kira and misa and who else ever has been on this blog does not have a death note and is not a kira
kira would keep it a secret and do it in privet and tell no one
You know V, I don't think I
You know V, I don't think I want to talk to you anymore.
You want me all to yourself.
You want me all to yourself. You had feelings for me. Or you want my Death Note before Kira gets it.
Well I just hate people who
Well I just hate people who are rude to women.
That's fine by me.
That's fine by me.
misamisa does have a death
misamisa does have a death note!
Shut the fuck up X and fuck
Shut the fuck up X and fuck a cow you ass. You are just mad because you don't have one for yourself.
if it was power I wanted I'd
if it was power I wanted I'd try to maniupulate my own spiritual energy (Chi)
Oh you think it's fun
Oh you think it's fun treating girls like this. You act just like Kira right now in my eyes.
neither do you misa
neither do you misa
Feelings? NO. I trusted you
Feelings? NO. I trusted you and put the entire true kira crap behind me. I won't trust anybody who's with him. But you threw it away and went right back to him. You took the trust and spit it in my face!
How would you know? You
How would you know? You don't know me. I had mine since I was 15 and before I knew what Death Note was. I used it on a person who didn't believe me and I can tell you they do now.
you know if it only tortures
you know if it only tortures people the appropriate title would be "Pain note"
My fists are all the power i
My fists are all the power i need.
I've relied on them just to get this far with everything attached.
Your fists don't scare me
Your fists don't scare me and I would nock you down bitch if you ever touched me like that. I would hurt you so bad your whole family would feel it.
I'll follow what I believe
I'll follow what I believe and you follow what you believe.
if it was power I wanted I'd
if it was power I wanted I'd try to maniupulate my own spiritual energy (Chi)
i already did that i also took the japanese version of chi (ki) from there original karate and manna the polynesian version of that (manna) to create the ultimate marshal art
One thing I will never do is
One thing I will never do is strike a lady.
Sure you wouldn't hit a
Sure you wouldn't hit a women.
What ever Kira.
What ever Kira.
It's the only rule I live
It's the only rule I live by.
NO! Get the lady bug off me!
NO! Get the lady bug off me! Wow! I hate when bugs just appeare on you out of nowhere.
That's nice V. Bug someone
That's nice V. Bug someone else. You are pissing me off. Don't believe me then. I don't care. He can say what he wants. So can you. Women have selective hearing. I'll just tune you out.
and kira I know some about
and kira I know some about manipulating chi. And there is no such thing as the ultimate martal art. The ultimate martal artist maybe but no ultimate martal art.
i an kira
i an kira
Sure you are. I'm not going
Sure you are. I'm not going to fall for it again. I have my own plans with my Death Note now. JUST LIKE I DID THE FIRST TIME THEN I DROPED THOSE PLANS FOR YOU AND NOW I'M GOING TO STICK WITH THEM.
I'M pissin YOU off? I've
I'M pissin YOU off?
I've been pissed all day at the fact that you actually went BACK to Kira.
This is my first experience ever being betrayed.And all I can get from it is rage.
you go girl sisters doing it
you go girl sisters doing it for them selfs
Shut the fuck up V and don't
Shut the fuck up V and don't cheer me on Kira. You can't sweet talk your way again.
I hope you die kira.
I hope you die kira.
kira leave comipress ur a
kira leave comipress ur a fake and u always will be a fake ur no kira and u dont have a death note so give up and stop cosplaying like u were doing before....and leave misa alone true kira.....
again i never did it once
again i never did it once
Kira stop being a jerk off.
Kira stop being a jerk off.
true kira shut the h*LL up
true kira shut the h*LL up and leave misamisa alone....ur a fake and have nothing to do with misa anymore so stop bother her
Well the Misa, prove to me
Well the Misa, prove to me you won't go again!
And you won't start now
And you won't start now Kira.
joshua is a idiot
your all the ones cosplaying do you think V hurricane wolf misamisa that i do not know you are acting and i am kira but glad to know you do not think i am.
I haven't gave into him yet
I haven't gave into him yet have I? There is your proof V!
she dosnt have to prove
she dosnt have to prove nothing to u V, so shut the f**k up and leave her alone...and u two true kira why r two boys ganging up on one girl now thats just wrong.....
Kira don't think I left you
Kira don't think I left you off the list of people to be pissed at.
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have this anger in the first place.
Oh. I'm the one acting. Look
Oh. I'm the one acting. Look who is talking. I for one am not acting, but you on the other hand I could give an award to.
i for one am not cosplaying
i for one am not cosplaying ur just saying that ur not cosplaying ur kira but glad to know you do not think u r am. thats a buch of bull shit
You could be some guy in his
You could be some guy in his 40's with no life.
WE'RE ACTING? Look at you!
Look at you! You think you're kira!
And you aren't even good at it!
Try getting a real life instead of your kira bullshit!
true kira ur a fake
true kira ur a fake
I'm acting! What the hell. I
I'm acting! What the hell. I had two guys drag my ass off into their car and dropped me off in the middle of nowhere. 30 miles away from home and I had no phone to call. Those guys got away with what they did to me. I would never lie about something like that. Now I have a chance to get back at them with my Death Note. It was destiny that I got it. I dropped those plans for you and you just don't care. You don't care about anyone. You don't need followers. Just do it yourself.
wait you have been kidnapped
wait you have been kidnapped and dropped in the middle of nowhere, that's wierd becasue before the grade 11 second semester started I had a dream that something like that happened to me only it was a conformist group that took over my school.
x was right misamisa you
x was right misamisa you ever believed me did you you all must think i am blind
i am not acting that is all of you so dont lie cuz i think i am to just like you
V you dont even believe in that magic crap and your personalities have changed since we first talked i always knew that you all ever foooled me apically you misamisa ??? your alode of bullshit shut the fuck up i am the real kira and you well all pay bastards!!!!
At this point I don't have a
At this point I don't have a side to be on but I still know I hate crappy kira cosplayers!
Go cosplay at a comic con maybe you can make a FRIEND OR TWO!
true kira
You really think i am cosplaying, that aside from the suicide attempt was all an act, you are going around claiming that you are "Kira God of The New World" and you think we're the actors? Jesus Mary Mother of God. you have no idea how wrong you are.
misa isnt the fake she
misa isnt the fake she really does have a real death note not like u true kira u dont have a real death note
true kira can not be tricked
true kira can not be tricked i can see your personalities change
??? V wolf misa you all
??? V wolf misa you all failed because you pushed it to fear
Drop the Act! No Kira wound
Drop the Act! No Kira wound take the chance of having a death note agains him! Maybe you should learn a little more before you run around screaming about being a genius or kira!
I see exactly why you have no friends! Try being yourself!
There are other people who probably like the real you!
All you need to do is let him out!
What are you going to do
What are you going to do about it Kira? You wanna hit me bitch? I will take you out. I want to see you do something. Do you have the heart to? You wanna take a girl on? Come on and bring it. I'll use my own two hands.
If I failed Why am I still
If I failed Why am I still standing? If misa failed why is she still telling you off?
WHAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i told you i see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean "pushed it too
Do you mean "pushed it too far?"
I'm not afraid of you bitch.
I'm not afraid of you bitch.
Furthermore, why are you
Furthermore, why are you still keeping the act up?
You don't see shit!
You don't see shit!
If I failed why are you
If I failed why are you freakin out?
i wont let u hurt
i wont let u hurt misa...true kira i wont allow u to hurt kira and yagami light wont allow u too ether she is my friend i wont let u hurt misa u b*****D!leave misa alone stop bother her already...ur a fake so leave already ur just geting in everyones way on solving a real case and ur not a real kira nad will never be a real kira u dont even have a real death note so stop cosplaying and leave misa alone i wont let u lay a finger on her because then yagami light would kill me but even so she is my friend and i wont let u hurt my friends
I would like to see you try
I would like to see you try and step up to this bitch.
you all play your game but i
you all play your game but i do not have time for fakes and this seems to be a blog for bullshit and fakes so i well leave ps i always saw it
True kira, you're all alone
True kira, you're all alone now.
He's backing down. What a
He's backing down. What a baby.
Nope, even babies have
Nope, even babies have better manners, true kira is an "it"
He really was a fake if he
He really was a fake if he is backing down. The real Kira wouldn't do that.
I'm indifferent about her
I'm indifferent about her since she's been opposing you and that's enough for me to want to keep her away from you!
Even if it kills me.
Try being yourself, the real you.
Not this corrupted monster you have become.
Take off your mask,open the door and walk through!
You say you know us,but you don't even know yourself!
The real kira wouldn't
The real kira wouldn't advertise himself unless it was an emergency.
I bet his real self is a
I bet his real self is a very nice person, but way way way deep inside. Hahahahaha
I know there's a real him
I know there's a real him deep down...
He just needs to find it.
I doubt it. Was that mean?
I doubt it. Was that mean?
I'm not in the mood to argue
I'm not in the mood to argue anymore.
What do you guys think I should do?
If he is not kira I have a
If he is not kira I have a bad feeling that we turned him into one.
I think you should hold my
I think you should hold my hand.
I mean he probably thinks
I mean he probably thinks the world turned it's back on him.
And he needed an escape from it.
I'm sure he'll get over it.
I'm sure he'll get over it. Hold my hand V. I'm lonely.
...Thank you.
...Thank you.
Are you holding my hand yet?
Are you holding my hand yet? Let me know.
What should we all do,
What should we all do, mangamoord's nearly forgotten, Japanese Kira is god knows where and there is no doubt that more cosplayers are gonna treat this like a joke.
I am ^_^
I am ^_^
We sort the fake from the
We sort the fake from the real. Like I said to catch Kira you have to think like him. Hahahahahaha!
You are holding my hand. I
You are holding my hand. I love it. It makes me feel all warm inside.
Whatever happened I hope
Whatever happened I hope he's better off.
I think I am losing myself
I think I am losing myself spritually and mentally.
I go to church.
I go to church.
Why do you want better for
Why do you want better for him V? He hurt me and he hurt you and everyone else.
Personally Ihavve nothing
Personally Ihavve nothing against religion excpet that people have been using it as an excuse to fight each other.
Losing yourself?
Losing yourself?
I hate it when people act
I hate it when people act like they are better than everyone else because they go to church. I'm glad I don't go to a church like that. I feel bad though sitting in church knowing I have a Death Note though, but it was destiny for me to have it.
But I now realize everybody
But I now realize everybody deserves another chance and he has probably had problems growing up as we did
While you are holding my
While you are holding my hand V I'm going to sing to you ok? Guys like when I do that at the concerts.
When you lose your mind and
When you lose your mind and spirit, your body will become this hollow emotionless thing a shell that is cast out into a world that cares less about it. I have a feeling that i'll meet the same fate. I don't want to, but it's like I am being dragged out.
I'll hold your hand too Wolf
I'll hold your hand too Wolf and sing too.
It's Ironic I set out to
It's Ironic I set out to protect people I don't even know, yet in the end they end up saving me.
Wolf, it's because of your
Wolf, it's because of your will and resolve thats really all i can say
You like it when I hold your
You like it when I hold your hand.
Yes =D
Yes =D
You can try to resist try to
You can try to resist try to hide from my kiss. There I sang you a song. I'm gonna get to your heart. There I go again. Baby you are the right kind of wrong. There I go again.
Can't fight the moonlight, I
Can't fight the moonlight, I know that song.
Wow my lyrics are completely
Wow my lyrics are completely different than that!
I wish there was a way I
I wish there was a way I could really sing to you guys. I could play one of my songs.
You do. I'm listening to
You do. I'm listening to that right now and Right Kind of Wrong.
If you had a recording
If you had a recording device on your computer you can record that and email it to us.
e-mail an audio clip?
e-mail an audio clip?
I used to do that When I
I used to do that When I didn't feel like typing the info I sent to my former teamates.
I would put my lyrics up,
I would put my lyrics up, but I don't have copyright yet.
I don't have one of those.
I don't have one of those.
Guess what song this is
Guess what song this is guys. They say I'm really sexy the boys they wanna sex me. I love that song.
My humps, by black eyed
My humps, by black eyed peas.
Yes. I love that song. If I
Yes. I love that song. If I had a pole I would dance to that song. Hahahaha. I'm a party wild child if you wanted to know.
Try guessing this one: well
Try guessing this one: well I like to tell you all about my dream it's a place.
What is that face suppose to
What is that face suppose to mean? Hahahaha. Ok. One more song. Back in the day when we were young when everything was like a loaded gone. I love this song. This song is so me because I'm just crazy person and wild.
I don't really know.
I don't really know.
Is it really a song? It
Is it really a song? It sounds familier.
It's Psycho from Puddle of
It's Psycho from Puddle of Mud.
Incorrect it was Americana
Incorrect it was Americana by the Offspring.
This is the soooong that
This is the soooong that neeever ends, yes it goes ooon and onnnn my friends.
some people started singing
some people started singing it... that's all I remeber.
Hell no. We don't sing that
Hell no. We don't sing that song here. I was talking about the song I wanted you to guess by the way. I know my song isn't from Offsrping. Psycho is by Puddle of Mud.
this is why i don't type to
this is why i don't type to talk.
Show me the way to go
Show me the way to go home
I'm tired and I wanna go to bed
I had a little drink
About an hour ago
And it went straight to my head
Where ever I may go
On land, or sea, or snow
You can always hear me
Singing this song
Show me the way to go home
You sing the song that never
You sing the song that never ends to get what you want throught pestism
Guess what I want for my
Guess what I want for my 20th birthday guys?
That's a tough one.
That's a tough one.
Drinking is bad. Take it
Drinking is bad. Take it from somebody who knows.
Hey I am 16 and I smoke
Hey I am 16 and I smoke weed, drinking is the least of my problems.
I want a gold plated pole in
I want a gold plated pole in my room with neon lights. Really I do. Think of the possiblities. Oh. I did my bakini dare by the way. It took a while. You guys need Myspaces. I have one. I did have a cool Guitar Hero video on there.
I got a youtube, yahoo and a
I got a youtube, yahoo and a diviantart account, but I'll give it a try.
man im so tired...i need to
man im so tired...i need to finish this thing before i can sleep though but i cant find my flash drive to save it on
Hey! Weed is bad. Take it
Hey! Weed is bad. Take it from somebody who knows.
I want to play Guitar Hero
I want to play Guitar Hero now. That game is addicting.
it's a good game but it
it's a good game but it can't do this: