Belgian Police Stumped by Death Note Manga MurderANN is reporting that the Belgian police has reached an dead end in the investigation of the recent "Death Note" murder:
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
hhahahahahaha, i know soooo
hhahahahahaha, i know soooo much about you kira, u didn't even suspect that i would double-cross u, hahahahahahahha!!!!!!!! yes misa, i was betraying him the whole time!!!!!!!!! hahhaha!!! i have always been on the side of true justice, to eliminate kira!!!!
You are lucky I don't know
You are lucky I don't know who you are. I will bring you down and all who go against Kira! We will win!
I would like to see you try.
I would like to see you try. I would like to see all of you try!
hey theres no need to have a fit i would never dare to try and betray you like confused did and for proveing your self i will kill him for you if thats what you want
Oh my days! Things have just
Oh my days! Things have just gotten good. I need to get some popcorn. Lol. check my messages confused.
This is not a laughing
This is not a laughing matter Kira#1.
i am not light from the
i am not light from the anime/manga but i am kira and i am the real life version of light yagami.
Are you sure you want to say that because I just MisaMisa has a huge crush on his character from the book and if you say that it could mean trouble. that's just what I think. and if not I think she really does have a death note and could be a second kira or something.
i have been planning this
i have been planning this for too long, it is time for me to finally take real action to bring down the true and real kira!!!! ??? i really need you to email me, there is much you don't know and much i can tell, but as you see i'm not in a safe position anymore, i exposed myself so that i could help you, please, i want to help!!!!!
Kira we must stop this!
Kira we must stop this!
i never accused
i never accused anyone of being kira so u need to shutup ??? and kira #1 why dont u go tell ure mom to go eat a decroted peice of crap
Kira where did you go. Do
Kira where did you go. Do you realize what is going on? I don't know if I can stop this by myself.
kira#1 is not a child she is
kira#1 is not a child she is 19 and would slap you bitch
that was to yagami light and
that was to yagami light and dont worry about confused she well not be able to help ??? at all
Dude you so got that off of
Dude you so got that off of Napoleon Dynamite and I wish I could tell her that sometimes so why don't you shut your face before I do it for ya! Don't make me get my Mexicans on you. Bring on your mom jokes. Your mom is a racecare she burns 50 rubbers a day! By the way I love that movie.
That's right I will slap
That's right I will slap him. don't talk about my momma that way your moms butt is so big when she wears black pants it looks like a garbage bag full of cottage cheese.
What is going on with
What is going on with everyone?
but misa one day we will
but misa one day we will look back on this and laugh.
you mean when i am the god
you mean when i am the god of the new world when lights justice has been brought to the real world and i shall rain over you all as true kira as true justice as truth and as the real world version of light as kira.
Ok you say what?
Ok you say what?
I guess and can look back
I guess and can look back and laugh when you are kira. If it's funny.
Kira where have you been?
Kira where have you been? It's chaos here.
oh misa did you miss your
oh misa did you miss your boyfriend? sorry if that offended anyone. I just think misa is supporting true kira because he calls himslef the live version of Light. and it she said in one message that she loved the idea of fancying a real kira or light. whatever you want to call it.
Am I not right because here
Am I not right because here is that comment she made.
"I have always had a thing for Kira in the books and always loved the idea of fancying a real Kira."
IS THAT ALL YOU DO GO AROUND AND START STUFF?! I HAVE KNOW CLUE WHO THIS KIRA IS AND I TOLD YOU BEFORE THAT I AM NOT THE KIND OF PERSON TO LOOK FOR SOMEONE OVER THE COMPUTER! JUST DROP THE SUBJECT OK! Maybe this will help you understand what I meant by that Kira#1. I just like his character and I have thought it would be amazing if his character was real like the way he looks and talks. I support this Kira because I support Light Yagami's way of justice and so does this Kira. Just drop everything ok. Kira can you please say something about this because Kira#1 is on my last nerve. I'm sure if Kira thought I wasn't here to support his way of justice then he would stop talking to me or tell me to leave already.
kira is here and kira's way
kira is here and kira's way of justice is the only way
Can you give me links so I
Can you give me links so I can tell others that too. Also to where I don't have to sign up to be a member. I hate sites like that. By the way, others may not believe you are Kira, but I for one believe you. You are infact KIRA!
here is a list of
here is a list of blogs ... ... -... ...
Good. Thanks. Is there
Good. Thanks. Is there anything special you would like me to post?
you mean links yeah all the
you mean links yeah all the other kira case blogs you have been on
I am posting messages on the
I am posting messages on the links you gave me right now.
Sorry. Something seems to be
Sorry. Something seems to be wrong. I was only able to post comments on two of the links you gave me. The other ones wouldn't load. I'll have to do it tomorrow. Will we be hearing from confused again or are they really against us?
I have a yahoo account and
I have a yahoo account and posted several things in the chat rooms pertaining to Death Note. Well, I will be on again tomorrow hopefully in the morning and of course at night. Like I said I do a lot of things in the middle of the day so I'm usually not on.
Well it's morning where I am
Well it's morning where I am at and Im looking for Kira bashing sites right now and leaving messages there, but several of them you have to be a member and I don't like to have to go through the sign up process. Kira I will be on later today.
I'm tired of being called a
I'm tired of being called a different name, so I think will just stick with L Ryuzaki like on the other page. This is kira#1 by the way. and fucktard is the most funniest word i ever heard of. that made me laugh till tears came out. ya you are right true kira politians are dumb and fucked up and who knows what else. that is why I like our president because he makes me feel like I could be president too. that was a joke by the way because I really don't like our president. I think I'll move to china because in a couple of years they will probably own us by then.
MisaMisa please follow me.
MisaMisa please follow me. You know who I am.
yeah she knows you a fake
yeah she knows you a fake and are you the same kira from i am the true kira
oh i did not see this
oh i did not see this coming. who the flippen hell are you and how do you know misamisa?
No I am not the same person,
No I am not the same person, but I will tell you I have gone under several different names. To L Ryuzaki I know her because she at one time did follow me and then I had to go into hiding. Now I want her back. SHE'S MINE! She has been my most loyal follower.
dudes chill none of u are
dudes chill none of u are kira writting a name to be sheen on this site dosent mean your kira kira means killer not of evil or good
oh my days people. I don't
oh my days people. I don't think she will go back to you. but can I ask you some questions about her or can you not answer any? and one thing you do not own her. she can think for herself. do you even know each other?
oohh is that so well i'v
oohh is that so well i'v been on many kira blogs to i am kira and i doubt there is another and she well be follwing me from now on
Oh she will come back and
Oh she will come back and you are right I don't own her, but she will do as I say once she knows I am back. It took me agaes to track her down until not that long ago. She left a message in one of my old blogs I had started. I left a message saying I was back, but she has not yet replied and now I find out she is following someone else. It PISSES ME OFF TO KNOW FUCKING END!!! And to your question we emailed eachother for the longest of time. I was like how would you say her Light and she was my Misa. It was a little joke between us. And what questions do you have?
by the looks of it I don't
by the looks of it I don't think I have to ask any. i can see why she doesn't do online dating because you are just weird. you are not light and she is not your misa those people don't exist. except well true kira is like the live version of light and such, but right now i'm confused and come to think of it where did confused go and just leave misa the hell alone before i have to slap a hooker like yourself. i mean you came to the wrong place because true kira will mess your ass up, so lets face misamisa is true kiras now.
yeah but she is following me
yeah but she is following me know cuz i am the true kira and if you are another witch your probably not then give me your email address. and through there we can sort this out
oh ya and I will be your
oh ya and I will be your misa instead and we will have baby misas and lights together.
thats it !!!KIRA!!! you just
thats it !!!KIRA!!! you just like ??? who wants to catch me are going down i well show you all of true kira's might
ha just kidding! like I ever
ha just kidding! like I ever would do that. you are sick and twisted. and no I am not going to follow your nasty fucked up shit face ass! so put that in your pipe and smoke it.
you two sound like you guys
you two sound like you guys are fighting over a girl. *sigh* men
maybe !!!kira!!! is ??? and
maybe !!!kira!!! is ??? and this is all part of he's plot to catch me.
um i don't think so because
um i don't think so because well i don't know but i just don't think so. i'm confused. he pops out of nowhere and well maybe. but why would this ??? bring misamisa into this what did she ever do. she will be so pissed off when she gets on here. and what do mean or misa will be back. do you mean you will be back FOR misa.
I meant I will come back for
I meant I will come back for her.
!!!KIRA!!! your a fake and a
!!!KIRA!!! your a fake and a fucktard and i will take you ??? and all others that oppose me!!!!!
I must leave now to think of
i knew it! she has a death
i knew it! she has a death note doesn't she? she has to. misamisa is probably into witchcraft and such. i knew a girl who has a death note and she was into witchcraft and all that suff. she had hers before the books even made it over to america. hers was different though it was more like vudoo or however you spell it. like she used hers to inflict pain and such. and I kid you not i swear it is real because this girl made fun of her one time for having the book and she made the girls back hurt. that girl the next day was complaining in every class her back hurt. I swear this is a true story. i know misamisa has to have one.
you know what maybe
you know what maybe !!!kira!!! and misamisa are the same person sitting at hes/her computer playing games with me going under two different name's thats what i thought when you first came on here and if you are not somebody going under two different names than i have this to say to you misamisa is not misa and your not light or kira you are just a fucking cunt and most of all a fake kira and i am the true kira and if misamisa is a different person then she well be following me from now on one of many followers at that you fucktard
more like ancient masonic
more like ancient masonic illuminati knights templar kabbalah mysticism and gilgamesh secrets well there all linked together but mine is the most powerful deathnote hahahahahahahah!!!!
wow you are pissed. and i
wow you are pissed. and i hope you are not calling me a cunt because i don't want to have to fuck your ass up ok. so what are you going to do about all this. i'm staying out of it because i don't know this dude and i don't know misamisa. and what if some people think you are just some guy or girl sitting at your computer playing games. no offense but thats what I thought in the begining. i don't know if they are the same person or not but if misamisa is one person I know she will follow you and not that herpy infested cum bubble. he's a scum sucking road hooker. like i said though if misamisa is one person she will be pissed.
ok i see you are not calling
ok i see you are not calling me one I read it wrong.
dude she has to have one.
dude she has to have one. anyways do you think in the end when this is all said and done we will all meet and be together as friends and live in a peaceful world? i'm not joking either. really.
did you read what i typed i
did you read what i typed i called !!!kira!!! a cunt not you
She is not back yet. DAMN!!!
She is not back yet. DAMN!!! And Misa and I are two different people and she will be on my side again. Also don't you ever call her a cunt you FUCKING FUCK FACE!
now now don't get in a tizzy
now now don't get in a tizzy fit because true kira is taking your women. Lol. just kidding.
no i called you a cunt thats
no i called you a cunt thats if you are two different people and if i knew were you lived i would go there and kick your fucking ass because using the death note would kill you and i just want to teach you a lesson not kill you and seriously i would fuck you up bitch just like i would amrita
oh my days people. can't we
oh my days people. can't we all just be friends and WHY am I asking that question? kick his ass true kira well at least over the computer anyway.
Well I can see why you want
Well I can see why you want Misa because like I said before she is one of my most loyal followers, but you can't have her and L Ryuzaki you need to stay the fuck out of this or I'll slap you bitch!
Just stay the fuck out of my
Just stay the fuck out of my way and true kira you won't do anything and no you are lucky I don't know where you live. You just better drop it and so does L Ryuzaki because I'll kick both your asses.
you want a piece of me bitch
you want a piece of me bitch then bring it on bitch here's were i live fulun alberta in canada on range road 275 now bring it and watch me kick your ass motherfucker
what are you going to do
what are you going to do about !!!KIRA!!! you think you are going to hit a girl and fucking get away with it. bring it on fucker. I should have your ass in jail right now bitch. If you knew who I was and laid a hand on me I would have my mexicans kick the fucking dog shit out of you. oh my days how could you ever think you would hit me me a girl and get the fuck away with it. you are lucky i don't know your name because I would tell true kira to write your ass in his death note and we'll see who is laughing now. fuck you bitch! oh my fucking days.
I go to Ontario a lot. I
I go to Ontario a lot. I have relatives there. man fuck that bitch. how could he ever say that to me?
i am not !!!KIRA!!! i have no intention on fighting over misa how dumb and pointless is that? really if u think i wouldnt use another name but only ??? if i didnt tell u or anything.and im not that dumb and ur not i would know that ur not dumb if i did do that it would fail.and dont say im someone else if u dont have prove or evidence to back it up true kira.evewn though she and u true kira might be kiras in fact im now 15% sure but that is not the case now.if u dont believe me or not thats on u but i wouldnt do sometihng like this!if i were to try and be someone else and gain ur trust i wouldnt bring misa in this. intill i have evidence u two are kiras...but ill see what will happan in the near future.but some how i will catch u two and u two will be put to justice.
You would be a waist of my
You would be a waist of my time and energy. Also that could be a fake address you dumb fuck! And who in the hell is this ass. And you will not take Misa from me or any of you. I will be back bitches.
i wouldnt stoop to that level and pretend im someone who kows misa or anything. i wouldnt even get misa involved if i were to do that. i might do something like that to gain info.but i am not !!!KIRA!!! if u dont believe i dont care but i know im not and thats what matters.....but somehow u will be cought and put to justice for or if u did have killed people with a supernatural book or death note but i wont know intill i have more evidence or i can give u a person's name to see if he will have a heat attack or something to see or know if u have daeth note that works or not.but dont say that i am !!!KIRA!!! i wont stoop that lvl.i wouldnt bring misa in this because this our fight between u and me, true kira.which one of us shall is a 50% chance u will win but it is the same amount that i will win.but it will be hard for u true kira to get my real name if u do have a death how do u intand to stop me?and if ur thinking am i still am !!!KIRA!!! and seem to not believe me then ur something else but if believe me or not but i know i am not !!!KIRA!!!
i wouldnt stoop to that level and pretend im someone who kows misa or anything. i wouldnt even get misa involved if i were to do that. i might do something like that to gain info.but i am not !!!KIRA!!! if u dont believe i dont care but i know im not and thats what matters.....but somehow u will be cought and put to justice for or if u did have killed people with a supernatural book or death note but i wont know intill i have more evidence or i can give u a person's name to see if he will have a heat attack or something to see or know if u have daeth note that works or not.but dont say that i am !!!KIRA!!! i wont stoop that lvl.i wouldnt bring misa in this because this our fight between u and me, true kira.which one of us shall is a 50% chance u will win but it is the same amount that i will win.but it will be hard for u true kira to get my real name if u do have a death how do u intand to stop me?and if ur thinking am i still am !!!KIRA!!! and seem to not believe me then ur something else but if believe me or not but i know i am not !!!KIRA!!!
i am 100% sure i will get
i am 100% sure i will get you before you get me hahahahahahah and i did'nt say it i said MAYBE you are and you will never catch me i'm out of your league ???
i wouldnt stoop to that level and pretend im someone who kows misa or anything. i wouldnt even get misa involved if i were to do that. i might do something like that to gain info.but i am not !!!KIRA!!! if u dont believe i dont care but i know im not and thats what matters.....but somehow u will be cought and put to justice for or if u did have killed people with a supernatural book or death note but i wont know intill i have more evidence or i can give u a person's name to see if he will have a heat attack or something to see or know if u have daeth note that works or not.but dont say that i am !!!KIRA!!! i wont stoop that lvl.i wouldnt bring misa in this because this our fight between u and me, true kira.which one of us shall is a 50% chance u will win but it is the same amount that i will win.but it will be hard for u true kira to get my real name if u do have a death how do u intand to stop me?and if ur thinking am i still am !!!KIRA!!! and seem to not believe me then ur something else but if believe me or not but i know i am not !!!KIRA!!!
who are you and what do you
who are you and what do you want? go away
how u will get me before i
how u will get me before i get u?! u cant kill me without a face and my name am i wrong......and if u do have a death note it will be hard to even find my name and know my face so u can write my name in the death note and if u did have the shikigomi eyes itll be the same deal so u cant catch me. ill win and put u and misa to justice.but ill keep going on comipress everyday to see what u have posted, and if u want to email me true kira i put my gmail and msn accounts on my recent posts go ahead and see for urself. i want to prove once and for all u r kira and get this over with. i think i have a better chance of deafeating u then u r for me.u caNT KILL me with the death note without knowing the persons name and have a face as how can u catch me bfore i do to u.
why have you posted the same
why have you posted the same thing three times? no?w i h?a?ve t?wo pe?opl?e fr?om th?e?se bl?og a?ny wa?y t?o t?a?ke d?ow?n a?nd ne?ith?e?r o?ne o?f th?e?m c?a?n t?ouc?h m?e a?re ev?en c?o?me cl?os?e
hey..true kira r u still
hey..true kira r u still there?! what will be ur rely now(laughter) u dont actually think u can win if u dont have a face or a name do u to kill me by ur death note if u have one.....oh if u do have noe ill give u name of someone if they happan to die ill believe u about the death is a big risk and ur i know thinking if he is fighting for justice why would he do this but ill do anything to catch u kira and misa even risk my life to solve this case if ur invloved in this.....ill find a criminals name for u if i can or someone, somehow.but how r u to deafeat me when u cant even use ur death note to kill me...
victory or defeat?
why have you posted the same thing three times? now i have two people from these blog any way to take down and neither one of them can touch me are even come close
i have solved this puzzle but i dont get what u r saying about? but i do get that i have posted something 3 times and i know it was stupid but back to the matter aT HAND...lets see who will be become the winner.will i catch u or will u defeat me and write my name in ur death note if u have one..we wont find out intill that time comes.i will find a way to stop u!
hahahahahaha are you mad if
hahahahahaha are you mad if i did that people would know i was kira and detectives and other would try to catch me do you really think i want people to believe me well people who could stop me any way not that any one could stop me any way but you could never and i dont really want people like nations to know of me hahahahahahahaah you'l have to do better than that ??? and i mean i well get you eventually ??? i'l find away to i guaranty it ???
I have no clue what is going
I have no clue what is going on and I don't know how !!!KIRA!!! found me. I indeed know who he is and I left him because I believe he is a fake and I am only here to follow the real Kira. Kira please don't think I will ever leave you to follow that fake. I know why he went into hiding and it was because he slipped up way too many times and it made me realize he was a fake. By the way we are not the same person at all. Kira I am only here for you and you only because your way of justice is the right way. And you will never catch me ??? and L Ryuzaki my Death Note is nothing like Kira's. He is right his is more powerful than mine. Yes I am admitting I have one, but it's more how you described your friends. I really wanted to tell Kira this in secret, but L Ryuzaki you are one smart person. I knew you would figure this whole thing out soon.
i wont tel the dedectives or
i wont tel the dedectives or cops if i found out u two r indeed kiras because ill catch u two myself i dont need poeple to catch u only L ryuzaki and confused. i also have M and N on my side as well on this case. if u want to contact me be my guest true kira or ill just call u yagami and misa u the gmail is and my msn is
if u dont blieve thes are real then check if it is for ur self i want to find out if what u say is true i want to know if u do have a death note or not.and im not lieing i wont tell any detecives or cops so if u want to prove to me that u do infact have a death note u or misa just email me on either accounts but please do tell me bfore u do so i can log on.
you guys I have to go for a
you guys I have to go for a couple of hours I have band practice and when you are the lead singer and bass player the band kind of needs ya. see ya and um hi misamisa.
i didnt intend on using the cops or dedactives to catch u i was just bloffing i and 4 people that i have said the last post r the only people that i would work with.if u two irnt the killers and have no doing for the crimes for the manga murder case then i would like u two to help even know u two might be kiras.if u want to clear ur names then help on this case i only have a 15% chance u two r kiras so u better hope it lowers but ill soon find out if u two are kiras soon enough but ill figure out how ill catch u two soon enough if u read what i have posts and if u read everything i have posted ull find some ways how i intend to stop u if u do find some because ive been on for about 2 or 3 weeks now,and i opsted alot so search and ull find how i or some ways i can catch u yagani.
r u going to reply misa or
r u going to reply misa or yagami?
hello again, well isn't this
hello again, well isn't this getting interesting?
Kira should I email him or
Kira should I email him or not?
u dont have to ask yagami if
u dont have to ask yagami if u should reply and this is geting interesting yes i know how u feel confused i feel like this is just like death note the show but in real life.and if yagami was to say that he has to kill someone in ur family would u let him r u that loyal to him.
Damn you bitch how could you
Damn you bitch how could you turn your ass on me and think you could get away with it. You are lucky I don't slap you fucking bitch! I will have your ass for this Misa and you will follow me again and not that fucker! You will leave him right the fucking now! Do it. I know you will. I thought I was your Light scank?
i want to find out if death
i want to find out if death notes r real i bought a death note just to see if it was real or not but luckily i didnt work so im not actually like u if ur thinking that yagami?and misa lets see if one u and yagami do have a death note ill give u a name but i dont have ether of urs gamil or msn u can create a gmail just to talk to people in the comipress thats what i did but i also gave u my msn also.prove that u do have a death note i want to find out.
ok this is getting very
ok this is getting very strange, hahahha i think misa and !!!!kira!!!! are the same person!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!
u know what, knock it off
u know what, knock it off !!!!kira!!!! ur pissing me off!!!!!!!
no misa dont email him i
no misa dont email him i might email him some time maybe or give him my email adress
real and fake
hey !!!KIRA!!! how about u leave misa alone ur not apart of this so how about u stop cursing at people im sick and tired of u cursing at people......and leave this site for good if all ur talking about is winnig loyality over misa ur not samrt enough for misa anyway only yagami is right for her ur a fake so stop bothering people and just leave the site no one cares what the h*ll u have to say! anyway what is ur reply yagami or misa, is it a yes or no?i want to know if u do have a death note or not and if its real ill give u a real name but if u dont believe me or not i dont care.
u really want misa after all
u really want misa after all this ur SSSSSSOOOOOOO DISILLUSIONED!!!!! HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA!!!! UR AN IDIOT!!!!
oh so u will yagami then ill
oh so u will yagami then ill wait for u to email me and ill finally witness the death notes power huh! then ill give u a name. oh yeah misa u still havnt answer my question yet.if yagani had to kill one of ur family memembers would u allow it....would u allow yagami to kill someone who is in ur family? r u that loyal to him
i can tell u that it is good
i can tell u that it is good if u kill criminals but it is wrong at the same time...i am a little confused on what side im actually on because ill think it is cool what kira does but that is out of the question because killing criminals make u a criminal does it not and if u do that u r as bad as them so i have decided to catch u yagami somehow and u will face justice.
hey !!!KIRA!!! just give up
hey !!!KIRA!!! just give up she will never go back to u,she is better off with yagami, ur a fake he might not be.stop felling in love with people u dont even know! u should stop going on comipress if thats all u r goin to talk one cares about what r saying.give up!
o dear now ??? is getting
o dear now ??? is getting confused about what side he wants to be on????!!!!! o and !!!!KIRA!!!! can u just damn admit you're a damn fake???!!!!!!
some times the state kills
some times the state kills criminals dont they and no criminals kill innocent people were i kill guilty ones big difference the state kill's guilty people dont they but i am soupier to those retards you call politicians and i know best did you read all of my posts
cut the crap i am kira im
cut the crap i am kira im not saying any more because i dont want to get caught
o god, and don't start the
o god, and don't start the fake crying here either misa
OK I MAY NOT KNOW HER, BUT I DO KNOW WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE FROM WHEN SHE DID HAVE A MYSPACE ACCOUNT AND I'LL ADMIT I DID FOR A WHILE LIKE HER, BUT SHE WAS NOTHING MORE THAN A PRETTY FACE! And Misa you know I would never hurt any of your family. I have no clue how to get you to follow me, but I will, but for now I still need to think. And I am not FAKE! There could be many Kira's and whos to say I am not one of them. I will be back.
even though what i said make
even though what i said make u sad and im sorry if it did but this is srious what if yagami has to for some reason so he wouldnt get cought would u let him...would u allow him to do it.i am serious but please try and answer it or ask yagami if one of ur family memebers were to interfer with his plan what would he do kill ur family member or risk geting cought or something like that?
ok, ya !!!!!kira!!!! u
ok, ya !!!!!kira!!!! u really are an idiot
They were not fake. That
They were not fake. That question was just out of hand and I was just letting everyone know my emotions towards that question. Finally he is gone! I HATE YOU !!!KIRA!!!
and !!!KIRA!!! would u leave
and !!!KIRA!!! would u leave laready, u will never get misa shes loyal to yagami and u should leave already whats ur problem only goin on to talk only about such foolish things
if my question was out of
if my question was out of hand even so what would u not playing.would u let him if he had sorry im ive mad u sad but this is a serios matter if he anything like the light in the anime/manga i have no doubt yagami would do that if he had to and i think u know it to misa.hey yagami r u still there?because ill like u to tell misa ur answer would u or would u not kill one of her family members if they were to intervine in ur plan and it would risk u to get cought.i want to read a reply from both of u.
Honestly no, but it has
Honestly no, but it has never came down to it so I am not sure. I know I am loyal to him, but I do have to ask myself if he is loyal to me as well. I mean people who work together should be loyal to one another right?
true..u and yagami r a good
true..u and yagami r a good match and such be loyal to u as well since u r loyal to him.u cant cant work with someone if ur loyal to him and he is not of u. i agree but ive been wondering if u do have a death note r sikigomis real?do u have one?if u r telling the truth about having a death note and it does wor r they real or just fake?
Really I don't think Light
Really I don't think Light in the books would do something like that, but I guess Kira isn't Light. Would you Kira do something like that? But really it would be impossible for Kira to ever meet my parents and me and one they have no clue I believe in Kira or the Death Note let alone know I do have one myself although it is nothing like Kira's.
misa, we already know that u
misa, we already know that u were pretending to be !!!kira!!!!
but i know even tohugh u say
but i know even tohugh u say yes or no i wont be able to fully believe intill i know that the death note does exsist.
maybe misa and !!!kira!!!
maybe misa and !!!kira!!! are the same person did you notice these (!!!) kira (!!!) those marks before and after just like with misamisa quote !!!i'm not crazy!!! !!!I WOUNLD'T DO THAT IF I WERE YOU CONFUSED!!! !!!ALL OF YOU LEAVE KIRA ALONE AND LET HIM BRING JUSICE TO THE WORLD!!! I'M WITH YOU KIRA! i am not saying you are i just noticed this
true...but misa, u havnt
true...but misa, u havnt answered my other questions do u have a sikigomi or not? r skikigomi real or fake? u should ignore !!!KIRA!!! he is just a waste of time to tlak to him he will never leave u alone...u should ask yagami to do someting about !!!KIRA!!!.he is an idiot.
SHE IS !!!!KIRA!!!!!
SHE IS !!!!KIRA!!!!!
No I am not !!!KIRA!!! Why
No I am not !!!KIRA!!! Why would I do that? I would not pretend to be someone and get Kira all mad. I'm not that kind of person. I really am looking for the real Kira and at one time I thought !!!KIRA!!! was it, but everytime I asked him about his Death Note, he said he can't tell me anything. Then when he did start talking about it he would say one thing that was different from another, so I gave up and started looking again because I knew there has to be a Kira. I just want to find someone who has a Death Note too and use it to bring justice to the world.
and yagami im not saying u r
and yagami im not saying u r an idoit im talking about !!!KIRA!!!
i don't believe you i think
i don't believe you i think that u are him and you even posted the comment saying that u are loyal to the true ikra but u need to know if he is loyal to you, u basically gave yourself away by saying that
u wanted to know if the true
u wanted to know if the true kira would still want you even if u made up a crazy kira who was in love with you to go against him, it's obvious u want to be the true kira's misamisa, u have become infatuated with him, don't try to deny it, i already know i am right
i believe misa that she isnt
i believe misa that she isnt !!!KIRA!!! and why r u doubting misa she is loyal to u why irnt u loyal to her.she would do almost anything for u but u still dont trust can u work with misa if ur saying she is a lier and sayin she is !!!KIRA!!!...!
i don't want her to become
i don't want her to become unloyal to true kira i'm just stating the facts, i'm sorry if u feel insulted but those are my thoughts, i'm just putting them out there
that was for yagami
that was for yagami
i'm sorry misa but i'm not
i'm sorry misa but i'm not easily trustworthy of people, do not take it to heart
i know what u say is true
i know what u say is true but that was for yagami...oh yagami do skigomis exsist or r they fake?
Please believe me and
Please believe me and besides anyone can use (!!!) these kinds of marks. You are just trying to make Kira think I'm playing him when I'm not. Stop trying to make it seem like I'm not really here to follow him. I just want to get straight to work in supporting Kira instead of this fighting because it is a waste of my time and Kira's time. I know you would want Kira to think I'm not really here to support him because you are all against him.
??? ok for one me and
??? ok for one me and confused are not the same person theirs already evidenced of that but you have not fount it so i guees your not as good as you think you are
misa r u there if yagami
misa r u there if yagami isnt here then will u answer this question do u have a sikigomi or r they fake?
oh u r here then do skigomis
oh u r here then do skigomis exists just tell me the answer already
i know that ur not confused
i know that ur not confused what gave u that idea that i thought u were confused because i have no idea what ur talking about?
what are u talking about, i
what are u talking about, i am not against true kira!!!!
u both act like the
u both act like the characters from the show.true kira acts like yagami and u misamisa acts like misa.
Ok one I don't like Kira in
Ok one I don't like Kira in that way and two I AM NOT !!!KIRA!!! so just drop it. Why in the world would you think that I like him? I don't even know him and if you didn't read it the first time I said I am not the one to look for someone online and now you know why because of that insane !!!KIRA!!! will not leave me alone. And no I don't know if they are real or not. I don't have one and I don't know of anyone who does. And you are right I am here to support the true Kira, but I'm not saying that is me or anything because I know Kira here is the real one. I just wish you would leave me and Kira alone and anyone else who is against us.
you said this after
you said this after confuseds comment i believe misa that she isnt !!!KIRA!!! and why r u doubting misa she is loyal to u why irnt u loyal to her.she would do almost anything for u but u still dont trust can u work with misa if ur saying she is a lier and sayin she is !!!KIRA!!!...!
wait i forgot if i give u
wait i forgot if i give u someone's name then u still cant kill them intill u have thier face dont u?then how can wfind out if the death notes u have r real and can kill im confused....oh why r u, yagami and misa r ignoring my question does skigomis exists?!
alright misa let's get
alright misa let's get something straight i am not against the true kira, and i have nothing against u i was just stating my thoughts as i have said several times already
well band practice is over
well band practice is over and dude have I missed a lot. WOW! um well what I think I think misamisa is in love with this dude maybe it's because she finally found someone who she can share her death note with and I was so right about that in your faces. as for this other kira person or whatever I have no clue about him or if he is linked to misamisa in any way. I don't think they are the same person. and I don't think misamisa would make up a person to make true kira jealous. I don't know misamisa so I'm not sure but they way she is dedicated to true kira I don't think she would do that.
figure this out ??? y?o?u
figure this out ??? y?o?u ar?e fr?o?m Mo?un?ta?in V?i?ew C?al?if?or?n?ia us?a
hmmm, what's that supposed
hmmm, what's that supposed to mean, kira?
The question is Kira do you
The question is Kira do you believe that I am loyal to you? Also do you think I am !!!KIRA!!!? If you doubt me then I don't know what I will do.
im not saying she is a lier
im not saying she is a lier and saying she is !!!KIRA!!!...! i said that is what u said and since u said that and she said she isnt.u ust think she is a lier,yagami.if u said that to me and said that i think she is a lier and !!!KIRA!!! then u read wrong, i know she isnt !!!KIRA!!!.and u two should help solve this case if it dosnt involve u two being the killers but anyway ill need smart people like u yagami and misa to solve this case but after this case is solved, u two will still be on my list to catch.if ur wondering why i asked u two for help if i will be trying to catch u because if ur dont actually kiras and r just playing around then u two wil be of much help since u two r smart and can gather alot of info about this case, i wont believe that u r kira but it is a 155 chance though but thats little compared to 100%.
oh sorry i meant to put 15%
oh sorry i meant to put 15%
figure this out ??? you are
figure this out ??? you are from Mountain View California usa?
is it are you from mountain view califronia usa and i am not from there but im form bronx/ny
Whos is from Mountain View
Whos is from Mountain View California USA? Is ???
that's what kira said
that's what kira said
misa seems like a loyal
misa seems like a loyal person so u should be loyal back,yagami.u should be greatful to even have misa even being fully loyal to u most people wouldnt do that.
Why haven't you answered my
Why haven't you answered my question Kira? You don't trust me do you? Did I say something wrong?
im form bornx/new york
im form bornx/new york
yagami answer misa what r u
yagami answer misa what r u not loyal to her as well she being loyal to u?
well I have to go again and
well I have to go again and I won't be back on for a while so you guys have your fun ok kids. Lol. just joking.
u said nothing worng!why did
u said nothing worng!why did u even say that? if u want to know something ur not going to get an answer if u do nothing now wont u.
hahhaha, bye L, and ??? if u
hahhaha, bye L, and ??? if u are so against kira why do u care what he thinks about misa, that strikes me as odd
I'm getting really angry
I'm getting really angry right now and I...I will use my Death Note! I just want an answer please.
hey yagami r u there?!!
hey yagami r u there?!!
i dont know the answer to
i dont know the answer to that question
ok before a really go maybe
ok before a really go maybe true kira did have feelings for misamisa and was crushed when she said she didn't like him in that way. what do you all think?
all right well i'll be back
all right well i'll be back later, goodbye
who u goin to use the death
who u goin to use the death note on yagami?but how if u dont know him in person or u dont know hes name and if ur talking to me then the same things ull need
are ??? and misamisa on the
are ??? and misamisa on the same side are they the same person are !!!kira!!! misamisa ??? all the same person
hahhahahaha!!!!! ur gonna
hahhahahaha!!!!! ur gonna get him mad u know!!!! hahahah, well i gotta go know too, bye
I am not on ???'s side. I
I am not on ???'s side. I want to be on your side, but you never answered my questions and I just got mad and let the anger get the best of me and I really would never use my Death Note on you Kira. I was just upset. Once again and for the last time because after this I will ignore it I am not !!!KIRA!!!
maybe that can be
maybe that can be possible.......but misa why would u go so far for yagami when he dosnt even fully is loyal to u and faithful to u as well as u r to him...i think that is wrong..(*sign*) but maybe he did like u but u crushed his heart, if thats so ull need to talk to him.i have to go sorry but ill read ur reply sometime tommorrow! k,misa! see ya tomorrow and u too ryuzaki
ill see u later also yagami
ill see u later also yagami
Um? Is that true what they
Um? Is that true what they are saying? Did you really have feelings for me? Um if you do or did I am sorry I said I didn't like you in that way. Why did they leave me in this awkward moment?
what are you talking
what are you talking about???? iv been busy and was not on these computer all the time you were all talking.
All I can say is I feel like
All I can say is I feel like I'm in the book right now when the book is not real and I am not Misa and you are not Light. This is really strange to me when this is the one thing I didn't want to happen. I wanted to look for the real Kira without it becoming something like the book. I don't know how to put any other way.
Everyone thinks you started
Everyone thinks you started to have feelings for me because L Ryuzaki said that maybe you stopped talking to me because you might have had feelings for me and I ruined that when I told confused I didn't like you in that way.
well maybe i'l trust you if
well maybe i'l trust you if you give me your email address i would give you mine but i dont want it on a blog were any one can read it
Well I am not going to
Well I am not going to listen to them because they are all just trying to start something. That is what it sounds like to me. Did you read what ??? left the whole time he was here. He made it sound like we were a couple and I'm for one not here for that. If this keeps going on then I will have to leave because this is not what I'm here for.
Um...I will give you mine
Um...I will give you mine then, but it's my second one. I have a first, but I use that for other things. My second account I will give you. Yes. I trust you enough. It's
I hope you trust me now. I
I hope you trust me now. I want to be loyal to you and only you.
Kira are you there?
Kira are you there?
how did !!!KIRA!!! know that
how did !!!KIRA!!! know that was you there could be many that go under the name misamisa and how did he know to find you here?
I left a message in one of
I left a message in one of his old blogs which was more of a chat room in yahoo and others kept asking who I was and I had no choice to tell them. I told them to come to this site because I said I have found a real Kira. I said in one message I left tuns of things in a chat room in yahoo because I have an account there. The people who were asking me who I was already knew they just knew me as a different name. My chat room name was my email I gave you. misaamane68
post links to these
post links to these sites
???????????? ??????????????? ?????????
I can tell you one thing. He
I can tell you one thing. He normally doesn't go outside the chat room, but if he does look for these names and he might have changed his name again. I know he won't mess with you because he knows he's a fake he just won't admit it. He has gone by Kira, kira, Kira Rules, Kira72, Higuchi, L, Near, Mello66, and a few others, but I can only remember those ones. He also changes on people. He has told people he was against Kira and then he will play with people and then turn on them and say he is Kira. See that is how he has messed up. He can't make up his mind who he is. That is what made me think he was fake.
Um I didn't get your links.
Um I didn't get your links. I think something maybe wrong.
does he have a myspace could
does he have a myspace could you post links to those sites that he and you have been on.
?????? ???????????????
I can post links to this
I can post links to this site and the others you gave me and I have been dropping by Myspace forums and finding tuns of Kira bashing forums. Myspace is one of the biggest sites in the world and you can go to the forums without being a member. And if you do create an account, you can make everything up from your name to your address. I might start one, but I'm not sure.
I don't know if he does and
I don't know if he does and if he does I don't know the name he would be under. And I haven't been to many links but these ones and one other one you gave me. I really never went out of yahoo until about now. I know in yahoo if you go into the chat rooms they should have a place where it says books and a list of other things to chat about and you click on that and there should be a search box. Just type Death Note and it will give you tuns of things. Also in Myspace just go to forum at the top and type in Death Note in the search box. Sorry I don't have very many places, but like I said I was usually in the yahoo chat room until I came here. I will have to make sure about the yahoo one. I will find more links for you. I want to help you out as much as I can.
Ok it is no use for the
Ok it is no use for the yahoo one. I tried while I was signed out and you have to be a member of yahoo. I know you can though with the Myspace. Sorry if I am not much help here.
I found you do have to be a
I found you do have to be a member to leave a message on Myspace. I know there are tuns of things though.
Um ok I think I just got an
Um ok I think I just got an email from !!!KIRA!!!
Are you still on here Misa?
Are you still on here Misa?
SHE CAN'T HELP YOU! SHE CAN'T EVEN GIVE YOU LINKS TO OTHER SITES! watch! I can just see you handing her back to me or she either comes back herslef! Im just going to wait and let things come to me. They always do!
ur such a complete idiot
ur such a complete idiot that it is a waste of my time even to talk to u, go get a damn life !!!!KIRA!!!!
i just sent you an email
i just sent you an email misa and !!!kira!!! go fuck off you weird stupid freak and your not kira and misa dont like you and you need to stop following her cuz your a fake kira
ok, you know what, i'm sorry
ok, you know what, i'm sorry but you are like a stalker ad if i were her u would seriously creep me out!!!!!!! well heck, u ALREADY DO!!!! STOP STALKING HER, IT'S WEIRD!!!!!!!!
Sorry. My computer is being
Sorry. My computer is being slow when I was installing that thing you sent me Kira. Also I can get you for stalking and I have had a enough with this. LEAVE ME ALONE! I told Kira what I know about you and that is you are a fake. I even gave him names you have gone under. So in a way I am useful.
Thia isnt what
This isnt what we are on this chatroom for! Lately everyone has been argueing with each other! Are most of us forgetting why we are on this chatroom? To catch kira. Instead we are all just fighting and im gonna be the better person first by apoligizing to kira#1. Im sorry, i have been acting childish kira#1. This case is a serious matter. Even though some of us arent in Belgian we should still fear kira. true kira and kira#1, if u two insist on calling yourselves kira then i'll believe you. Im not trying to be anyones father but i think that we should take this case more seriously. Anyone who agrees or wants to contact me remember, im at I await e-mails.
This aint over!
This aint over!
kira#1 goes under the name l
kira#1 goes under the name l ryuzaki know and !!!KIRA!!! go fuck your self you fake bastard your getting me pissed so just go away or if i must i well download the right software from here and i well hack !!!KIRA!!! and fuck your computer!!!
and misamisa what are you
and misamisa what are you talking about i didi'nt send you any thing to install
I'm tired of being called a
I'm tired of being called a different name, so I think will just stick with L Ryuzaki like on the other page. This is kira#1 by the way.
I think they are the same person and we could stop fighting if !!!KIRA!!! would just go away. I'm sorry for bringing this all upon you guys and it's my fault because I left !!!KIRA!!! to find someone who isn't fake. And I know it makes him mad, but he can't do anything.
what????!!!! L RYUZAKI, U
what????!!!! L RYUZAKI, U ARE MISA???!!!! WHAT???!!!
I got a message to download
I got a message to download a special toolbar. It loaded and it had like facebook and myspace on it.
wow, nice job, wasn't really
wow, nice job, wasn't really expecting that
No I was telling ??? that L
No I was telling ??? that L Ryuzaki and Kira#1 are the same person. I copied that message from what L Ryuzaki posted.
o nevermind then
o nevermind then
I just noticed something
I just noticed something though. Why in the world is ??? talking to us? I thought he was against us? I'm really confused and I do not trust him.
what are u talking about? he
what are u talking about? he has not been on in a while
misamisa confused go here
misamisa confused go here and tell these guys of my justice
I know, but I was just
I know, but I was just looking back on all the things ??? has posted so far and it was just confusing for a second. I thought he wouldn't want me and Kira working together and then he goes and says this:
yagami answer misa what r u
Submitted by ??? (not verified) on Tue, 2008-03-18 19:51.
yagami answer misa what r u not loyal to her as well she being loyal to u?
It just sounded weird to me. It was like as if he was helping us trust eachother better.
I think they will all get
I think they will all get the message now.
hmmm, never know, they may
hmmm, never know, they may think we are lying. well i would have never believed it until i met this guy
I was just checkin to see
I was just checkin to see what is going on and really not much, but I see that dumb fuck was back. did any of you see the message he sent me. he said he was going to slap me and called me a bitch. well i just wanted to see what is going on and i'm going to bed now.
Well as long as the message
Well as long as the message is sent and are you saying he is the real Kira now?
OMG!!! on the other blog he
OMG!!! on the other blog he said they were all subhuman to him!!! HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!! AND HE SAID MY FAVORITE WORD< FUCKTARD!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! O GOD, HE JUST CRACKS ME UP!!!!!!
he is dead serious though, and i don't doubt him
i never said i doubted he
i never said i doubted he was the real kira, i always said that he may veyr well be that, the real-life kira
Fucktard does sound like a
Fucktard does sound like a funny word. I'm laughing now. Yeah, he is funny. Where did he go anyway. He might be hard at work. Who knows?
ya, he knows i love that
ya, he knows i love that word, hahahahahaha!!!!! ya he's probably researching and stuff, i'm serious though, he really is a genius!!!!!!!
gotta go now, bye
gotta go now, bye
I plan on checking in the
I plan on checking in the morning or at noon to see if they left a message on that site Kira gave us. It might have to be in the morning. I do not know what my plans are yet. Normally I can't be on the computer at noon.
I know you must go now, but
I know you must go now, but I have to say this and that is I know he is a genius too and the real deal. I would do anything.
Kira I sent you an email.
Kira I sent you an email.
This is really killing me
This is really killing me inside, but I trust Kira a lot and I know he trusts me. I have something to say and it is very important and I hope it doesn't upset you Kira, but this was my way of learning to trust you more and now that I do I can quit being someone I'm not. When I left !!!KIRA!!! I kept searching for the real Kira. Someone I knew who was the real thing. That is when I came across and discovered you. At first I didn't believe it, so I signed on as L Ryuzaki. I made L Ryuzaki seem like she wasn't really smart or into the whole thing and was there to just mess around with people. I then signed on as MisaMisa on here. MisaMisa is who I really am and L Ryuzaki is just a fake. I kept signing on as L Ryuzaki even though I MisaMisa came in, but I did it because if I started to doubt you in any way I was going to leave as MisaMisa and stay as L Ryuzaki to keep learning more and just sit back and watch what happened with this case. By the way I told !!!KIRA!!! where I have been going and who I was following now that is how he truly found me. I had to argue with him as L Ryuzaki because I didn't want him to know it was me. I really didn't know who we was when he came in though because like I said, he has several names. That is why I asked as L Ryuzaki who he was. I hope this doesn't make you mad because that is the last thing I want to do and now that I told you about this I don't have to lie about anything else. I will always be truthful to you from now on and like I said, I'm really sorry.
im back...and it is good for
im back...and it is good for misa and yagami to be loyal to each other.
I would understand if you
I would understand if you told me to leave. I just had to be honest with you.
Iwill help ??? and we will
Iwill help ???
and we will solve the case
by the way can u tell me
by the way can u tell me this misa, do u want to use the death note ill give u someone's name.if u dont want to do it ask yagami to? i want to see if the death note is real or not even though im trying to catch u two ill just make catching u two more interesting. if u dont want to ill have to use one of my plans i was to use earlier on one of my posts i said one or two plans that will work to catch kira i never knew their was a second kira intill u came.but ether way i wil find out and find a way to catch u two!and if ur killing criminals what is it that u will gain out of this?
Iwill help ??? solve this
solve this case and take the death note
and we be grantedthe powers of the death note
u finaly came on N what took
u finaly came on N what took u so long
so we can talk about this kira matter!ive been waiting for u to finally go on the comipress
what r u talking about
what r u talking about granted the powers no one such be able to use the death note
r u mad ??, even know ur my friend ?? u r going alittle too far!
im trying to catch them so
im trying to catch them so that the death note's powers wouldnt be used for evil!
by the way can u tell me
by the way can u tell me this misa, do u want to use the death note
ill give u someone's name.if u dont want to do it ask yagami to?
i want to see if the death note is real or not even though im trying to catch u
two ill just make catching u two more interesting. if u dont want to
ill have to use one of my plans i was to use earlier on one of my posts
i said one or two plans that will work to catch kira i never knew
their was a second kira intill u came.but ether way i wil find out and find a way to
catch u two!and if ur killing criminals what is it that u will gain out of this?
i will catch u two with the help of N and M.but ifi wanted i could catch u two on my own
i think i will do that and M and N will give me info.u really think i am out of ur
ledge yagami i think ur out of my ledge.
Well well. Things are
Well well. Things are starting unfold. I was waiting for that. You think you can catch me? Well you can't and you never will and why should I have to prove my Death Note to you people. I never used my Death Note to kill anyone. I use it to inflict pain on them. When I was L Ryuzaki I had mentioned a friend having a Death Note and using it on a girl in school. That friend was me and she deserved it. She thought I was crazy and said my book wasn't real. Well, she found out the truth when I hurt her back. Try and stop me!
u really want to know why im
u really want to know why im doing all this u really want to know why im trying to make yagami
loyal to u as u r of him because itll be even more interesting to take down two death note
users and that is all ill tell u about why i am doing this........!
by the way misa and yagami u two have no chance of killing me with ur death note,ull need
my face and name and u have neither of those.and i can catch u but i dont know how yet but
i had a plan if kira said no he wouldnt show me the power of his death note that i made a plan
how u can use it and i will find out without u knowing if u real on the first page of the
comipress around if u look at all i had posts one of them talks how i would catch u and see
if u really had a death note.misa isnt in the plan because i didnt know she was
a kira or if their was even i second kira i thought maybe but i never knew intill misa came
on the comipress but i will catch u two somehow sooner or later......this does feel like the show
ur right about that misa but i just thought of another plan...u will never defeat me i will catch
u two and u will face justice but all i have been doing was talk nothing else but all i have to
do is find out that if ur death notes r real or not and that right there will be a big lead into
catching u two then ill find out how can i catch u do u intend to defeat me if u
cant even kill me with ur death notes.and u both dont even have the sikigomi eyes because u need
a sikigomi to do the how tell me how yagami or do u intend on killing me
and if u do defeat me i have N and M still trying to catch u then what?then theyll be trying to
catch u two and finish what i have started if u do defeated me but i doubt u fact i
know i will not fail on this case and catching u two.if u r not involved in this case and of
or the killings that happan to begin this case then M, N, and i will solve this case in no time
then try to catch u two soon after the case is completing but we have no luck whats so ever on
to solve this case so im asking u two to help us if u dont have real death notes or r just
playing around and if u r then prove that u do infact have a real death note...ill give u a name
lets see if what u yagami and misa have been talking about ur two death notes r true lets
see if u can really kill with a notebook or death note.
then is it true just answer
then is it true just answer this that u have to have a persons face to kill them or u just
need their name?
and if u dont want to show
and if u dont want to show me the power of the death note then maybe yagami will no one
would beleive me if i did tell them their isnt a point in telling someone that u or yagami
has a real death note who would beleive a teenager anyway?and why do u refuse the offer all
even give u somoene i know or one of my family members name i just want to see if its real
and if it is then it will be interesting to catch u and yagami. i will risk anything to
catch u two even my own life i dont care all i care about is solving this case and for u two to'
be cought and that u face justice.
You will never catch me and
You will never catch me and I could find you if I wanted to. I'm sure there is a way of picking up your computer signal. If not there is a way and I will find that way soon. When I do find you I will use my Death Note to inflict pain on you. I don't really want to hurt you though. Just drop this case and we won't have any problems now will we?
just let me see if the death
just let me see if the death note is real and i will drop the case about u two
but thats only if u do show me the power of the death note...and ur a kind person
u know that u dont want to kill me but u would injury me how funny can u be!
yagami wounldnt want somone who is scared of killing people to be a follower who
owns a death note who would not kill poeple who get in his way or criminals..but
i thank u anyway for saying that ull only injury me....but i would drop the
case if u show me the death note's power and ill give u a person's name that i
know.and do u need the person's face to kill them or is that just a lie?
and if u dont want to show
and if u dont want to show me the power of the death note then maybe yagami will no one
would beleive me if i did tell them their isnt a point in telling someone that u or yagami
has a real death note who would beleive a teenager anyway?and why do u refuse the offer all
even give u somoene i know or one of my family members name i just want to see if its real
and if it is then it will be interesting to catch u and yagami. i will risk anything to
catch u two even my own life i dont care all i care about is solving this case and for u two to'
be cought and that u face justice.
You sound just like L right now. You are weak just like him! Giving your own life just like him! I can make the simplest of things happen with my Death Note. I can even pick a day. I just need a name, but why prove it to you. If I did do it, it would just make you the winner and we can't have that now can we. I am too like L in a way. I have a childish personality and I don't like to lose. I give that person a head ache, back ache, stomach ache, I can even make them sick or accidently hurt themselves.
so what will it be
so what will it be
My Death Note is not that
My Death Note is not that powerful to kill someone. Kira's is more powerful than mine. Like I said mine can only inflict pain and I can even control emotions. Didn't know that one did you. If I had a Death Note that could kill I would give it to Kira so he could become more powerful. I would give him the one I have now, but I think mine is no use to him. I'm not that stupid and I won't prove my Death Note to you because that will only bring you closer to solving this case.
ill give someones name to u
ill give someones name to u and lets see if they die or not.u really want
my name then ill tell u if u know my msn email or gmail email then u send
a message then ill tell u my name then u can kill me if u really have a real
death note but if not ill laugh......lets see if what u say is true can u
really kill me and if u dont know
my msn email
my gamil email
please do relpy back i want to see if its a yes or a no do u want to kill me
or not can u or do u really have a death note that works ill soon find out!
so whats ur reply
then tell yagami to do this
then tell yagami to do this i wanna see if it is real
sice ur death note cant kill
sice ur death note cant kill me maybe yagami will do it
He might be killing you
He might be killing you right now.
so u can kill them if u make
so u can kill them if u make them trip over a kinife or etc but tell yagami
or if he reads this message to email me so i can give him my name so he can
write my name in his death note.misa ur mostly like misa ur kind,dedeicated
to kira ofcorse and etc.but how do u know i wont be able to catch u two but
if yagami does thsi then ull know if he does have a real death note or
not and ill konw if death notes do exsits but i wont live long if it does
work, but even though im gone u still have to deal with M adn n.and i told
them to put their names here as ??(near) and ?(mell0)
You putting your life on the
You putting your life on the line sounds a little insane to me right now. He might have your name and you don't know it. He could be controling you right now.
how he doesnt know my name
how he doesnt know my name nd even with the sikgomi eyes dont u still need
to see the person to know their name but ill tell u so i can see if it is real
or not but not here, so send a message to either emails u or yagami
and then ill tell u so u can write my name in the death note!
i men how does he know my
i men how does he know my name
No. I think I will play with
No. I think I will play with you a little. Like cat and mouse. Games seem more fun. Tell Near and Mello I said hi. Would you babe? Thanks! I'm not going to email Kira. I think he should read this for himself. He might have read it already and is really angry right. Who knows?
how am i insane how do u
how am i insane how do u even know i was going to give u my name i could
had easily gave u someone else name like i was going to do but
either way i would have found out but i wont tell anyone if i knew u know
why because i want to catch u two myself i wouldnt even told M ad N because
they problily want to use like u two r so ill ctach u two on my own.
if u read what ??(near) said about when u two get caught and put to
justice that he would use the death note nd i cant have ill have
to catch u two on my own but so i was just acting for awhile about giving u my
name i just wanted to see if it was real but since i told u now i bet
u wont do it but nothings going to happan and if u do show me
the death nots power yagami or misa i will not try to solve the case
yeah alright,misa and misa
yeah alright,misa and misa do u have easter vacation starting today because it was a half a day for my school and im in vacation now.....but anyway what do u mean play games with me?
i mean u said think I will
i mean u said think I will play with you a little.
Like cat and mouse. Games seem more fun
what do u mean?
I feel like I have you right
I feel like I have you right in my hand. I indeed knew you would give me a fake name anyway. I was just seeing how long it would take you to admit that you would give me a fake name. I might be smart after all. I did make people believe L Ryuzaki was someone else didn't I? I could use the Death Note by myself and start a group of my own followers, but I'm too loyal to Kira. Besids, he already knows what I look like. I will follow him and only him and I think I'll let him have you. He wants to rule over the new world, so why should I do his job. Yes. I'll just let him have YOU!
I can tell you I don't go to
I can tell you I don't go to school and you'll see what I mean by playing games because this all seems to be getting more and more interesting. After all the fighting has stopped there is more time now to bring you down, so let the games begin.
no i wosnt going to give u a
no i wosnt going to give u a fake name but someone i knew......i was goin to give u
a name of someone that i knew and say it was mine but i told u already that i
wasnt actually going to give u my name but someone elses instead.and how
does he know how u look like if he never met u im confused now!ur smart
u though ahead and knew i would do something like that ur quiet smart infact
u knew i would do that but u didnt real correctly i wasnt goin to give u
a fake name but someone i knew
and if u think u can get my
and if u think u can get my name that easily that is worng and how do
u even intend on geting my name
......u dont go to school
......u dont go to school then u graguated colledge or high school because thats
the only way u dont have to go to school
Oh I knew you would give a
Oh I knew you would give a name. I just knew it wasn't going to be yours. Kira knows what I look like from a picture that is all. If it takes years to get your name, then so be it.
Submitted by MisaMisa (not
Submitted by MisaMisa (not verified) on Wed, 2008-03-19 14:11.
you'll see what I mean by playing games because this all
seems to be getting more and more interesting. After all the fighting has
stopped there is more time now to bring you down, so let the games begin.
what do u mean about let the games begin, the games have just begun!
what do u mean?what r u saying ur going to play around with me
before yagami kills me or something like that but u dont even have
my name and u will never know it only if u have the skigomi eyes then
ull have a better chance on geting my name but u dont.and u still
havnt answer my question how does yagami know how u look like, misa if
u said u never meet?!
oh?! and why would u do
oh?! and why would u do something like that u dont even know how
old he is?! and ur problily 15-17 hw do u know how old he is?!!!!
so why would u do that?
I will tell you I graduated
I will tell you I graduated from high school. A very high ranking school, so you can see where I get most of my smarts from. I can also tell you I don't have the eyes. My book just needs a name and I don't know if Kira has the eyes or not. Do you want to find out?
yeah ill want to find out if
yeah ill want to find out if yagami has the sikigomi eyes
what ull find out and why r u givin a guy u dont even now a picture of u
u dont even his age and misa ur 18 or 19 so how ur older then me huh i
thought i was older then u but back to the matter at hand why answer the
I am much older than 15 and
I am much older than 15 and 17. Add 2 years on to 17. You ask why I would do that, well why wouldn't I do that? Hahahaha! Games, games, games! I love to play games! Why should I even be talking to you? You mean nothing to me. Kira should just have you. Just wait until he reads all of this.
You know this is really
You know this is really getting off topic and is stupid. Don't you think one day all his followers will meet with him when he takes over the world? Like I said, I'll just let him deal with you. I have to go. I need to take care of something important right now, but I will be back tonight. Hahahahaha!
so ur 19 then im 4 years
so ur 19 then im 4 years younger then u but thats all ill still catch u two!
k bye
k bye
its not sikigomi eyes its
its not sikigomi eyes its shinigami eyes and hoe old are you ??? ps as for that you being l ryuzaki well ??????????????? ????????????.
oh im 15 and how old r u
oh im 15 and how old r u yagami
younger than misamisa
younger than misamisa ?????????
??? your a girl are you not
??? your a girl are you not
so what is ur reply yagami
so what is ur reply yagami
oh u did so ur 17 rite
oh u did so ur 17 rite because msia is 19
I agree with what your
I agree with what you are doing kira and i believe that all criminals should be wiped of the world. I would like to be one of your followers in your new world.
i am not a girl! i am a guy!
i am not a girl! i am a guy!
what gave u the idea i was
what gave u the idea i was girl,yagami how u didnt know a was a guy to begin
respond to me kira. i want to be a follower of you.
all who want to help me go
all who want to help me go here and talk to these guys about my justice
...r u there yagami if u
...r u there yagami if u must know im a guy not a girl im L for god sack
L for one is a guy.......
that link i posted may look
that link i posted may look like its to here but it is a different blog on the same site so go there please just for a second
hey ill give u a persons
hey ill give u a persons name and lets see if he dies email me on my gmail or
my msn and il give u the persons name
that was for u true kira
that was for u true kira
what was for me?
what was for me?
i was Anonymous i forgot to
i was Anonymous i forgot to put ??? as my name
is that misamisa and yagami
is that misamisa and yagami light still there and what was the K K mean posted twice
yagami how r u to kill ne
yagami how r u to kill ne like misa said u dont have my name so how
can u kill me with ur death note
yagami means u(truekira)
yagami means u(truekira)
ur the real deal huh?!
ur the real deal huh?! yagami but even though u do have A real death note u still
need my name to kill me but itll be hard because i dont know how u can possibly
get my name without me telling.
i dont need or want to kill
i dont need or want to kill you and besides your about as much as a fret to me as a hamster is