Belgian Police Stumped by Death Note Manga MurderANN is reporting that the Belgian police has reached an dead end in the investigation of the recent "Death Note" murder:
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
your a total complete
your a total complete absolute pure fucktard ray(joshua pawell)
Oh that word.
Oh that word.
thats what u think and
thats what u think and actually i dont give a damn what u think all i know is thAT WHAT UR DOING IS WRONG, UR NO GOD,NO RULER, ur way isnt justice at all all ur doing is creating chaos and i wil put a stop to what u r doing even if i have to risk my life then so be it.ur a fool if u think u can get away with this my plan will unfold soon enough and if i happan to fail like i said more people will also try and stop what ur doing
poor joshua is a
poor joshua is a disullisioned teenager!!!! he is fucktarded!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! FUCKTARDED!!!!
stop talking that same
stop talking that same pointless crap over and over again blah blah blah your full of it fucktardedness yeah i am suprised you know any thing my way is justice yours is gay.
You guys want me to die of
You guys want me to die of laughter? Now there is fucktard, fucktarded, and fucktardedness. What next fucktard face? I actually said that yesterday.
My account isn't letting me
My account isn't letting me answer my emails so it will be a while before I answer them if anyone sent me something.
my way is gay u make me
my way is gay u make me laugh
If you can ??? send me an
If you can ??? send me an email so I can see if something really is wrong with my computer.
Well my email is being gay
Well my email is being gay so I'll be back in the morning.
you make me laugh more!!!!!
you make me laugh more!!!!!
I think I got everything to
I think I got everything to work. And where have you been ???
As long as me and my team
As long as me and my team are still alive you got nothing to work with, but Jack and Shit. and jack just left town.
If you are still on check
If you are still on check your mail ???
Look, I am gonna settle this
Look, I am gonna settle this once and for all, True Kira doesn't have a death note, Light's justice is a load of bullshit and Misamisa, after True Kira is done using you as a pawn in his chessboard of bullshit, he'll probably kill you too. True Kira, you are never gonna bea god because there are people that can stop you. STOP THE BULLSHIT BEFORE IT OVERFLOWS!!!!!!!
BTW I know another reason
BTW I know another reason why you can't kill me even if I told you my name, because of my initials you ponder whether or not "Lucas" is Fake on account that it shares the same initial as "L" not to mention there are at least more than half a million people who uses the name shane alone and another million that use greer or grier. and if you didn't have my face they would all die too. also should my name not be shane or lucas or greer, i would be still alive and still intimidating you.
There's also the fact that
There's also the fact that he isn't Kira.
On the other he spews many wrong and vulgar insults at us.
If he WAS Kira he would try to infect us instead of upset us.
And he also contradicts himself a lot as if he isn't sure how to present himself as Kira. Also he spells like crap.
So Wolf, don't waste your time on this.
I am not wasting time I have
I am not wasting time I have all the time in the world.
For one you all spell like
For one you all spell like crap. Two go back to your other blog. Three don't talk crap about Kira. Four if I knew who you were I would slap the shit out of you. And anyways Kira only kills criminals. I haven't killed no one so why would he kill me? And if he did try to kill me then I was wrong about his way of justice, but for now I'm not worried. So shut the hell up!
The reason he hasn't killed
The reason he hasn't killed you yet is because he is still using you. Loyalty doesn't matter to him as long as you are useful and when he is done with you he'll throw you away like garbage.
Damn! He is the fucking true
Damn! He is the fucking true Kira and one day you'll find that out.
Well, how did you find out
Well, how did you find out he is truly Kira then?
He is truely a genius and
He is truely a genius and you'll find that out soon. He has come up with brilliant ideas that only the true Kira could come up with. That is all I'm going to tell you.
Then that's all I'm gonna
Then that's all I'm gonna know and that's next to nothing to "inspire" me I need solid evidence which is not saying he's a genius perhaps that's all you will tell because that's all you have to go on?
I have searched to find
I have searched to find someone who has the same beliefs as I do on how the world should be and I did find someone, but I found out they were a fake and then I met Kira. This Kira. He has never lead me to believe he is a fake. He's a genius and powerful. I admire the way he works. There could never be a better Kira. If I were you I would just leave before you make him mad. I would do anything for Kira even if it meant giving him my Death Note.
Have you not noticed Kiras were only appearing AFTER the release of Death Note? AND that there have been NO mass killings?
Like I said one day you will
Like I said one day you will all see what his plans are soon.
hahahahahahaha i V,hurricane
hahahahahahaha i V,hurricane wolf i did not want you to believe me thats why i acted like that you fool i already said that and even after this you will not believe me hahahahahahaha.
See. He really is a genius.
See. He really is a genius.
You're gonna have to kill me
You're gonna have to kill me to silence me because I will never stop that's called integrity and the fact that I am still pushing back demonstrates courage, the very thing true leaders are made of. the very things True Kira lack.
your a fool if your think
your a fool if your think you know the real me.
He is much braver than you.
He is much braver than you. He has it all. You are just lucky I don't have your name because my Death Note can only tourcher people and I would love to do the worst to you. His is more powerful though and I would not mess with him.
Death Notes can't torture
Death Notes can't torture without ending in death Misa, I just don't understand why you are with this guy none of this happened until death note was released. What would you have done if you never experienced death note? Would you have still followed him?
I already told you my name
I already told you my name you just need a face to make sure you killed me instead of an innocent bystander. And True Kira, I know more than you think, as a matter of fact If I hadn't watched death note I might have become you.
I'm confused. =/
So first you tell us you're Kira then you say you don't want us to know your Kira then you say you're Kira but you don't want us to know? Make up your MIND!
You see? This is EXACTLY why I'm NOT inspired by you!
A real Kira would want us with him not against him!
You could never ever be
You could never ever be anything like him. Your IQ is that of a rock.
Over the years I was a law
Over the years I was a law abiding citizen, one of those guys who believed that authority figures from polictions to cops are true justice because they claim to help the people, then I wake one morning and realized that it was all a load of bullshit and that tru justice doesn't belong in the "Real world" Because I still believe that today, the cops and poitictions are no different than the criminals they arrested. Not to mention the way I was treated as a kid made me an unstable destructive person back then, I hurt people including thos who didn't deserve it. I have always thought there was no one worse than what I am, until I found the death note manga I read through it watched the show and the movies and realised that I could have been worse than what I already am. since then I vowed to embrace true justice, to help those in pain and crying for help. that's why I am here today.
BTW Misa, I am alot smarter than you think, because of the way I talk to people I am just considered an asshole.
You all must be better than me.
I'm a thief. I could give even less of a damn what happens to those that I rob. I'm here because I don't like the idea of somebody killing and blaming it on a work of fiction. I think justice is stopping those who do horrible acts and giving it back to them ten fold.
i told you that i was kira
i told you that i was kira to see your reaction to judge your personality i but i feel getting you to believe me is pointless and dangerous and death note is a work of art but that does not mean that the people who made it were write about kira being wrong
You sound confused. Play
You sound confused. Play with this persons mind Kira.
You know what if he knew
You know what if he knew what was going on in my head he'll piss himself.
Tell them Kira. Show them
Tell them Kira. Show them your genius.
Scared yet V?
Scared yet V?
Kira IS wrong! He wanted to
Kira IS wrong!
He wanted to become god! He wanted to rule the world!! In the beginning his intentions were pure, but he was eventually corrupted by the death note.
In this deleted scene of L's funeral he COMPLETELY disrespected the dead! If you use a death note no matter who you kill it STILL makes you a killer! It doesn't matter how many criminals you kill,in the end that can't stop the evil in all humans! When Kira is gone,people will just return to crimes because THAT IS THE HUMAN WAY!!! You can't stop it forever.
Scared? Not at all me dying
Scared? Not at all me dying is not an issue in my mind.
And I still believe Kira doesn't exist.
So this isn't a live or die situation in my mind
So there's nothing to fear.
hahaahaha V you sound like a
hahaahaha V you sound like a child its not about killing all of the criminals its about destroying as much evil as possible and i am not a killer our if i om i am a good killer i kill were killing should be i kill toughs that are absorbed
by evil who's existence and being is evil they are not people they are monsters i am not a killer i am a monster slayer.
There goes a Kira!
You sounded very Kira there that was pretty deep.
But there's just no point because wherever the evil goes it will always return.
Thas is why it must be confined.
KIRA IS NOT WRONG! KIRA IS JUSTICE! If only I could do something to the people who take other peoples lives. They should know themselves what it feels like to get killed. It will teach them a lesson that if you kill someone then you get killed.
You should be scared. I want
You should be scared. I want to do the worst to you until you beg for mercy. You anger me. Kira is never wrong.
You are nowhere near the
You are nowhere near the first person who would love to to have me experience the ultimate torture.
But so one has been able to do it.
it is not the human way at
it is not the human way at all if it was people would not think it wrong and their would not be any prisons they give in to their material greed etc they are week and polluted to there core and very being
I mean mankind has always
I mean mankind has always had crimes and killing
well for a genius you have a
well for a genius you have a bad use of homynoms.
I have had family taken away
I have had family taken away from me because of idiots who are still living today. What if someone came in and killed your mom or dad and they just let the person who killed them live? I would want them to feel the same pain.
How fucking dare you think
How fucking dare you think that I don't know what it's like to lose a loved one, my friend was hit by a van four months ago.
I truly am sorry to hear
I truly am sorry to hear that. You have a good reason to kill and follow Kira.
I have lost a loved one the same way as you but...
"Those who dwell on the past can't enjoy the present"
That is what makes you and I different Misa. You want revenge on the killer as where I feel that I can't change what happened and move on.
Maybe that is why we are on different sides.
yes i know i put week as in
yes i know i put week as in time and not weak as in not much power but that was just a typo
Who cares how things are
Who cares how things are spelled or said. You all spell badly and I do sometimes too. So what. Your sentance began with a lower case and you don't start them with lower cases.
I was talking about the
I was talking about the other person. Not you Kira.
a homynom is a word that
a homynom is a word that sounds the same but is both spelled different and have different meaning.
and you made a mistake to
and you made a mistake to its homonym not homynoms
No shit. Really? I learned
No shit. Really? I learned that in the 7th grade. I'm done with school, so I don't need a teaching lesson.
Why are we talking about
Why are we talking about this stuff?
So are you 2 working to find
So are you 2 working to find mangamoord? Or do you just people to believe "Kira" exists outside of fiction?
you shouldn't try to joke around with this case.
This is all real, You shouldn't try to joke around with this case. Kira should be found, otherwise, more innocent people could be murdered becasue people are not taking this seriously!!! If you are not interested in this case, or, are just trying to sound "cool" by playing detective, then Leave, because those of us who want to solve this case, and have intentions of putting this Kira to death, do not want to be disrespected by mere children, who just want to play.
How dare this fucker test my
How dare this fucker test my cooking and baking genius. Anyways, don't mind me. I'm on a food blog as well as this one.
random much?
random much?
I'm just here for Kira. I'm
I'm just here for Kira. I'm one of his supporters. I didn't even read about that one.
Why is Kira here?
Why is Kira here?
Because everyone loves
Because everyone loves supporting insane psychopathic murderers. It's SO normal.
i have confused researching
i have confused researching the tokyo yakuza deaths as we speak and i am showing a passing interest in the manga murder or in dutch mangamoord.
No. The question is. Why are
No. The question is. Why are you here?
random much? Submitted by V
random much?
Submitted by V (not verified) on Sat, 2008-03-22 11:34.
random much?
I'm a random person so shut the fuck up. You got a problem?
All I mean is that was a
All I mean is that was a very random statement.
ARE you a good cook?
I was originally here to
I was originally here to have wolf stop wasting his time on this blog but after learning more about you two I'm here to see how you justify your actions and YOU Misa have a very good reason.
That's because I'm always
That's because I'm always right and you will never catch me.
I'm not trying to catch
I'm not trying to catch you!
My target is the manga murderer.
He actually killed somebody.
Of course I'm a good cook
Of course I'm a good cook and don't forget baker. I learned from the best cooking genius in the world. Alton is my everyhing when it comes to food.
Well good because if you
Well good because if you were to try in and catch me you would be wasting your time.
Why are you being so
Why are you being so confrontational?
V and hurricane wolf,i will
V and hurricane wolf,i will like to help solve this case,and to find out if he really has a death note if he does he must be caught or he'll continue to kill criminals if he does have a death note that or is real. we dont actually know if death notes exsist or not but if it does then this a serious matter and this has to be caught for the killings he has commited.if he has been killing criminals but we'll find out soon enough my plan wont fail!kira u can not win alot people r trying to catch u
Thank you
Thank you
Well, at least we all like
Well, at least we all like food right?
I love food. Did you check
I love food. Did you check your mail ???
I have to watch what I cook
I have to watch what I cook though because I did do some modeling and then stopped because I'm in a band now with my friends. I have to stay fit.
I'm naturally fit no matter
I'm naturally fit no matter what I eat.
If you are talking about me
If you are talking about me being confrontational I'm a girl and I don't need a reason to be confrontational.
See? There you go again.
See? There you go again. Getting upset by nothing.
I know me too, but they want
I know me too, but they want me to stay fit and eat healthy. I eat like crazy though when I'm at home.
We really are alike.
We really are alike.
I was actually not upset. I
I was actually not upset. I was just pointing out that fact. That girls get upset over nothing. I'm the first to admit it.
You are, not to say guys
You are, not to say guys aren't confrontational
A girl admiting to be upset
A girl admiting to be upset over nothing. has the earth stopped turning.
Well it's the truth.
Well it's the truth.
Are we really getting along at the moment?
Keep your frinds close, keep
Keep your frinds close, keep your enemies closer. and as far as I am concerned Kira is my enemy.
Misa doesn't really seem
Misa doesn't really seem like an enemy to me.
Misa is just confused, the
Misa is just confused, the death note is a drug, True kira is a dealer and misa's the addict.
In any case,It would be a
In any case,It would be a lot easier to stop Kira and Misa as opposed to MM.
Well they can get
Well they can get confrontational, but when they do in like five minutes they act like nothing ever happened. Girls when there is a fight we talk about it for weeks and sometimes months. Then like two years could pass and when we see the person we had a fight with again we talk to oursleves and say I remember I had a fight with that person once. Then we call our friends and tell them remember the time I got into a fight with so and so well I saw them today. See we remember the littlest and stupidest things. .
I'm talking to you guys
I'm talking to you guys because none of you pose a threat to me, so why should I care?
yeah i did misa, and anyways
yeah i did misa, and anyways kira u cant stop us u cant even kill u wont be able to stop people who will or try and catch u because u cant kill them so u'll sooner or later be caught and put to justice if means to risk our lives then so be it.death notes shouldnt be used at all and ur way isnt justice ur a killer.criminals irnt monster their people and ur just like them even though u may think otherwise ur also a killer u kill criminals their still human!ur a fool kira ur way isnt justice.
Not an enemy? If only you
Not an enemy? If only you knew what my plans were with my Death Note.
You say it like your plans
You say it like your plans affect me.
By the way i do pose a
By the way i do pose a threat. I happen to be autistic.
They don't really. I have
They don't really. I have much bigger plans. These plans I'm doing for myself, but I'm still with Kira at the same time. I'm not using my plans against him either by the way. I would never do that.
If thats the case it will be
If thats the case it will be several times easier to stop you.
I happen to be out of my
I happen to be out of my mind.
What does being autistic
What does being autistic have to do with anything? What the hell.
1. Psychiatry. a pervasive
1. Psychiatry. a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment.
2. a tendency to view life in terms of one's own needs and desires.
true kira ur plan will not
true kira ur plan will not succeed u will be caught sooner or later
I would like to see you stop
I would like to see you stop me.
I don't believe in his
I don't believe in his plans.
What about an autistic kid
What about an autistic kid who has a near-psychic ability to feel the pain of innocents and prcognition, that has a vast knowledge of witchcraft and occultism, is able to figure out a solution to a problem by just looking at it, and is unpridictable.
Ok. I'm kind of a blonde
Ok. I'm kind of a blonde sometimes and right now you are confusing me. I hate being confused. Don't you dare play games with me.
Quite a resume wolf.
Quite a resume wolf.
How I ever graduated from a
How I ever graduated from a high ranking school I do not know.
like i said more and more
like i said more and more people will be trying to catch u, u cant win ull soon get caught
hahahahah stop saying the
hahahahah stop saying the same thing over and over again why dont you think of some thing original to say
??? your target is "Kira"?
??? your target is "Kira"?
i dont give a damn of what u
i dont give a damn of what u say!u have no chance of winning u should give up
Kira has always been his
Kira has always been his target.
What would you do if you
What would you do if you found "Kira" ???
You know liking the way Kira
You know liking the way Kira thinks isn't something I should do and I shouldn't want to spend my time supporting him, but what can I say to me he's the right kind of wrong.
follow what you believe in.
follow what you believe in.
This is what I believe in.
This is what I believe in. It might be all wrong to you, but it's right to me.
Exactly what?
Exactly what?
well hello there hurricane
well hello there hurricane wolf and V, hmmmm, things are really getting interesting now!!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
Confused you always come in
Confused you always come in at the most interesting times.
so the wolf is an autistic
so the wolf is an autistic psychic witch and V is a thief , and they both seem to be quite clever. well this is quite interesting
I forgot tomention that I
I forgot tomention that I have primal instincts hence the name.
hahahahahaha, don't i?
hahahahahaha, don't i?
What you said is exactly
What you said is exactly right Misa
Confused. Who's side are you on?
who do u think?
who do u think?
who's do u think?
who's do u think?
I dunno you seem to go back
I dunno you seem to go back and forth.
really, i have known the
really, i have known the true kira for quite a while, i am on his side. but u, V, and wolf really do intrigue me
V the symbol for female like
V the symbol for female like in the da Vinci code their was a V in the painting of the last supper so does that mean V is a girl
I suppose it won't hurt to
I suppose it won't hurt to tell you I'm a guy and I hare the davinci code V is simply the letter i used because all the good ones were taken. also its the first letter in violence.
alright so it seems only
alright so it seems only misa and i are girls. the rest of you are guys, correct?
Well, I must go. I will be
Well, I must go. I will be back tonight though.
bye misa, talk to u when you
bye misa, talk to u when you get back
I suppose.
I suppose.
you have had hardships in
you have had hardships in your life with losing a loved one to a criminal, why do you not follow kira instead of opposing him. i know u said what happened in the past stays there, but i do not believe that. if i could get revenge for the death of a family member, i would!
except, then again, a very
except, then again, a very close family member to me has done many, many bad things, and i, now, would not want that person to die.
I don't follow Kira because
I don't follow Kira because I feel his way is wrong and that death notes are tools of satan. It begs you to kill those enemies and rivals you have. I don't believe in that.
frankly I think if death
frankly I think if death notes are real the would probably beolng to the grim reaper since he chooses the time people die anyway.
tools of satan? well that's
tools of satan? well that's an interesting way of looking at it. but i certainly don't see it as that. i see it as a way of cleansing our world of evil. without criminals there would not be murders, no terrorists, it is the ideal world
But it can kill anyone.
But it can kill anyone.
but it would not be used to
but it would not be used to kill the innocent, only those who truly deserve it
Misa and Kira said they'd
Misa and Kira said they'd use it to kill Wolf and I.
misa's deathnote doesn't
misa's deathnote doesn't kill and kira really wouldn't do that unless you were truly evil
I would see why you think
I would see why you think that V would not be a victim but if you did read all the comments, not only did I push kira and try my best to keep misa from getting herself killed, but I also revealed my real name to see if he was the real deal. so far nothing.
How the hell can a death
How the hell can a death note not kill?
hers is different, let her
hers is different, let her explain it to you when she comes back, it can only torture, not kill
OK then i'll leave for a
OK then i'll leave for a while now
true kira wont just only
true kira wont just only kill criminals but will try and kill people who get in his way and r a threat to him.he cant escape the fact that he cant do nothing to the people that r after him!he needs a name and a face, if u only have one then u cant kill he needs both to do so and without both he cat kill the people that r after him so he cant stop them from catching him!he thinks no one can catch him, thats something to laugh about if he cant kill us or the people that would be trying to catch him for that matter he has no way to stop it.he knows that and saying no one can catch him to confuse people and threaten to kill us but he cant without a face and a name. he cant do nothing to stop this,sooner or later he will be caught and but to justice and he will have no way to stop it.he will have a hard time to get a face and a name.
u kira r a fool if u think no one can stop u ur of no threat to the people that r trying to stop in fact ur of no threat to me u cant kill me so i dont have to worry u need a picture to kill me but u dont, u know this is true but u say it isnt u have no way to stop me or other people that r trying to catch u if u wont be albe to kill them.u will be caught even if it takes years to do so no one will think of u as justice only a few do but most r just scared of what powers u have and dont want to die but ur no ruler,no god,ur nothing but a killer trying to clense a world that will never be clense every one sins i bet u have sined may of times also so ur no better then killers!u kill criminlas thinking its for the better thinking that its for the better everything u think of is wrong,ur have no right to kill criminals and ur also going to kill people for minor crimes...even if u succeed u cant take sin away everybody is bron with sin everyone sins but god still forgives them but ur not god ur just a human who thinks what u r doing is right and think that because u were given a death note or paid for it online ur god,ur a ruler,that u can change the world and make it a better place what a load of sh*T!and i dont really give a damn of what u have to say i know u will be caught sooner or later u cant run u will be caught,just like light yagami in death note the show he is a killer and L and N saw that L failed but their were still people after light they never gave up on catching him and they finally did ur nothing different some people will fail trying to catch u but sooner or later u will be caught i know infact i know u cant even stop this from happan as hard as u try as hard as u may think of a way their is none u will be caught and put to justice!kira u will lose, u have no way of defeating me!
you assume to much and talk
you assume to much and talk to much pointlessness you make me laugh
... ??? that was...exactly
... ??? that was...exactly correct.
kira ur nothing different
kira ur nothing different then light yagami from the show u wont succeed u wont be able to create ur new world because people will be there to stop u and u wont be able to do nothing u cant do nothing u cant even kill them if they were a threat to u. u cant win so give up!
what will be ur reply now
what will be ur reply now kira
ull end up like light yagami
ull end up like light yagami from the show, just like him u will fail.
this is a scenario of things
this is a scenario of things to come: True kira is gonna try to kill myself, my team, or those who are chasing him solo. After he eliminates his enemies he'll kill misa and take her death note. Thinking that he has one he will continue to kill criminals until the world sees him as a god.
just so you know this is only a scenario and not likely gonna happen.
yeah but if it does then
yeah but if it does then what do we do, if he does have a real death note then what! we dont know if he does or doesnt but ill find out son enough if he has a death note or not.but he needs a face and name before he can kill us so were safe for now
and when i find out then my
and when i find out then my plan can begin if he does have a death note
even though true kira might
even though true kira might be leing about having a real death note, their is a real death note in japan.
???Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan???
April 26, 2007 by crimxon
Several hundreds of people organized a manifestation today in Shibuya in favor of the recent deaths of criminals. The population has been shocked by a recent leak from the police that dozens of yakuza bosses and other criminals have been dying in the last weeks in undetermined circumstances. The Tokyo police department has confirmed the news and said they are investigating alongside CIA specialists. There have been a few dozen of cases reported to the media.
Realitity taking over fiction
The young supports of the deaths have been claiming that someone they call ???Kira??? is responsible and holds the power of God to punish the criminals in Japan. Local newspapers have reported aditional information leaked from the police which talks about hundreds of deaths across several other countries. The deaths are similar to that of a fictional movie recently released in Japan where criminals were killed by means of a book dropped from heaven by creatures they called God of Death. Fiction or reality, many people are scared they might die over minor or falsely judged crimes..
this is real
this is where i found this info
check it for urself V and
check it for urself V and Hurricane Wolf
where the hell did that come
where the hell did that come from.
i'm the one who told joshua
i'm the one who told joshua about that and gave him that website to look at. joshua don't pretend to be a know-it-all when u had no idea about the case in japan until i told u about it.
im not i just want them to
im not i just want them to know about it what gave u the idea i was doing that? sometimes u confuse me!
i already said that i had
i already said that i had confused researching the yakuza tokyo one as we speak since the case does not have a official name.
hmmmmm, maybe i am
hmmmmm, maybe i am confusing. i guess that is just my personality
watcg these two shows The
watcg these two shows
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya episodes 0 to 14 is in enlgish if ur wondering and also a show called Clannad its in japanese but has english sub its episodes 1-22 rite now but 23 is coming next week on friday.
that was really random
that was really random
Stop KIRA!!!!!!!
Stop KIRA!!!!!!!
yeah you say that cuz your
yeah you say that cuz your probably a criminal
yeah i know.
yeah i know.
what me hahahahaha you'll
what me hahahahaha you'll never stop my evil will not win
what me you'll never stop me
what me you'll never stop me your evil will not win
too late you just admitted
too late you just admitted you're evil. That's all I wanted to hear
your a idiot acting like a
your a idiot acting like a child that was a typo saying that was to late to the typo is so like a child you are a idiot
Protester why r u even here
Protester why r u even here do u even have a motive u just say stop kira for some reaon if u knew what he was up do if he does have a real death note and u want to stop him then ull need proof that shows his evil even though if he does have a real death note or not and is killing criminlas we dont know this yet! but soon or later i will find out!he will be caught if he does have a death note and r killing criminals because that is wrong, killing is a sin even though ur killing criminals kira!criminals r human if u dont think so if u think they r monsters what does that make u ur killing them with a superantural book if u have one or not.what ur doing is wrong if u irnt lieing about having a death note and just acting like u do, bt ill find out soone enough
that was me i forgot to
that was me i forgot to change my name
ok the protestor has become
ok the protestor has become bi-polar!!!!!
joshua it's obvious you're
joshua it's obvious you're the protestor, stop being an idiot
I snet a message on youtube
I snet a message on youtube warning the public about you True Kira.
ur warning the public about
ur warning the public about kira? why don't you post the video so we can watch it?
it was a joke, we were only
it was a joke, we were only cosplaying!!!!
Did you really believe that
Did you really believe that there could seriously be a magical book that can kill people?
im not the the protestor if
im not the the protestor if u wondering why would i do that so shut up and die
Frankly I thought you were
Frankly I thought you were some crazy psychopath, you have no Idea what I would have done If I were to acutally fell for that. in order to admit your faking I used the video as a last resort. you brought that one on to yourself.
By the way alll that stuff
By the way alll that stuff about my autis and instincts are no lie.
then terminate that video
then terminate that video
just did, but word spreads
just did, but word spreads fast.
so what about the death note
so what about the death note in japan was that a lie as well........
you still haven't deleted
you still haven't deleted the video, get rid of it
Random deaths in Tokyo
Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan???
April 26, 2007 by crimxon
Several hundreds of people organized a manifestation today in Shibuya in favor of the recent deaths of criminals. The population has been shocked by a recent leak from the police that dozens of yakuza bosses and other criminals have been dying in the last weeks in undetermined circumstances. The Tokyo police department has confirmed the news and said they are investigating alongside CIA specialists. There have been a few dozen of cases reported to the media.
Realitity taking over fiction
The young supports of the deaths have been claiming that someone they call ???Kira??? is responsible and holds the power of God to punish the criminals in Japan. Local newspapers have reported aditional information leaked from the police which talks about hundreds of deaths across several other countries. The deaths are similar to that of a fictional movie recently released in Japan where criminals were killed by means of a book dropped from heaven by creatures they called God of Death. Fiction or reality, many people are scared they might die over minor or falsely judged crimes..
is this true about the real death note here! u made me waste my time for no reason if u were just playing around true kira i would be trying to catch the kira in japan and confused i knew their was a kira in japan but i didnt know they had a case about him
no dont get rid of the video
no dont get rid of the video let everyone see it
it stays there form a couple
it stays there form a couple of minutes and then it is automaticaly deleted by the site's administrators.
shut the hell up joshua!!
shut the hell up joshua!! delete that damn video wolf!!!
what's the matter confused?
what's the matter confused? you seem a little anxious to get rid of the video?
i'm not anxious, i just
i'm not anxious, i just wanted it to get deleted because there is no real kira on this blog.
You wouldn't want anything
You wouldn't want anything suspicious exposed to the public do you?
i wouldn't want the public
i wouldn't want the public to be exposed to a lie!!
well you see that's the
well you see that's the prob;lem, I never lie.
then it's good you deleted
then it's good you deleted that video because it was a lie
no i dont want police
no i dont want police knocking at my door i well be in so much trouble i am only 15
And I am 16.
And I am 16.
Well I'm pretty sure the
Well I'm pretty sure the Japan thing above is fake and I believed they were cosplayers all along so...something.
Was Misa part of the whole
Was Misa part of the whole fake thing or did she fall for it too?
What fake thing? Fill me the
What fake thing? Fill me the fuck in.
If she fell for it Kira
If she fell for it Kira should be ashamed
true kira lied about having
true kira lied about having a death note
true kira lied about
true kira lied about everything
i wasted my time for no
i wasted my time for no reason
What the fucking hell is
What the fucking hell is going on? If people are on here just rolllaying I'm going to be fucking pissed. I want answers!
true kira is stupid he
true kira is stupid he wasted my time i was going to catch the kira in japan, but i was trying to catch him tihkning he was a kira now im going to try and catch the kira in japan but ill still go on comipress to see what people have posted
what true kira did pissed me
what true kira did pissed me off, i wasted my time and energy trying to catch him when he wasnt even a kira he pisses me off! damn true kira!i wasted my time trying to catch him when i could have been trying to catch a real kira in japan what the f**k was true kira thinking, hes a fucktarin @$$whole
This pisses me off to no end
This pisses me off to no end people. I'm for one not joking about mine. This is not over. You don't know what I'v been through. People like you thinking that none of this could ever be real. I can tell you one thing. This is not over. You just made a very powerful enemy.
hey don't get hasty you
hey don't get hasty you wouldn't believe how pissed I was when I found out. and I unwittingly exposed it.
You got to admit I was right
You got to admit I was right about one thing, he did use you.
Misa...I'm sorry.
Turns out it is just an RP like I said before...sorry.
Don't get mad at us...we
Don't get mad at us...we really didn't know.
i never said death notes
i never said death notes wernt real if u didnt know and i was infact not lieing like true kira was! i didnt even know true kira was lieing intil now hes a fool for lieing i thought he really had a death note and a made a plan to stop him now its ruined! but now i can give my attention on the kira in japan
ehh...I'm pretty sure the
ehh...I'm pretty sure the Japan thing is fake. It kinda says exaggerated all over it.
I fucking trusted you Kira
I fucking trusted you Kira and now it looks like I'm going to have to take over. Who cares if my Death Note can't kill people. I'm not joking about having one and using it. Damn all of you! This pisses me off. I hate this. ??? please keep in touch and let me know anything about this Kira in Japan. Fuck, shit, assholes, fuck face damn as kids. FUCK!
horrible time to ask but...
Misa can you help us with the mangamoord case?
sure why not? i will keep in
sure why not? i will keep in touch about the kira in japan even though he was lieing i know u have a real death note!
Who the fuck is that? ^
Who the fuck is that? ^
V's right Misa if we can't
V's right Misa if we can't catch mangamoord but find his reall name and face, you could stop him.
Wolf can you post the link?
Wolf can you post the link?
Damn all of you. I'm Kira
Damn all of you. I'm Kira now. Fuck that shit. My plan will still be carried out. I don't care if my Death Note can't kill. I can find a way to make it more powerful. This pisses me off. Fuck you Kira. I hate you. I wish you dead. You make me want to punch an infant. If this Japan Kira is real I will find a way to find him. DAMN!
Uh true kira little advice:
Uh true kira little advice: Hell hath no fury than a chick with deathnote scorned. Misa I just hope you don't get yourself killed hen you are doing what I think you are doin, but I can't promise you that I won't catch you.
Yeah really!
Don't get caught beatin the crap outta a newborn.
srry but...
"Damn all of you, I'm Kira now!" is a funny phrase to me
I set out to save a life,
I set out to save a life, but I ended up making it worse and for that I deserve to die.
What? You didn't take a life
What? You didn't take a life so keep yours. But I've got 5 left
If I hadn't shown that
If I hadn't shown that video, these guys would have kept up their charade and misa or should I say New Kira wouldn't be as ticked as she is now and I wouldb't risk having god knows how many people killed. I was so fucking determend to catch him.
You just made a simple
You just made a simple mistake that opened Misa's eyes to the truth.
You did a good deed.
This good deed turned a
This good deed turned a possible good girl into an always at the ready cold blooded killer. My heart literaly hurts because of that.
WOLF! You're depression is
WOLF! You're depression is clouding your mind and pissin me off!
If Misas "power" got into the wrong hands meaning true kira we could have had one hell of a problem. YOU single handedly stopped that from being the case! Misa now knows the truth and can use her "power" for the right reasons! She may be truly upset at the moment but in time she will recover her senses! You did a good deed you bastard! =)
you are right about one
you are right about one thing v, I am a bastard.
I just hope that if you do
I just hope that if you do find and kill me that it'll be painless.
I will help with the Japan
I will help with the Japan case. This pisses me off though. I told Kira everything about my Death Note. Now Kira is just like everyone else who threw things at me and called me names growing up because I said I had a Death Note. This isn't over.
I just want you to know that
I just want you to know that I would never make fun of people when they make claims. Whether the claims are true or falseonly matters to the person who said it. you and I are very much alike. We're outcasts.
I'm pretty sure the Japan
I'm pretty sure the Japan case is a fake...
Me and Wolf are on the belgium case.(mangamoord)
Taht's what got me here in
Taht's what got me here in the first place. I was in on it out of empathy.
so ull help on catching the
so ull help on catching the kira in japan
I'll do my best, despite my
I'll do my best, despite my depression, I am a detective, always have been and alway will be.
I'm needing a bit more
I'm needing a bit more evidence about this Japan case before I help.
Why would someone be so
Why would someone be so heartless. I never told anyone this, but I was made fun of all the time for my Death Note and was called a witch. Two guys draged me into a car and dropped me off 20 miles from where I lived. I had no houses to go to and call. Those guys got away with it and are working in New York for this big company and making money and treating people like shit. So fuck all who knew about this joke.
I hereby grant you
I hereby grant you permission to make them suffer.
misamisa i would like u to
misamisa i would like u to help catch the kira in japan if we'll need people smart like u to catch someone like kira since u obtain a death note then u can use it for this case.
I would love to help you. I
I would love to help you. I myself was thinking about that case after I read about it. I actually could help you with Japanese words if you want to know what a character means because I have a book that tells me. I'm very interested now in this Japanese case. Count me in. I'm still very pissed though.
oh i might go to japan! to
oh i might go to japan! to solve the case somehow and catch kira with light ygami,??(near), and ?(mello)
I still don't believe in
I still don't believe in it...So know at this point I don't give a shit about it.Count me out.
I need proof.
Misa, When I was a kid my
Misa, When I was a kid my autism caused me to act awkward around other people, I had a friend who had torrettes and because of our conditions and the way we acted around others, a gay rumor was spread about us, back then I never knew what gay was and when I found out I was so disgusted for one, I am not gay and two by the time I found out, it was too late to fight back. In 4th grad because of my autism my gradeschool teachers didn't want to put up with me because of my lack of social skills. They sent me to a school that had a class that would teach me social skills. due to a mistake I was sent to an anger management class where the meanest kids i have ever seen were treating me like I was a new inmate in prison. I got beat up left and right and the teachers didn't do a damn thing about it, but when I fought back I had gotten in trouble for it. Beacuse of that place I lost my sense of right and wrong and over the years My grades were improving while my spirit dies. When I reached grade 10 High school I sumbled upon the death note series, where I found out there were people that were either people worse than me and/or peple I would have become including kira. Since then I dedicated my life to helping people. My inependant spirit came back when that happened.
I actually could give you
I actually could give you proof. Maybe. I know some things.
Let's hear it.
Let's hear it.
You have know Idea how much
You have know Idea how much it hurts.
I know how you feel. I got
I know how you feel. I got beat up too. I have had teachers laugh at me along with the kids picking on me. I think maybe that is why Kira came out and told the truth because I told Kira that. Maybe Kira felt bad for what they were doing. That is what I wanted to use my Death Note for. To get back at the two guys who took me away and threw me out in the middle of nowhere.
I'd say it's "Nice to know
I'd say it's "Nice to know that I'm not the only one who been through alot of pain." but it would make me sound like a sadist.
My story
As a kid I had anger problems. I got into a lot of fights and tormented the other children. One day I made a friend who taught me right from wrong. Over the next few years I found I was proficient in class and easily understood things and became very calm.Then came middle school. I had lost all anger and will to defend myself. One day I got beaten up and deeply humiliated in front of everybody. That night I decided I was above that and vowed never to lose or be pushed around and became a "Protector of the Weak" but I had little money and my parents never gave me money so I turned to thievery to get what I wanted and it came so easily to me the ability. No i aint no robin hood i steal to help myself. but in my killing is wrong and getting away with it is worse so that's why i'm here. Death Note had no impact on me.
*in my book killing is wrong
*in my book killing is wrong
Well my advice to you is that use at least half of what you gain from your thievery for good.
Just so you all know my
Just so you all know my depression won't interfere wit the case.
I had nothing to fall back
I had nothing to fall back on when I got angery. Now I have cooking and baking. Oh I'm really good and I'm not just saying that because I think I'm the best or anything. I fell in love with Alton Brown from Food Network because I think he is a genius when it comes to cooking and baking. He's my everything when it comes to food. I actually met him once and he is the nicest person I have ever met. He gave me his marshmallow. I said I was going to freeze it and keep it forever, but then ate it. Lol. Hahaha! he made ice cream and froze it with liquid nitrogen.
I saw that once on ellen
I saw that once on ellen degeneres that was cool, especially the thing where he makes a cake in a flower pot that looks like dirt, but it's cake
Cooking isn't really my cup
Cooking isn't really my cup of tea.
If you want the whole story
or it may be
Alright the only lead I got
Alright the only lead I got is that the manga murder is either a doctor or a medical student since the cuts were made with pefect percision.
Where IS belgium? Is this
Where IS belgium? Is this the same as the Japan Case?
I'm working on the Japanese
I'm working on the Japanese Kira case because I learned a lot about the Japanese ledgened because Death Note was based on an actual Japanese ledgened. It could help to see if the Japanese Kira is real or a fake.
Hows come every time I say
Hows come every time I say that people didn't know it was? Some fans of the book you are. Really it is and the Kira from Japan could have gotten to Belgium. They are both over seas. Not quit close, but close enough he could have gotten there in a day.
maybe the cases are
maybe the cases are connected?
Belgium is in Northwest
Belgium is in Northwest Europe and it's capital is Brussels or something.
Also Shibuya is an actual
Also Shibuya is an actual place. It's in Tokyo and one of the biggest places to shop.
I Know all the DN locations
I Know all the DN locations are real.
Well good. Now I refreshed
Well good. Now I refreshed your memory. Lol. Did you also know that the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases were also based on something that actually happened? Well kind of. It's a little off.
Did you also know that the
Did you also know that the guy who plays the voice of Light did the voice for a poney from My Little Poneies? Hahahahahaha!
Acutally the belgium case is
Acutally the belgium case is realated to the trash bag murder in mons from '93 - '97. women were found in pieces scattered all over the place, Kinda like jack the ripper. just last year, they found what was left of a guy whose arms legs and head were removed leaving the torso in forest/vorst brussels only 2 notes were left behind bothe reading "Watashi Wa Kira Dess" which was believed to be a mispelling of "Watashi wa Kira Desu" japanease for "I am Kira." because Kira was mentioned they believed him to be a death note fanatic.
Misa if you still want to
Misa if you still want to kill me let me know.
This all still pisses me off
This all still pisses me off and I wish I could use my Death Note on Kira. I'm working on the Japanese case and seeing if the Belgium one is linked in any way. Oh I am so mad! What the fucking hell. SHIT! Ok I'm cool now. SHIT, FUCK, DAMN! Ok. I will give Kira a new meaning now. A SHIT ASS FUCK FACE RETARD! That is the new meaning. My Death Note is real wether anyone believes it or not. I do hate when people want me to prove it. I only use it to get back at the people who has done me wrong not people who has done other people wrong. I promised the person who gave it to me I would only use it for myself. May she RIP. Only ??? knows the story on how I got mine and Kira, but that person is a shit fuck. Anyone can help with any of the cases and if you have any questions email me at I know a lot about the Japanese ledgened that could help with the Japanese Kira case. Just ask me anything. Man I am pissed. By the way I never thought killing was right. I just use mine to get back at people. If I had one that could kill I would never do it. Also if this Kira was real it doesn't scare me. It would just mean war now. I wish police did come an arrest Kira's ass for being such a dumb fuck asshole. Also if you think getting back at people is wrong then I don't really care. If someone threw rocks at you and called you a witch wouldn't you want them to know what it feels like? I will also tell you what my Death Note looks like. It's brown with a gold frame around it. Like I said I don't care if people believe me or not I just don't care. Right now I'm just pissed off.
there is a site I went on
there is a site I went on that taught me everything I know about witchcraft, there is a section which teaches certain spells for heart desire , Wishing, money, etc. if it were to work on your death note, you officially have kira's power, but as a consequnce you might really kill someone. If you're interested here's the site.
Why would I want to kill
Why would I want to kill you? I can't kill with my Death Note and even if I could I just couldn't do something like that. When I was following Kira, who is now a fuck face to me now, I was just going to let him do it and I was just going to tourcher the people Kira didn't want killed.
sorry, like I said I needed
sorry, like I said I needed to make sure you were still here.
I'm not interested in
I'm not interested in killing someone. Like I said I was going to leave it to that asshole Kira. Do you want me to kill people? Is that what you are trying to get at? You don't know me. I'm not that evil. When I'm not on here I go out into the world as a normal person and act like I don't know a thing about this Death Note. My family and friends don't even know about this and if they did they would leave me. I would be alone. Do you want me to have Kira's powers?
By the way the message befor
By the way the message befor last was 2 birds with one stone, I felt guilty and responsible for getting your hopes down on Kira and to see if you were still here.
I have no clue what you are
I have no clue what you are talking about. I'm just pissed. What was that video about anyway? I can't watch it.