Belgian Police Stumped by Death Note Manga MurderANN is reporting that the Belgian police has reached an dead end in the investigation of the recent "Death Note" murder:
Manga Zombie
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Well when I tried to prove
Well when I tried to prove true kira was a fake I made a video message warning people of true kira's claims and sent it to youtube. When I told him, he admitted it and I also thought you were in on it, when you found out about him you seemed so pissed, I felt guilty because if I hadn't posted that message you wouldn't plot to kill him. I destroyed the video so I could not do anymore damage. It made me so depressed that I felt I deserved to die because of it. I am sorry if you think I am some guy who wants to either kill or be killed, but that's just the wway I am.
Why are you so interested in
Why are you so interested in why I'm here?
I worry too much about
I worry too much about people even if I don't know them, that's the price I paid for empathy.
I cried because of you. I
I cried because of you. I truely thought that Kira was the real deal. Don't feel bad though. I guess you did me and Kira a favor. You saved me from telling Kira too much and Kira from getting his ass kicked. Can you and I call it truce then and work together on the other cases. Also if I find out about anymore jokes I will be pissed and will find a way to make my book more powerful. I mean it too.
I already gave you a way to
I already gave you a way to make your book powerful, use it when you need it, and trust me when it comes to the supernatural I don't fuck around.
So you knew this Kira was
So you knew this Kira was fake? How did you know?
The real kira would be a
The real kira would be a religious type.
FUCK THAT! I'm the one who said he was fake but NooooOOOOoooo
Everyone had to egg it on! You know what? I'm goin to bed!
N-NO I'm not even tired.
you may been the first to
you may been the first to know but I made him admit it.
Yep but didn't I say don't
Yep but didn't I say don't worry about it? TOLDYASO!
Although if you hadn't Misa would still believe in the fake.
Oh, AND I informed you about
Oh, AND I informed you about the videos.
This just better not be
This just better not be another silly joke is all I'm saying. If anyone has something to say they better say it now.
I don't know if that answers
I don't know if that answers my question. What made you believe this Kira was fake?
Well I wasn't sure my self,
Well I wasn't sure my self, part of me actually wanted to believe his bull shit. I was gonna trick him into admitting it, by making him think that I fell for it. But, when I posted and told him about the video, he just up and admitted he was a fake, ehich raised my suspicion further. He and confused were in on it.
I had solid evidence because
I had solid evidence because I know how humans think and act from how they talk the videos rattled me until he said his email adress was lyk kittykat19 or something like that. Then I laughed and said
Well if you reply I will
Well if you reply I will have to check in the morning because I'm tired.
This is MY part!
I said he was fake because of his attitude and words my brain is too tired to care to finish this.
What the hell. That was
What the hell. That was random.
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
Mine too so I'm going to
Mine too so I'm going to bed.
Like I said. Just email me
Like I said. Just email me if anyone is helping with the cases or if anyone wants to fess up to something. I'm not playing and ??? knows that. So everyone else should know it too.
I'll get some sleep too.
I'll get some sleep too.
I believe your serious Misa.
I believe your serious Misa. I'm just glad you were saved =)
I just wasnt to get started
I just wasnt to get started on these other cases. Forget Kira. That was the past. I still can't believe it though.
Now you're thinking like me.
Now you're thinking like me.
I will hunt you down Kira.
Well, It seems we have another Kira case on our hands here. This one seems to be qite difficult if the police cannot solve it on their own. But, the few things that I am wondering are, one: Why is he after unnamed, unknown people? two: Why would Kira leave evidence that he, is indeed Kira, and would risk being killed for these murders? and third: Why and how is he untraceable, though, he left evidence? I didn't think another Kira would strike...but, it seems to me that these Kira types, hmm, they never learn. And second, Kira, wherever you are, I want you to know that what you are evil. And I will hunt you down and put you to justice for the things you have done!!
Not if I get him first
Not if I get him first
You could just say "I will
You could just say "I will help with the cases."
So Wolf, do we have to
So Wolf, do we have to juggle cases now?
Kira must be put to Justice!!
Well, it seems that we have another Kira case on our hands. Hmm....the one thing I have learned from these Kira types is that, they never learn, but they are very tricky. This one may be quite difficult to solve. Since the police came to no conclusion as to being a murder, or a coincidence. I, for one, do not think that it is pure coincidence. Though, I have a few questions I thought I might share with you all: First of all: Why did the victims names, or profiles not come up during the investigation? Second: Why is Kira leaving notes as evidence, while having the possibility of being caught? Third: How is the case unsolved, though there were two or more peices of evidence they could have gone by? and Fourth: Why are the police questioning if the actions commited were murder or coincidence when it is clear that the victims couldn't have gotten butchered by pure accident?
I have but one message for you Kira, if you are listening,I want you to know that what you are doing, is evil. And if you think you can easily get away with the things you have done, you are dead wrong. I will hunt you down, and put you to death, Kira!! For I am, Justice!!
And for all those who are on the side of Kira, cheering him on to kill all who exsist, you belong in hell for what you are cheering on.
And the ones who are leading people to think you are Kira, let this be a warning to you.
1.The police are likely
1.The police are likely withholding the profiles.
2.He wants to make a statement and be known.
3.Do they have the evidence? If so they're still likely analyzing it.
4.No matter how unbelievable it is it could happen.
5.Please don't say "I am justice!" I see it too much.
6.What if it's an anti-evil group doing all this?
It could be true, it was
It could be true, it was rumored that one of the trash bag murder victims was a prostitute and that the manga murder victim might have committed a crime in the past and confessed it in a bar or somewhere where MM could be watching. Afterwards he could have hunted the guy down and tourtured him until he died.
im back....
im back....
this isnt a case invovling a
this isnt a case invovling a death note....but their is a kira in japan
both u may be right about
both u may be right about both cases might actually be linked but we dont fully know that yet all we of maybe think he could be but it might be true did u notice tha the Belgium case the killings has stoped there and more killings started happaning in japan maybe he did kill those people and went back in japan but both of those places irnt the only ones having deaths of criminlas out of no where.....but how do u expain the torso and the two theighs they found if their linked how is this possible?
Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan
People in Shibuya held banners of support
claiming their hero "Kira" has been punishing the criminals
Strange deaths in Tokyo cause a panic outbreak in Japan.
Several hundreds of people organized a manifestation today in Shibuya in favor of the recent deaths of criminals. The population has been shocked by a recent leak from the police that dozens of yakuza bosses and other criminals have been dying in the last weeks in undetermined circumstances. The Tokyo police department has confirmed the news and said they are investigating alongside CIA specialists. There have been a few dozen of cases reported to the media.
Realitity taking over fiction
The young supports of the deaths have been claiming that someone they call "Kira" is responsible and holds the power of God to punish the criminals in Japan. Local newspapers have reported aditional information leaked from the police which talks about hundreds of deaths across several other countries. The deaths are similar to that of a fictional movie recently released in Japan where criminals were killed by means of a book dropped from heaven by creatures they called God of Death. Fiction or reality, many people are scared they might die over minor or falsely judged crimes..
People in Shibuya held banners of support claiming their hero ???Kira??? has been punishing the criminals
Death Note followers in Japan claim "Kira" exists and is responsible for the recent deaths of 35 yakuza bosses and several imprisoned murderers.
Many persons may have heard of Death Note recently. But for those who haven???t let me explain it.
Death Note is one of the most popular anime and manga series in the world right now and the story is about a person named Yagami Light.
Yagami Light one day finds a notebook called Death Note, lying on the ground. The text inside the book claims that a person who???s name is written in the book shall die after 40 seconds of the name being written down.
By using this book, Yagami Light decides to cleanse the world from evil by killing all major criminals so that in time the criminal rate will drop to 0%.
After using this book for some time and getting rid of numerous mafia bosses as well as other criminals, he gains the name of Kira ????????????. Several online sites speaks of a person who is killing off the criminals one by one, and all the sites are calling this unknown person Kira ??????.
Can there be a real Kira??????????
Since Death Note is a anime/manga most persons wouldn???t believe that a thing like that could happen for real. However I recently found these news on some sites, and the descriptions of what happened clearly indicates the exact same things that happened in Death Note.
Read the following links:
Death Note followers in Japan claim ???Kira??? exists and is responsible for the recent deaths of 35 yakuza bosses and several imprisoned murderers.
Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan - Strange deaths in Tokyo cause a panic outbreak in Japan.
Could there really be a Kira ?????? killing off the criminals in Japan?
I will investigate further into this matter to see if there is more evidence of these happenings.
I guess everyone will have their own saying in this, but rest assured that I will be hoping for the existence Kira myself.
this i got all this info from alot of sites that i foubd on gogle if u want to look it up then put ???Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan???
What is your opinions and what do you believe?
im tellling u to believe
im tellling u to believe this but who knows it might be true
As long as I am still alive
As long as I am still alive I will never let kira get away with this. People have always dreamed of a peaceful world where everyone is happy, but if it's ruled by a person that has the power to kill anyone he wants to maintain it, I want no part of it. It isn't worth it.
im not telling u to believe
im not telling u to believe this who knows it might be true
that is what i meant
i am trying to catch this
i am trying to catch this kira in japan
I started up a youtube
I started up a youtube account so I can send voice messages.
So what is going on? What
So what is going on? What case are we working on first? Well the Kira in Japan could be linked to the killings in Belgium. If this Kira is doing killings in different areas of the world it's because he wants to make himself known. To catch Kira you have to think like Kira.
What ever questions you are
What ever questions you are asking on here just ask yourself the same questions and try to answer it. I don't want to hear the problems I want to hear the solutions.
if this link works itll tell u about the kira in japan this one isnt a lie
You know in a way I think
You know in a way I think the Belgium one and the Japanese one are linked somehow, but I'm not sure yet. I'm only at 15% at this point. I will keep searching though.
this case is real the kira
this case is real the kira in japan true also how could he have killed people. recent deaths of 35 yakuza bosses and several imprisoned murderers. how could the guy who did this kill wiyhout a death note. so im 99% sure he does have a death note but i still dont have enough evidence yet because i dont know how the imprisoned murderers and the 35 yakuza bosses died so ill have to look this matter up more and figure out if he does in fact have a death note.but most likely he does.
If this guy is killing
If this guy is killing people with supernatural means I think we should ad some.....counterweight.
what do u mean about
what do u mean about that?......
I mean we should use the
I mean we should use the supernatural against him.
This guy may indeed have a
This guy may indeed have a Death Note. His would be more powerful than mine. I wonder if I'll ever have to face him. I guess we'll have to see. Are we even worried about the Belgium case anymore?
true you are. i don't think that this is about the belguim case anymore
I am starting to believe
I am starting to believe that whoever was the trash bag murder is that karma caught up to him in the form of mangamoord.
the Belgium killer of no
the Belgium killer of no threat to the whole world he is only a threat to where the killing hapaned but if the kira in japan does have a death note then his a threat to the entire world he can kill anyone even people across the world....he is the more of a threat then the belgium
i mean is of no threat
i mean is of no threat
This is not mere childsplay.
For those of you think that this is fake, and is just a game, leave. We do not want distractions from all the evidence and information leading to the answers, and closing of these cases.
I think that if there were
I think that if there were body parts found I don't think he has a Death Note. Duh! This person just sounds like a killer using his own two hands. As for there being evidence, but not finding the person I don't know. I'm still looking into that. The thing is what kind of evidence was there besides the body parts and notes? Unless he did his killings somewhere else. It would be weird if the Japanese killer and the Belgium killer were the same person. I think it would be hard though to kill someone in one country and then dump there body parts in another country without someone else finding out. I don't even know why I mentioned it. It just sounds like it doesn't make sense. Just forget what I just said unless you think differently.
this case isnt fake i know
this case isnt fake i know the case is real!
Lawliet "L" Ryuuzaki i
Lawliet "L" Ryuuzaki i laugh at u if u really this guy is a real kira their is a real kira in japan
This is not mere childsplay.
Submitted by Lawliet "L" Ryuuzaki (not verified) on Sun, 2008-03-23 14:43.
For those of you think that this is fake, and is just a game, leave. We do not want distractions from all the evidence and information leading to the answers, and closing of these cases.
ur something else irnt u, u really think this killer is a kira if thats so then ur a fool he couldnt have been kira if he cut the body parts or etc.their is a real kira but he isnt the one the one were after is in japan and they irnt the same person as misamisa said
I mean did they ever
I mean did they ever establish wether the body parts were white or asian? I don't think they could though because well I'm no doctor, but when skin cells die they lose color.
The Belgian police stated the body/torso belonged to a Caucasian man in his thirties.
True, but if they are linked
True, but if they are linked and the Kira does have a Death Note he could have killed them with it and cut them up.
I think the mangamoord found
I think the mangamoord found the trash bag murderer and somehow made him kill himself in a way where his body cannot be Identified.
Maybe, but if this person
Maybe, but if this person claims to be Kira why would he kill himself? It doesn't make sense. If I claimed to be Kira and killed these people and then killed myself it would be because I just couldn't do it anymore and take my own life so I couldn't do anymore damage. I just don't think the real Kira would think that way though. Then again I would also leave evidence and would want people to find me so they could all witness my power with their own eyes before they died. I'm still speaking as if these two cases were linked by the way. That is the first thing we have to determine.
no that's not what I meant i
no that's not what I meant i meant that mangamoord tracked down the trash bag murderer and made the trash bag murderer kill himself. In other words Mangamoord killed the trash bag murderer.
??? I respect the way you think. I would like to hear of more opinions from you.
Oh. Blonde moment. Lol.
Oh. Blonde moment. Lol.
Sticks and Stones ???
You may laugh all you want ???, but I do respect your opinions, but I do not respect the way you are speaking to me. I am no fool. The Kira in Belgium may have a DEATH-NOTE Just as Misa-Misa-Chan said...becasue the cuts were very clean and precise...why would anyone have the time to do that if they were involved in the murder?
He could. Like I said he
He could. Like I said he could have used it and then cut them up.
It could easily be done with
It could easily be done with a larger blade and wet gloves and a smaller blade.
u may be right about that
u may be right about that and the fact that he did not leave his footprints,no blood stains or marks,no scene of straggle so their can be a chance he might have a death note but its only a 10% chance.they might be linked the Belgian killer can acrually be the second kira for all we know and is working with the kira in japan but we dont actually know that all we can go through is waht we all think about how or what is going on about the case at the sorry Lawliet "L" Ryuuzaki if i called u a fool, but anyway this kira or kiras must be stoped by any means even if it means risking ur life then so be it.......
this two cases infact may be
this two cases infact may be linked but we dont know for sure yet if we investgate this matter more we might find out moreabout these two cases
Misa-Misa-Chan why do u call
Misa-Misa-Chan why do u call her that
Just like I could call you
Just like I could call you ??? son or ??? kun.
San if for teenagers -
San if for teenagers - adults and Kun is for kids.
I'm doing medical reasearch
I'm doing medical reasearch because this person could be a doctor with a Death Note.
but doing that sounds
but doing that sounds funny
??? son or ??? kun
ryuuga u can call me that but ill still use ??? as my name
we must figure out if the
we must figure out if the kira in japan has a death note because, we actually dont know he does but he does show alot of evidence he has a death note and if he does he might think that he wouldnt get caught.
When you feel powerful like
When you feel powerful like Kira of course you think you won't get caught.
evryone gets caught all it
evryone gets caught all it takes is one simple screw up. it's the butterfly effect.
and that one simple screw up
and that one simple screw up got light yagami caught in the show but i think light yagami screwed up more then once
We don't know what kind of
We don't know what kind of person Kira is. What if he is too much of a genius and takes baby steps in his plans even if it means taking the next step in a year.
I have a feeling that the
I have a feeling that the Japan case is fake
the first website I saw it on said "Exaggerated" all over it and is exactly the same as all of these newer things that talk about the Japan case.
no but this isnt a lie just
no but this isnt a lie just read go to this link
and why the BBC NEWS lie just look at this link the case is real and not fake like u think it V
.....Even though with the Japanese case....Kira is killing criminals instead of innocents.....BUT.....Murder is still murder....what does everyone think of this..????
ur right murder is murder
ur right murder is murder even though he is killing criminlas....crminals r people as well...if he kills crminials ether way it is called murder and he is no better then the criminlas he kills but if people were to get in his way and try and stop him he would also try and kill them because he thinks what he is doing is right he thinks hes way is justice he thinks he wont be able to get caught but the fact is that everything he thinks is wrong... he really thinks he wont be able to get caught even if it takes years to catch sooner or later he will be caught and put to justice...ur rite ryuuzaki
besides what if some of the
besides what if some of the criminals he killed were detained, but not guilty?
Kira would be weak without
Kira would be weak without his Death Note is all I'm saying. Murder is murder wether Kira is killing criminals. I just want to know though what you all do if you had a Death Note?
???Random deaths in Tokyo
???Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan???
April 26, 2007
know???I really would like this to be real???life would be extremely interesting. x]
I???ve searched a lot for it and I never found it on the BBC.
he didnt find it because they put it on the BBC in Saturday 24 March 2007, 10:55 GMT
or that when they last updated it on the BBC so he wouldnt have found it on the BBC on april 26, 2007 so this is real if u think its not.
When was it added to BBC?
When was it added to BBC?
i want see if it was real or
i want see if it was real or not
No Need
??? There isn't any need to apoligize, it's quite alright,I wasn't hurt by it~~~. ^-^
And the reason I called because that's just the way I am~~. I thank you guys also~~~~~.
Why hasn't there been
Why hasn't there been anymore things about this case. Police are either hiding it or Kira is in hiding.
I wonder if this Kira is a
I wonder if this Kira is a worshiper of the shinigami gods of death?
the police wouldnt want to make people scared or they wouldnt want the world to go into chaos so they might be hiding the fact that a death note does exsist or that it is invovled in most of the deaths around the world and might be linked they hide stuff tha might make people go into chaos and try to solve it without people knowing it ever happan.....and for al we know kira might be killing and the poilice r tryining to cover it up or it wont get outthat a real death could be real
But people in Japan would
But people in Japan would surely notice it was happening and someone would try to tell the world.
Realization of the threat.....
....This Kira in Belgium isn't that much of a threat once you take the time to think about it, you know.....But.... the Japanese Kira has a Death a threat to people all around the world who are opposing him, and could be unmasked by THAT EXACT KIRA!! I may be stumbling over the edge of losing my belief that the Belgium Kira has a DEATH-NOTE and commiting these murders using the DEATH-NOTE.....but.....the Japanese Kira acctually beleives he is going to be the God of a new wrld and there-fore is killing off the criminals in Japan like they are bugs in a little girls room. (I apoligize for the humor during the heat of this case.).......However...I also stand by the fact the Belgium Kira has a DEATH-NOTE.......Any comments of this????
Why are people here soo stupid? have you not figured out yet that he is not going on refrence of kira but of refrence of another killer from the death note seris. Though since you don't i will help you out okay youn see he is going by a killer named BB aka Beyond Birthday now here is some information you see there was a killer who was killing for fun leaveing notes and such and he "choped of the body parts of his victims." don't belive me read for your self and i can assure you i will hurt any one of you how tryies to assume me even though i'm the smartest here
I need a nap, i'll be back
I need a nap, i'll be back later
This Japanese Kira could be
This Japanese Kira could be using a Death Note and worships to the gods of death.
Let me tell you about
Let me tell you about vigilanties and cops: Let's say what a vigilantie like Kira lowers the crime rate the cops don't like he way vigilanties do things, but they don't want to publicly get rid of them in fear of the crime rate skyrocketing up. So their plan would be to arrest him in secret and either Kill him or exile him to another part of the world, but the latter of the 2 would allow him to continue killing criminals so they'll have no choice but to kill him.
Maybe this Japanese Kira
Maybe this Japanese Kira already has followers and what if those followers have Death Notes as well?
that depends, if they have
that depends, if they have the same judgment as Kira, then they'll keep killing criminals. if the only care about themselves they'll kill the people that stand in their way of finnancial gain. if they just love killing, they will kill whoever they want to.
??? I admire your way of thinking~~~
Ryuuga-kun, I deeply respect the strategies you are bringing the table~~~~. Your way of thinking is very clean, with hardly any flaws that I can see for now.
Misa-Misa-Chan....I think you need a hug~~~!! are so deserve a hug~~~!!
I'm starting to think we
I'm starting to think we shouldn't worry about this Belgium case anymore and just work on the Japanese case. I believe the Japanese Kira is using a Death Note and may have followers. I think if anyone was killed by hand he had one of his followers do it so he didn't get caught. Then after he had a follower kill someone then he would kill that follower.
good theory misa u might be
good theory misa u might be right and that means he is only using his followers for his own gain.
I've almost devoured all of my cadny that was in my easter basket.....v_________v .........uh-uh-oh crap 0________o KUH-POW (does the Don Kanonji pose *from Bleach*) BO HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
S.O.S!!! X3
his followers i doubt have
his followers i doubt have the death note like him and r just followers of him and i bet after he killed one of the followers the followers became scared.......if he does have a followers they would have no way to run if they were to run to the police if they were to betry him he would kill them if they were to make a mistake he would problily kill them.......he controls now what his followers do and if they refuse i anyway and dsont want to be a follower of him any more he would kill they have n way of doing nothing their like pets of kira one by one he will kill them intill he has no followers left only the loyal ones will survive
That was random. I hate
That was random. I hate candy. I only like anything that is sour and cherry flavored. I didn't get candy this year. I should tell you guys on Tuesday I will not be on at all. My band and I are playing at this huge event. Thanks by the way for saying I had a good theory. Kira would love to use other people to his advantage. I feel it would be in his nature to not care about anyone, but himself.
oh misa u have a band......
oh misa u have a band......
Hmm.....are you accusing me....Misa-Chan??
Hmm.....*chuckles* I read through your comment....and I have a feeling you are indeed accusing me of something.
I like your thinking ???.
I like your thinking ???. That is true. If I was Kira I would make someone else with a Death Note my enemy and try and take theirs. The followers would have no choice, but to listen to me and those who do what I say would survive. Like I said to catch Kira you have to think like Kira.
Pure Genius
I'm not supporting the idea of 'Kira' owning an actual Death Note, but if there was no evidence other than the two notes....well, of course the body could have been preserved. Still though, no hair? No blood? Not even a footprint? This 'Kira' must have taken extra precautions......and he must be an absolute genius.
u cpoied and pasted tha
u cpoied and pasted tha ryuuzaki from page 1
Yes I do have a band. We are
Yes I do have a band. We are called Scarlet. L are you talking about the Japanese or Belgium Kira? I'm not interested in the Belgium case anymore.
Belgium Kira is of no
Belgium Kira is of no interest of me anyomre ether because he dosnt have a real death note hes just a regular killer thats no challenge as it will be a person with a death note like the kira in japan.i have to put all my time to try and catch him....if we just let him be he might kill more and more people each day.the reason way most of the people who say kira is justice because their affraid of him....only few really see kira as justice
Kira isn't justice. Why did
Kira isn't justice. Why did I ever think that? I was stupid for following that fake Kira. I was going to take his place and become Kira myself, but I could never be like that. My heart isn't that cold. I want to solve this Japanese Kira case and bring him down!
same here and any one else
same here and any one else think so then email me at
the kira in japan will be
the kira in japan will be caught and put to justice he's killing spree will not continue for long
The Belgium Kira Case is not of my concern beacause...
The Belgium Kira Case is not of my concern beacause it is just common murder portrayed by a psychopath and his accomplices, it has nothing to do with the DEATH-NOTE except the case may be that the murderers were big fans of DEATH-NOTE, and maybe they were certifiably insane. This case...HAS BEEN SOLVED!!
YAAAAAAAY~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! I SOLVED MY FIRST CASE :D e_e :P 83 8D :9
I dedicate the song Psycho
I dedicate the song Psycho by Puddle of Mud to the Belgium murderer.
I refuse to work on the
I refuse to work on the Japan case.
I like the song "She F*ng Hates Me" by puddle of mud XDDD
Maybe I???m the one Maybe
Maybe I???m the one
Maybe I???m the one
Who is???
The schizophrenic psycho??? yeah
D:< V!!!
V!!! YOU WILL NOT REFUSE TO HELP IN THE JAPAN CASE!!! ......Can I be the leader of a group since I solved the Belgium case???? e.e
Butterflies are making me laugh X3 I am soooo happy!!!! I'm living in my headtrips!! WATASHI WA ERU DESU!! 83
Wolf is the leader.
Wolf is the leader.
The point wast to find MM and put him to justice. Not find out why he killed someone.
Damn! I lost my fucking
Damn! I lost my fucking cream puff. 3 second roll!
...................I don't know how to report this to the Belgian police V....T~T............
any help here DX
Since ive been checking
Since ive been checking on this case for a while now,
I have realized that we need to work together to solve this. If the police can't we need to help.
CALL 911
CAN I CALL 911 ABOUT THIS!!---Wait.....police are bastards cuz they don't listen to 11 year olds.....DAMNIT!!! FUCKING SHIT!!! NOT FAIR!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
Ya! How will you report
Ya! How will you report that?
I am not afraid of this
I am not afraid of this case
I am not afraid to face things head on
I am not afraid of Kira
I am not afraid to die
I will never give up
I will not go down without a fight
I will keep going until every last beat of my heart
and every last breath from my lungs cease to exist
I am here to fight for Peace, Justice and Truth
there is no force great enough to stop me
there is no evil strong enough to corrupt me
there is no way I will can stop when I am this far
this is my word
this is my prayer
This is the oath of Hurricane Wolf
wow that was an amazing
wow that was an amazing oath, i believe you can do it
XDDDDD (some humore cuz I gotta leave to go watch Bleach and catch up with the series.)
V, I am gonna help with the
V, I am gonna help with the Japan Case
Misamisa, you shouldn't think that you're a schzo-psycho.
and L,..........lay off the sugar for a while diabetes can kill you.
i believe you can catch him.
i believe you can catch him. i believe you can catch kira.
Fine but like I said don't
Fine but like I said don't expect me to help with it.
i will help you the most i
i will help you the most i can in this case...
i will help you the most i
i will help you the most i can in this case...
That oath willstick with me
That oath willstick with me till i die.
that could be aranged hurracine wolf i mean with your oath your are willing to face anything in your way then catch me. Im not the killer but i will assure you im alot worse because i have something this so called "kira" doesnt and when you find it youll find me oh and by the way "If Theres three bird's and ONE flYs away there is two left sO lets say that bird dies instead Of flying away woUld the Killer get caught or was it to minor Of a murder hmm what if iT was an EXstiNked biRd what happens then." so can you find my messge?
i don't doubt it. i believe
i don't doubt it. i believe all of you are very brave. Misa, V, and you Wolf, all deserve respect for what you have been through. if i would've been there i would have helped you all, i hate people who make fun of others who have done nothing to deserve, it drives me absolutely mad!!!!!!
I never said I was a psycho.
I never said I was a psycho. That song is to the Belgian killer. He's the psycho.
I keep feeling that someone
I keep feeling that someone here is working for Japanease Kira in order to find those who pose a threat to him. To be safe I suggest that we arm ourselves wih survival techniques.
alright i have to go now,
alright i have to go now, but i hope i can talk with you all tomorrow
What makes you say that? I
What makes you say that? I think my heart just stopped. I need to stop drinking energy drinks.
"Maybe I???m the one Maybe
"Maybe I???m the one
Maybe I???m the one
Who is???
The schizophrenic psycho??? yeah"
I belive that's what you said
It's a fucking song for one
It's a fucking song for one thing and I said it is the Belgian killers song.
That's what I thought you
That's what I thought you said.
Alright on a more serious
Alright on a more serious matter, whether or not the death note is real is our first problem, the second is that he is somewhere in japan but where, and the third is what kind of person he is: Male or female, kid/teen/adult, poor/average/rich, city/town/rural and of course the name.
Don't go around calling
Don't go around calling people Kira if you don't proof.
Thank's misa I almost
Thank's misa I almost forgotten: if we find Kira, we need evidence.
Well yeah. It's just that I
Well yeah. It's just that I haven't heard of anymore killings. Did this Kira stop or has he already been secretly caught already?
also We have to do this
also We have to do this while trying not to reveal our Identities. I already risked min when trying to expose fake kira.
The fake Kira knows what I
The fake Kira knows what I look like.
The fake Kira knew my
The fake Kira knew my Myspace.
I got to go. I will be back
I got to go. I will be back on tomorrow.
well let's hope he doesn't
well let's hope he doesn't rat you out to real kira or the accomplises.
BTW that site I told u about also hs a spell that makes people forget secrets.
I can't do that with mine I
I can't do that with mine I can tourher them on an emotional level though. I have been able to tourcher people physically and emotionally. I'm afraid if I ever had to face Kira he would take my Death Note even though it is not that powerful. I think he could use it to tourcher the people he didn't want to kill, but pain them physically and emotionally.
does your's require a name
does your's require a name and a face to work or just a name?
I don't think the fake Kira
I don't think the fake Kira even knows the real Kira or even knows a way to get a hold of him. I'm not scared.
Good Morning!!!
Good Morning everybody~~!!!
To Dump, or Not To Dump...?
Soooo......Since we don't know how to report we dump that case and go to the REAL Kira case in Japan??? I havce slowly lost interest in the MM and I am ready to move on to the REAL case. Those who decline this J-Kira's existance, then tell us, and you can just watch us.
But to those who want to take up this case and put J-Kira and his followers to justice.
P.S: I apoligize for the Leader-Like figure of speech, but I am fully confident that this J-kira is true and is commiting something serious that we must put an end to.
sorry for the typo =___="
Any Killing Lately
Anything new you've found out yet??? I apoligize I-I-I was getting more candy......and my head hurts from eating candy all day yesterday, non-stop last night, and now today......
All of you jump at the word. This was a serial killer. Not an otaku. all of you are doing your pretty little death note roleplay here
and frankly its sickening.
none of you are a part of the action.
Jumping around like monkeys and watching death note hardly qualifies as detective work.
If any of you are serious and intelligent, abandon your methods and do ACTUAL work.
The only relevant Kira case that would interest you people is an interesting one, I could give you a link if you want, just please don't mess with the Belgium case, putting out enough false information just puts the pros two steps backward
How about YOU work on the
How about YOU work on the shut the fuck up case. We are working on the Japanese case because I know this is a real one. It has to be.
I tried to run away, but it
I tried to run away, but it picked me up with it's mind powers and shook me like a dog. I hit the jackpot. I got a 32 case of Red Bull energy drinks and a 24 pack of Mountain Dew and then Starbucks and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Sugar high. Oh my head hurts and my heart stopped. Oooooooo. Lindt Creme Brulee chocolate. I liky.
wow all I did hover over my
wow all I did hover over my bed while I was sleeping, when I woke up I fell.
Shut up. No you shut up.
Shut up. No you shut up. Shut up. No you shut up. Shhh, here that? The wind.
I have a problemguys. I am a
I have a problemguys. I am a energy drink addict.
Lawliet is L alright. He has
Lawliet is L alright. He has a sweet tooth just like L. And I thought I had problems.
Misa I see you've met Utike.
Misa I see you've met Utike.
Utike and I are in a group
Utike and I are in a group that was dedicated to find any kira realated crimes.
in the words of pink floyd
in the words of pink floyd "is there anybody out there?"
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Find any thing? Nothing
Find any thing?
Nothing yet!!!
How about you guys?
Nothing yet!!!
Howbout you guys?
We haven't found shit!!
hey wolf, i just looked at
hey wolf, i just looked at that spells site again and i CANNOT BELIEVE THEY HAD A SPELL AGAINST PSYCHIC VAMPIRES!!!!!!! i have friends that are psy vamps and i find them to be quite nice people and i would never wish them any harm!!!!!!!! hahahahah, as u have guessed, i am interested into the occult as well, i've done quite a lot of research on the topic
O SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACCIDENT!!! SHIT!!!!!!
That was how I knew that
That was how I knew that Blood Red Moon Wolf wasn't a Psy vamp.
oh, well i really do have
oh, well i really do have psy vamp friends and they are very interesting and nice people. look i really have to talk to you about something, can i email you?
No secret meetings. I'm mad
No secret meetings. I'm mad at you confused. Fuck you.
misa, can i email you too?
misa, can i email you too?
Fine. You can email me too.
Fine. You can email me too. If you dont have it it's
If there is going to be
If there is going to be anymore fucking shit going on and I find out, there will be hell to pay.
Don't fuck with someone who
Don't fuck with someone who has a Death Note too. Even though mine can't kill.
Where did the case go? PS:
Where did the case go?
PS: Don't expect to hear from me about the case.
L8r till the next 1!
Why V?
Why V?
Like I said before, I just
Like I said before, I just don't believe in it so this'll prolly be my last day on this till I get a e-mail about a new case.
I know a case you can solve.
I know a case you can solve. You can solve the shut the fuck up case. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just bought a Red Bull energy drink and it's the tallest one they have. I like tall ones. I gave my kitty kisses today and then it bit me! Red Bull! I'm not crazy!
I'm just excited about our
I'm just excited about our big concert tomorrow. I got to model for posters they wanted to hang up at the party. We are playing at this huge building for my friend Ben. He's in a band too, but he has been doing tours. We aren't that big yet. The sad thing is I don't think we'll make it that far because I want to be a famous baker someday.
Hi V. I missed you!
Hi V. I missed you!
But you just told me to
But you just told me to solve the stfu case...
I want to hold your hand.
I want to hold your hand.
What are your bands songs
What are your bands songs like?
I also think I told someone
I also think I told someone else that too. So how is that case coming? ALL SHE WANTS TO DO IS DANCE! SHE LIKES TO PARTY! SHE LIKES TO GET DOWN! ALL SHE WANTS TO DO IS DANCE! I love that song.
They are hard core chick
They are hard core chick songs. Just kidding. Um...I would say rock maybe.
What are the lyrics like
What are the lyrics like
They are either love songs
They are either love songs or songs about partying and just having fun. The melodies of some of the songs start out kind of quiet and you think it might be a slow song, but then when it gets to the chorus the song just speeds up and gets loud.
I don't like any thats start
I don't like any thats start slow, who are your influences?
Are you a guy?
Are you a guy?
=/ I already said I am
=/ I already said I am before
Jewel, U2, Barlow Girl, This
Jewel, U2, Barlow Girl, This Beautiful Republic, Skillet, and others.
You got a girlfriend V
You got a girlfriend V because if you don't you do now.
My big ones are RATM,
My big ones are RATM, UVERworld, guns n roses, Nirvana, Slipknot,etc
I like My Chemical Romance.
I like My Chemical Romance. Helena.
frankly I am into classic
frankly I am into classic rock from the 60s - 80s Van halen pink floyd etc.
What are you laughing at?
What are you laughing at? You know what movie that's off of don't you.
Helena? ++++++++ I like I'm
Helena? ++++++++
I like I'm not okay and Ghost of you best they have so much meaning
I'm Not Ok is one of my
I'm Not Ok is one of my first favorite songs from that CD.
I'll never tell. I'll never
I'll never tell. I'll never tell.
Yea i seen it but the
Yea i seen it but the name u ever hear UVERworld?
No. Haven't heard it. When I
No. Haven't heard it. When I saw spandex I thought kinky. I'm a little hyper right now and just talking about anything and eveyhing.
That's cool UVERworld is a
That's cool UVERworld is a J-ROCK band n they are just awesome.
U gotta Youtube it,no matter which u hear ull prolly like it a lot!
I usually like all kinds of
I usually like all kinds of music. It just has to be something I can dance to or jump around to.
Tell me a secret.
Tell me a secret.
It definitely is! I only
It definitely is! I only listen to high energy songs likecuz they match my playing
hey chance by uverworld is
hey chance by uverworld is quite good.
Should I do my friends dare.
Should I do my friends dare. She wants me to run outside in a bakini when there is snow. I'm serious about this. This isn't just something I say randomly. She really wants me to.
You might get pneumonia.
You might get pneumonia. I've had it before and it really sucks!!!
See? So are rush and my fav
See? So are rush and my fav SHAMROCK
True. I can't get that when
True. I can't get that when we have a concert tomorrow. I don't dance by the way in my band except that one time when we sang in a bar that you can rent and when you rent it you don't have to be 21. They had a pole. I sucked at going around that thing. There is stripper born everyday and I guess I'm not one of them. Which is good. I don't want to be one.
are those by uverworld too?
are those by uverworld too? i haven't heard those.
If you have cold tolerance
If you have cold tolerance do it
Ok. I'll do it.
Ok. I'll do it.
uh oh!!!
uh oh!!!
I am an awesome
I am an awesome stripper!
And rush and SHAMROCK are by UVERworld
HAHAHAHA!!! You guys and
HAHAHAHA!!! You guys and your strippers!! Ugh, my friends are really disturbing strippers. They frequently scare me by doing that.
I'll do it later. In the
I'll do it later. In the dark because we have people next door. They might call the cops and say I'm drunk or something running around in a bakini. i don't want to get arrested in a bakini. that sounds hot though. Anyways, I'm just hyper as you can tell.
I would be a blonde
I would be a blonde stripper.
You know, i think that
You know, i think that monsters taste much better than red bulls.
Hey V. Hold my hand. I'll
Hey V. Hold my hand. I'll give you a dollar. $1
lol lemme get a vid of u
lol lemme get a vid of u doin the dare XD idk bout THAT but it sounds hilarious!
Hey have you guys heard of
Hey have you guys heard of the band Peelander-Z? They are funny as hell!!! I love the song STEAK!!!!!
Awesome 1$! STEAK reminds me
Awesome 1$! STEAK reminds me of BEER by psychostick
You just want to see me in a
You just want to see me in a bakini. You weirdy. Hahahahahaha! And no I haven't confused.
Misa, don't you think
Misa, don't you think monsters taste better than red bulls? Oh, and I've never heard of the song BEER.
Misa/Confused no surprises
Misa/Confused no surprises in that If I just wanted 2 see bikinis id go to the beach its not that far n ya BEER is kinda hard 2 find
Not the purple Monsters
Not the purple Monsters though. They taste nasty.
OMG I love the beach!!!
OMG I love the beach!!! Except i'm always scared I'm going to drown, get eaten by some sea creature, etc. Well, i almost did drown last year so i guess i have a good reason to be afraid.
Ya, but the green ones are
Ya, but the green ones are really good.
You are so funny V. I'll
You are so funny V. I'll give you another $1. I said oooooooooooweeeeeee shut my mouth and slap your grandma.
I almost drown all the time!
I almost drown all the time!
Ya but the stupid lifeguard
Ya but the stupid lifeguard was on the shore telling me to swim!! As if i could, I was caught in the current and i'm a very petite girl!! How the hell can i get out of that!!! Luckily, i eventually did, but i could've died and that idiotic lifegaurd would have done nothing to help me!!!
I like the ocean even though
I like the ocean even though I have only been there once. Good times.
Only once??!!! Really?! You
Only once??!!! Really?! You should go to the beaches in Puerto Rico. I used to live there and the beaches were absolutely amazing!!!
Youve only been there 1
Youve only been there 1 time?? Why?
I live in Ohio for crying
I live in Ohio for crying out loud. You think we have oceans here?
Except my parents say that
Except my parents say that the beaches in Cuba were even better, but we can't go there b/c of stupid Castro!! He's the whole reason my family had to leave Cuba!!!!!
Oh, that sucks.
Oh, that sucks.
What a bastard. Can I set
What a bastard. Can I set him on fire?
YES PLEASE!!! HAHAHAAH!!! And make a song about it too!!!!
It does. We have snow.
It does. We have snow.
leave cuba?
leave cuba?
You don't like the snow?
You don't like the snow?
Yes, my parents had to leave
Yes, my parents had to leave Cuba. I was born in Miami, Florida, though.
I will make a song about it.
I will make a song about it. It will be a good one.
Good, make sure to send me a
Good, make sure to send me a copy of the song so I can hear it!!!
I feel so bad for my
I feel so bad for my parents, they had to go through so much. Especially my dad. He had to live in New York by himself at the age of 15. He had to work during the day and go to school at night. I have no idea how he did it!! I think that was amazing!!!
That's why i want stupid
That's why i want stupid Castro to go and die!! That stupid Communist dictator!! I HATE HIM!!!!
Check your mail confused.
Check your mail confused.
ur dad=real man
ur dad=real man
Thanks, i think so too. And
Thanks, i think so too. And ok i just checked my email misa.
Yeah. Tell that ass Castro
Yeah. Tell that ass Castro to go fuck a cow.
no e-mail for me??
no e-mail for me??
HAHAHAH!!! I'll make sure to
HAHAHAH!!! I'll make sure to tell him that!!!!
I'll send you email hugs V.
I'll send you email hugs V.
what is your email anyways
what is your email anyways V?
V. Will you be my friend?
V. Will you be my friend?
idk wich 1?
idk wich 1?
Even though you threatened
Even though you threatened to torture me for eternity SURE =)
Ok has anyone ever been to
Ok has anyone ever been to the Cuban restaurant in Miami called Las Islas Canarias? The food there is sssssoooooo good!!
Am i the only one on he blog
Am i the only one on he blog now?
oh, hey misa
oh, hey misa
Did ??? answer you yet.
Did ??? answer you yet.
I told him to email you.
I told him to email you. What the fuck.
i don't know, but he hasn't
i don't know, but he hasn't emailed me.
oh, he just did right now.
oh, he just did right now.
I wrote Castros name in the
I wrote Castros name in the book. I did. Really. I want him to feel guilty for what he is doing. Lets see if it works.
Thank you. I wonder if it
Thank you. I wonder if it will work. It hasn't failed me before.
Well i hope he gets what he
Well i hope he gets what he deserves!!!
Good. That cow fucker.
Good. That cow fucker.