Special Chapter of Death Note to Appear in Shonen JumpA special chapter of Death Note, written by Tsugumi Ohba and drawn by Takeshi Obata, will appear in issue 11 of Weekly Shonen Jump, on sale February 9th. Source: Weekly Jump Readers' Journal |
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Je n'arrive pas a le trouver
Je n'arrive pas a le trouver sur les differents fansubc!! T_T8
I think the date is wrong.
I think the date is wrong. According to s-manga.net, the issue for February 4th is #10, not #11.
Issue #11 will be out on February 9th, according to the previews and also to the preview image/announcement linked in the article above... (odd?)
Oops, thanks for the heads
Oops, thanks for the heads up!
I heard something about the
I heard something about the Shinigami King being revealed in this chapter. Is that true?