Japan to Outlaw Child Porn, Lolicon ExcludedAHN is reporting that legislation is being drafted in Japan, under international pressure, to ban possession of child pornography. However, the, "the prohibition reportedly exempts manga comics and animated film." The Guardian has more:
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i am not sure if UNICEF will
i am not sure if UNICEF will be satisfied, i am sure their failure in Darfur make them shame on self and then they trying to find 'easy sitting duck' so they can be called 'succesful' in other area.
sometimes in the future they will be barking again asking why so many 'childporn' on manga and anime and press japan again...and again... until they satisfied with the 'moral westernization' on japan.
anon: LOL Darfur. Can you
anon: LOL Darfur.
Can you count how many Japanese pedophiles that were arrested in Cambodia?
The answer: NONE Wonder why
The answer: NONE
Wonder why many of these pedos came from countries that ain't Japan. Gee, maybe because these lolicon otakus are sane enough to recognize the difference between fantasy and reality? UNICEF needs to be kicked in the nuts for being good at doing absolutely nothing.
Hangmen U Pedo?
You pedophiles need new material..really, but I'll humor you and easily shut down the most over used defence for loli out there
The FANTASY is preteen children being manipulated, molested, and RAPED by most of the time much older men...yes it it a drawing..well, porno really
The REALITY is you dorks are masturbating to depictions, and fantasies of preteen children being manipulated, molested, and RAPED by most of the time much older men....CHILDREN...you still don't get it huh?
Now really rapist..honestly tell me how that DOESN'T make you 30 yr olds in your parents basement pedophiles??? really? I mean logically it's open and shut.
P.S. just so we skip the next back and forth I'll cover another over used defence for loli
EXCUSE:((30yr old dork in parents basement)):It's art..you can't censor art man..it's unconstitutional..waaahhhhhh
SHUTDOWN:((ANY logicall person who doesn't want to molest small children)):So when you're masturbating it's "porn" or "hentai", and when you need to defend it, it's "ART"...not the smartest bunch..are they;)
I wonder what wouldv'e happened to Da Vinchi or Monet had they painted a small chld engaged in intercourse screaming...hmmm I wonder
1 more thing pall, "otaku" is an insult over there...just letting you know so you don't sound like a moron;)
How is it child porn if no
How is it child porn if no child is being used? What if someone drew some flat chested girl naked and intended it to be an 18 year old? Oh, but she doesn't LOOK 18 and there's no way to prove it. See the insanity of your logic, Bisna? I guess we'll need police to check if certain drawings LOOK like they're over a certain age (even though they're fantasy creations, anyway!). If they don't look a certain way, they'll be charged with child porn.
Oh, I guess while we're at it, we should outlaw fetishes like torture and rape usually depicted in regular porn nowadays.
You: "b-b-b-ut it's to protect our morals (even though no one's being harmed)"
That's how freedom is taken away. Obviously you don't hold any kind of grasp on your logic, since there's NO CONSISTENT WAY to uphold those laws. How do you define it? Any drawing with big boobs isn't child porn? Any drawing with a small dick is? Stupid.
Right...so elementary
Right...so elementary schools, backpacks, school uniforms, "oh it hurts", blood upon penetration, pubic hair on everyone BUT the intended depicted kids, and lets just assume that EVERY translation for EVERY loli is incorrect confirming age...wow I could go on and on...What? you didn't think I'd spout all that without knowing what I was talking about did you?;) This is a quite typical excuse pedos like to pull on the public that wouldn't know any different from ignorance of lolicon. To truly and intelligently fight something(or defend something for that matter) you have to know EVERYTHING about it.
It actually has very little on "How it appears" and more on what it's trying to convey. You can spout any crap you want kid, dress up loli anyway you want to uninformed public, yet as soon as anyone actually reads one..I think they'll get it.
*Yawn*...I don't have the time to respond to the rest of your nonsense.
Good luck pedo, get your last jerks in soon, got a feeling the loli law in gonna get enforced real soon;)
OHHH! Now I get it! What
OHHH! Now I get it! What it's trying to CONVEY. It all makes perfect sense now!
"elementary schools, backpacks, school uniforms, "oh it hurts", blood upon penetration, pubic hair on everyone BUT the intended depicted kids"
Right, so we should ban all DEPICTIONS now, right? Damn, guess I need to get rid of my barely legal videos now, as well as all of my JAV videos with girls depicted in school uniforms, too. Nice try, Nazi.
You're trying to be logical about placing a determinate age on a fucking inanimate DRAWING. Lol, I guess it's lolicon if I draw 2 stick figures fucking each other and one saying "oh that hurts." I'm laughing my ass off over here at your "argument." Thanks for your reply. You've shown how stupid you are.
come on kid tell me more pedo facist nonsense;)
Yes we should ban depictions of kiddie porn...are you serious?! that's the whole point kid;) School uniforms are in tons of porn, though put that with elementary schools and well the fact that most loli actually states how old the depicted child is...I'M not placing an age on anything the pedos who write and draw it are(it's cute how you left that last point that tied them all together out of your little rebutal); "barely legal" is a term for porn as young as legally possible so they say they're 18.
Look junior, if you're pedo just have the balls to admit it, it's not illegal to be so...just pedo material like loli...if you jerk it to little kids, depictions, ideas or the concept of little kids being raped then you are a pedophile...sorry that's fact, definition actually.
And about your other...eh, point. Come on , you don't know anything about Japanese law and Japanese technology is everywhere; you want to move there for the same reason as most wannabe otaku...for cartoons..ROTFLMAO:D Admit it, I've known lots of your kind, not pedos but culture whores, who run their life through what they see in anime, and want to pack their bags and live with the japanese, lol:D If you did know anything about actual law over there you'd know that real child pornography was just banned in 1999, and loli then of course exploded in popularity to try an quell all the pedos; and proof to the fact that 90% of the world is sane and logical enough to ban child porn is...everywhere really, but check out wikipedia first then then i'd probly recommend googlin global legal status on lolicon
*whistle* Here boy, come on, come on little guy, come try to fool people into thinking that loli isn't about underage kids ;)
And yet you maintain no
And yet you maintain no consistency. Your rationale for a ban on lolicon is it might tempt those who view it to go try the real thing, in the real world, no?
Same thing can be said for depictions of rape, incest, animals, you name it. However, these are victimless crimes, since these are mere depictions. (unless you count a drawing as a victim) Your rationale is if someone plays some video game, for example, they'll do the crime in the real world. Like I said earlier... American rationale...ban "C" if it can lead to "B" if it leads to "A." If depictions are so bad, why not ban all negative depictions that *MIGHT* affect someone's psyche to go out and do it?
"Come on , you don't know anything about Japanese law and Japanese technology is everywhere; you want to move there for the same reason as most wannabe otaku...for cartoons..ROTFLMAO:D Admit it, I've known lots of your kind, not pedos but culture whores, who run their life through what they see in anime, and want to pack their bags and live with the japanese, lol:D"
No, I've lived there when I was a kid, you dumb fuck.
Sure ya did junior;)
Sure ya did junior;)
Keep skipping over my
Keep skipping over my argument. It's funny how I keep rebutting your little argument and you keep trying to personalize it. How kind of you. In fact, lets just change this whole argument into name calling, shall we? I'm sure you're more comfortable doing that.
Kid it has barely been 2 hours since I sent that...I didn't even close the page yet...is this all you do? Defend loli with excuses for actual child victim porn...like all day?! Kid get out of the house...even for a min, life is good, I know you hate yourself for wanting to rape little kids, but that's no excuse for not leaving your computer until I respond, who am I that you should give a shit about my opinion anyway...insecure much?; get out, smell the roses...not the candle in the kitchen, real ones...outside lol:D
Personal?? What name calling? Look kid if you felt attacked...that's sad; I'm not gonna seep down to some kids level and start calling names...If you're talking about you being a pedophile...maybe if you weren't people wouldn't say it;)
Later kid, relax a bit huh?
Oh, yeah, I already did a
Oh, yeah, I already did a search, just to be sure, seeing how 90% of the world has an age of consent 12 to 16. Couldn't find shit, you jackass.
Research kid, research;)
Ah that must be why you posted proof to the contrary...wait a min;) This isn't about consent age kid, that's a different discussion, this is bout child porn; you knew that though, it's always fun trying to debate with juveniles and seeing the topic change when they know they don't have a leg to stand on.
Though you're right about the majority of universal consent ages...how screwed up is that...in countries where the consent age is 12, if a full grown adult manipulates a girl just hitting puberty at 12 to have sex with him it's legal...really!? The world hopes you never have a daughter to legally rape at 12.
I wasn't changing the
I wasn't changing the subject. I was doubtful as to what you said about lolicon laws because of that fact. I guess you have no proof.
"it's always fun trying to debate with juveniles and seeing the topic change when they know they don't have a leg to stand on."
It's always funny when trying to debate when the other guy has nothing to rebut his argument and instead relies on personal attacks.
Man you gotta get out more
Kid it has barely been 2 hours since I sent that...I didn't even close the page yet...is this all you do? Defend loli with excuses for actual child victim porn...like all day?! Kid get out of the house...even for a min, life is good, I know you hate yourself for wanting to rape little kids, but that's no excuse for not leaving your computer until I respond, who am I that you should give a shit about my opinion anyway...insecure much?; get out, smell the roses...not the candle in the kitchen, real ones...outside lol:D
Personal attacks?? Look kid if you felt attacked...that's sad; I'm not gonna seep down to some kids level and start calling names...If you're talking about you being a pedophile...maybe if you weren't people wouldn't say it;)
Later kid, relax a bit huh?
I just love proving
I just love proving assumptive dipwads like you wrong. :D LMAO!
Just out of pure boredom, I
Just out of pure boredom, I want to play a little game with you, just to show you how stupid your argument is...it's called "Lolicon or Not" (no i won't post nude images or anything) You tell me if they're "underage" or not.
I hope you realize the silliness of trying to classify if drawings LOOK like they're "underage" or not. Hell, they don't even look human.
Wow I'm flattered;)
You sure went through alot of trouble for little ol me...i'm touched..lol;)
A game? trying to get rational logic into you pedos is the pinnacle in my involvement...thx though.
You know little one, saying silly things that you know aren't true to fool the major public about loli are really wasted in forums like this; of course loli is about little kids, that's the whole point. See the only people viewing this are pedophiles into loli like you and people against it like me; so saying that they're just depictions of flatchested girls intended to be 18(ridiculos of course and a pedo into loli like you knows this), is wasted when the major public is not viewing to be fooled by a statement designed to prey on their ignorance to loli; be true to anything kid, even if it is your pedophile beliefs, you shouldn't disgrace your beliefs for the sake of arguement.
Oh an FYI, careful bringing pedophile excuses like consent age to the table to defend loli, it shows the obvious sexual attraction to real children in reference to your loli interest...not good for your...eh cause; I won't tell anyone you slipped up though, sshhh, it'll be our little secret....ROTFLMAO:D
And you didn't even answer
And you didn't even answer my question. So, where's your "rational logic?" I'm showing you the grey area so you can at least be consistent in your argument, and yet you completely avoid it all together.
If you did know anything
If you knew anything about actual law over here, you'd know that the first laws for child pornography were created in 1977.
Yes young one they were,
Yes young one they were, 1977 is when Japan stopped producing their own and started importing actual child porn until 1999 when it was truly banned.
If you jerk it to idea of little kids, yes even drawings...you're pedo
Wow...AMERICAN laws were
Wow...AMERICAN laws were created in 1977, NOT Japanaese! In fact, Canadian laws weren't created until 1993. It was a misdemeanor to possess child porn in the US until 2003. In 1999 it was illegal to PRODUCE child porn in Japan and there is still no law regarding possession of it in Japan. Christ, get your facts straight. It's hopeless debating with someone like you, with no grasp over the issue. You=FAIL.
Geez little one, is this all
Geez little one, is this all you do? I didn't even have the page closed yet and you respond. Go out, have a life, meet a girl(they're not scary)...just stay away from playgrounds and schools;)
Wait, you think it was a misdemeanor to have kiddie porn in the US until 2003?! ok now you've got to be joking...of course there were laws before 1996 but look up the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 96'; then come on back and tell a little fib about it. 2003 was when the PROTECT Act or the "Amber alret law" was put into effect. Remember kid, to effectively fight of defend something you have to know what you're talking about
There are probly bout 3 countries in the entire world that legally allow possesion of actual child porn...I don't even know what backwater 3rd world shit country would...just giving you the benefit of doubt, I know of countries where it's illegal but still looked over, an Japan is not one of them.
Buddy do you really not see what you're doing? You've brought up arguements for lower consent age and legality real victim child porn possesion...what do these have to do with lolicon?? you know loli the original point here...see in using excuses for pedophilia in reference to your interest in lolicon, you're showing the problem and answering your own questions of why it should not be permited anywhere on the globe...think about it
"You=FAIL"...LOL :D kid a 12yr old wouldn't say somethin that dorky...Wow my mistake, I really took you for at least some kind of intellect and maturity. Listen, keep being that childish an sad so we won't have to worry bout ever getting a girl to have a daughter for you to rape.
"There are probly bout 3
"There are probly bout 3 countries in the entire world that legally allow possesion of actual child porn...I don't even know what backwater 3rd world shit country would...just giving you the benefit of doubt, I know of countries where it's illegal but still looked over, an Japan is not one of them."
Hooooly shit. Are you dumb, or just retarded?
There's even a link in THIS VERY ARTICLE that says it.
"Among G8 countries, Japan and Russia still have yet to ban owning pornographic images of children, as long as the owner does not intend to sell or distribute the images on the Internet. In 1999, Tokyo forbade the production, sale and distribution of pornographic images of children under 18."
Oh yeah, I came across something that you might like...
So, I ask you again...where's your proof that 90% of the world bans lolicon? I'm waitinggg! You say it's common knowledge, I say you're some high school dropout who thinks US law equates to morals and applies to the entire world.
""You=FAIL"...LOL :D kid a 12yr old wouldn't say somethin that dorky"
Sorry, I was just stooping to your level.. :D ROFLMAO!
Calm down there bud
I think it's sweet you waiting at your computer for me to respond but there is more to life. I hasn't been 45 min, once again I didn't even close the page and here you are..lol
kid what does any of this have to do with lolicon??? I mean really, you do know that you're not helping the pedophiles cause to have loli legal by directly relating your interest in loli to actual victim child porn...that's showing that you're all a bunch of pedos...ya
Where on earth did you find that bogus 1st link? "Japan remains one of the top suppliers of underage pornography and second biggest consumer after the United States" THE UNITED STATES?!! bud I hate to break it to you, but the whole article sounded like it was written by a middle school student and though I'm sure there are thousands of pedophiles like yourself in this country, but kiddie porn is not legal here nor is the production or viewing. Actually odd enough that that article covered alot of what you're babbling about...wow you might be slow but good work on that. did you throw that together just for me?!*blush* ah shucks, you shouldn't have;)
Now let me explain the 2nd link to you little one; what it's saying is that in those 184 interpol member countries, child porn IS illegal yet the laws in place are too broad or insufficient to easily procecute. So lets take cambodia for example, child porn is of course illegal though because the laws are not specific enough to procecute offenders it's ignored, that's why you'll find child brothels around every corner...not because it's legal but because they don't have the legal foundation to procecute...ready that one SLOWLY a couple times, you'll get it:)
But realy kid, what does real victim child porn have to do with lolicon other than showing you defending it in reference to your interest in loli telling the few people laughing at this that you're a pedophile??
Where's my proof that loli is illegal?? Listen bud i'm sorry but I'm not gonna go research a list of the normal world that doesn't allow pedo material for you, you're not worth the 15 min it would take to google it...Don't get me wrong kid, I'm flattered that my opinion means that much to you and that you would go through all this trouble to try an show me up, but that's you're insecurity, It's not personal to me...you're just another pedophile defending loli.
Allright kid, I got to go, so after you respond 10min after I post this, go to bed, relax, watch a movie or somthin...there's more to life than deperately waiting for my reponse...If it has ANY credence whatsoever, or if I need a laugh, I'll respond for you, until then man, calm down, give your eyes a break from the monitor...seriously kid, it's gonna be a day or two...it you try an stay up reloading the page every ten min you're gonna get sick;)
The same can be said about
The same can be said about you, pal. In all honesty, you're just insulting yourself, since you're spending time out to respond to me every 10 or so minutes. I could give a shit less, though, cause it has absolutely nothing to do with this. You absolutely insist on spending time, writing pages and pages about my characterization. I'm honored, though. I didn't know you felt so strongly about me.
But that's beside the point. Your rebuttal for the first link... "It sounded like it was written in a middle school." There's another link in the article, but you just don't bring it up. :) I'm sorry, it's the truth. Want more proof? No need to be stubborn about it.
You sure like to put a lot of spin on your second point, though. I guess you missed, "A review of child pornography laws in 184 countries shows that more than half have no laws that address child pornography," or, "The ICMEC study found that possession of child pornography isn't a crime in 138 countries." What part of "no laws" do you not understand? But what's the use in arguing with you on that? You'll just try to keep spinning it. Cry all you want, but it's the truth.
...But again, that's beside the point. I brought the legality of child porn laws up to refute your claim that loli is illegal in 90% of all countries in the world, since i couldn't find a thing about world legality of lolicon. Only thing I could find was some list of 8 some-odd countries that do outlaw it on wiki. Where's the rest? You seem to have some grand list you don't want to reveal, right? Sorry, "it's common knowledge" doesn't cut it in any class or college course. Here's a tip as to how to not embarrass yourself next time; you cite your work...ESPECIALLY in a debate. Oh, that's right, I'm talking to a high school flunkie. :P
Here's a little lesson in law for ya.. Laws need to have definitive, specific terminology and definitions, otherwise laws are abused, due to loose terms. I've shown you a gray area a bit ago (which you didn't seem to want to reply to, instead resorting to writing a paragraph or 2 about me...how nice :D), showing you animated drawings of girls where you can't really tell their age. How can you define that? Yes, you can easily define real child porn cause there's real people involved with real ages...you can't with drawings, though. What do you require? Some writing on the side saying "this girl is not underage?" Your definition is so broad in nature that the law could be EASILY abused (on both sides, even), since the weight is placed on OPINION rather than DEFINITION.
Example...someone downloads some hentai or something, just like what you see on the left side on this page. It often advertises hentai with animated girls...sometimes of questionable age... you can't tell. The guy thinks it's merely hentai. The guy has his computer searched for whatever reason and he's arrested for possessing lolicon, based on the OPINION of the prosecutor, who thinks one of the girls in his hentai is "underage." Lolicon, basically equating to child porn, which equates to a 30 something year minimum in state jail, being gang raped by bubba, and has a label of sex offender placed over his head for the rest of his life. ...Just for that.
The difference between me and you is I'm trying to be rationalistic by saying your rationale deals in absolutes; it either is, or isn't, no gray area. If you can't see a gray area, I'm sorry. You're very lost and a reason why narrow minded individuals, such as yourself, are allowing American government to become ruined. Blind faith in government leads to abuse of powers.
"Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question." --Thomas Jefferson
1976. 1977 is the year of star wars.
little girls are cute
little girls are cute ...........and pretty huh!
Well, however people want to
Well, however people want to defend it, loli-hentai IS child porno. Bisna is absolutely correct that Monet and Da Vinchi would have been castrated if painting some of the so called art thats depicted in loli-hentai because of this fact. Porno is the depiction of Sexual intercourse, animated or not. In regards to becoming defensive about "westernization". . .well, ya. . . I kind of see where you're coming from on that fear. When Cardcaptor Sakura came to the united states, they butchered the hell out of it and put that POS called Cardcaptors on. I think changes of this sort are largely due to the dictation from the common religious belief of a society. The relationships that (though not sexual by any means) were removed from the english WB versions would not have bode well on the largely Christian based population of USA. But really, the sanctity of a child in the pornographic sense is world wide, not just "westernization". In this world, you cannot allow a child of any age to just be on the beach with out being cautious of what they are wearing for fear that some other human may have sexual desires toward that child, and whilst having these desires thus commit rape or worse. Trust me i'm not undermining the seriousness of rape, but I'm referring to torture or whatever that is also depicted in loli-hentai. I personally view loli-hentai, and I like it. Im not into the rape and torture stuff, but the rest I like. Ive never really known what it is about it that is captivating. I personally have never had any intentions or desires of a real life child, and I do abhor the idea of real life child pornography. Pedophiles make me sick and I hate it when they say "princess" or whatever. I really feel nauseous when I hear crap like that and want to vomit. Ive viewed loli-hentai for a good 8-9 yrs and still hold this view. But the fact of the matter is that they are the same, loli-hentai and child porn are the same. People should come to grips with this fact. If it is available, I will seek it out and download it. But I am not going to raise arms if the powers that be of the political type wish to remove it. Please, by all means.
Oh, and btw, this whole thing about "if they were to stop allowing child porn in the animation form, this would be infringing on my right to express myself...". . . Okay, ONE, if you're gonna say that its unconstitutional, then please only say that if you're in the USA lol. Secondly, humans have the privelage of expressing themselves, there are NO rights, get that straight. Because our world is so jacked up, we have political factions that dictate the lvl we can express ourselves. Are they always right. . . NO. However, to what extent would you like someone to use this age old excuse if you had a child and they wanted to rape them and carve them up with a knife only to express themselves? "Hello, Loli-hentai doesnt actually hurt anyone! Its all fake Varx" This may be true, however, loli-hentai is the clear, expressed, and depicted desire of such hurtful situations.
I honestly feel that all Pornography, child or adult should be banned.
People like you are the
People like you are the reason why I'm going to pack my bags and leave the US when I'm able to. Society full of retards that want their morality to equate to law.
Isn't it cute to hear a kid
Isn't it cute to hear a kid under 18 even think he knows ANYTHING about law and society:D Well little one when you grow up, I hope you do pack your things...course you don't have a lot of choices as 90%+ of the entire world DOES have laws against loli...but hey in that less than 10% margin there's cambodia(it's illegal there too, but that's just so people don't say what a fucked up country they are as there's child brothels around every corner in certain areas; or there's always child porn central Japan, where ACTUAL child porn was only outlawed in 1999. You're one of the slower pedos huh? lol;)
I'm moving to Japan.
I'm moving to Japan. Japanese law, technology, everything I agree with. For the most part, Japanese law is based around people doing the crime as being the criminals. I.E. Stores don't get citations, etc for selling to underage drinkers and smokers. Not this ban "C" if it leads to "B" if it leads to "A" crap.
Basically it's the psychological/moralistic bullshit, which you absolutely seem to love that I'm getting away from. It's dense-minded Nazis like you that ruin a free country.
By the way...
"Isn't it cute to hear a kid under 18 even think he knows ANYTHING about law and society"
followed up by
"course you don't have a lot of choices as 90%+ of the entire world DOES have laws against loli"
Again, shows how stupid you are. Provide proof, and maybe you'll get somewhere.
"Get somewhere"?? Eh, not
"Get somewhere"?? Eh, not really trying to get anywhere.
"I'm moving to Japan" ROTFLMAO! :D You just don't get anymore juvenile than that;)
Oh, and one more thing. . .
Oh, and one more thing. . . Bisna, just for clarification. . . Otaku is to a degree an insult, but not like you think it might be. Back in the day, nerds were insulted by being called "Geeks" or "Nerds". In modern terms, there are varying levels of respect accompanied by these titles, from very low in the social and intellectual rating, to very high. The same is with an Otaku! I like to think of myself as an Otaku. I am a fairly responsible young male that enjoys World of Warcraft, anime, and manga. Though I own my own house two story house in the suburbs, do some minor web design and video editing, and have a Mazda RX-8. The point of me rambling like this is not to provide a personal ad, but rather to show that Otaku is not an insult. oh ya, and please don't be so hasty and immature as to call someone a moron. It's not polite ^_^
Is it child porn?
regardless of how "tasteful it is or immoral" lolicon/lolicon hentai in general is NOT child porn.
reason 1: It is animated!! regardless of what you may say or think or what beliefs people try to force on others for this type or crime there has to be a victim. Who is the victim? all I see isnt a morality issue but more about like was said before western rules and laws being forced onto another country. modern laws these days make me sick. People say it is to proctect our freedoms but in fact they actually take away people basic freedoms and replace them with false ideas and say these are the only freedoms you are allowed. people should be free to own what they want and go where they want to go. Granted with this ideas are there always will be concequences, but it is also our freedom to choose what we wish to do.
reason 2: lolicon may be in fact a word derived from lolita, but the actually turn in young under developed females. This is fact does not pin a age on these "animated" not real characters. even these days what do women do over the consented age? Try to make themselves younger. Are they in fact instigating this practice? not to mention there are plenty of women out there that arent children that in fact look younger the most of our teenagers. Please get your facts straight before making conclusions and make real conclusions.
I do agree that lolicon is aimed for enticing the idea of underage sex but all in all if anything these animes/hentai/cartoons arent real, and if these actually in fact help people who are indeed pedofiles curb there urges from actually chasing real children, which Ive read has been the case then i see no problem in this.
Japan has prospered in many more ways then the US and the US people in my opinion dont know jack about what type of life people in japan are living. It is there government and international org. or any other country shouldnt interfere with another country that doesnt need this help.
About lolicon
What fucking dumb ass people can be. Back in Monet and Da Vinchi time you can marry a girl as young as 12. In the USA some states still have laws there you can marry a 12 year old girl. You know this subject really gets me mad. A girl or boy in there teens ant a child, some dumb kid that dose not know what sex is. Damn, I remember when I was 13 years old and getting my first BJ from the girl next door. She was only 14 years old... Now here something I don't really get but a girl at 17 can't have sex, she only a child but when she becomes 18 now shes a adult....? what the fuck! Or a 15 year old boy (a child, remember) can kill someone and can be tried as an adult but when it comes to sex he just a child. Now thing about lolicon (even though it is child porn) should be legal. It just a Fucking drawing and we have a thing called the freedom of speech and drawing lolicon is a form of free speech.
Seriously. Anything pre
Seriously. Anything pre 1970's is considered immoral, based on what those retards above said. Age of consent used to be about 12 or 13 in most countries until the 1970's, when psychologists went off thinking the age of puberty was increasing, when it was really decreasing. Irregardless, bible thumpers think all sex=immoral...add that in with a bible driven government and this is the byproduct you get. Inconsistent, unrealistic laws with the horde believing that these laws are all equal to morals, growing up in it.
I so agree with you (about
I so agree with you (about loicon)
Japanese Child Porno should've be Illegal
Child Pornograghy with Sexual Abuse is not good.
Japan would've make a law. No wonder Internet is not safe for children. Agnes Chan stop Japanese Pornography.
Pedophiles should be going to jail.
Japan made Child Pornography Illegal EPIC FAIL.
i like pure cute girls when
i like pure cute girls when they smile my heart so peace
It is only porn.
Look all i can say is that loli is porn and if they want to ban porn than they should ban all porn, then we shall see how much rape and such will rise in the years cause they cant release at the sight of a pic.
I mean come on anybody whose against it fine be against, make up your own righteous reason, and im not fighting for those that are really into it. Some of yall came up with stupid reasons for it anyhow.Just let loli alone and everyone be on your merry way.
End of discussion...
Loli/hentai is a drawling... STOP FOCUSING ON DRAWLINGS and work on world peace... poverty, you know the things that effect REAL life.
Why do we have lottery's when there are poor people?
Why are there people starving in other countries and even our own in the US?
Why are there so many homeless people?
Why are there so many people with no jobs?
My 2cents.
End of discussion.
Everyone getting so worked up about a bunch of pictures...
Do pictures kill ppl? Do they hurt ppl? NO... they don't... MOVE ON
Smoking kills how many thousands a year? That's still legal... it's disgusting and ppl still do it. SMOKING SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!
My 2cents.
Lolicon is pron no more not any less
All that i have to say is that lolicon is simply just porn, sure they are younger but some get excited on other things, some get excited of animals and some of furry hentai and some of hentai, and in cases lolicon. i say that unicef could just let us be and focus on more important things as the starving children in africal, for gods sake stop being kids. ITS TIME TO SAVE THE EARTH BEFORE ITS TO LATE >:<