Rumiko Takahashi's long-running manga, Inuyasha, will be ending it's 12 year run in Shogakuan's Shonen Sunday No.29 (to be released the Wednesday after next).
Submitted by Angell Gardner (not verified) on Wed, 2008-08-06 14:42.
Dear Rumiko Takahashi,
I am a huge fan of your show Inuyasha! I am about to tell you something for not just me but thousands of people!
We need more Inuyasha episodes or a new movie! I love your show so mush i watched all 167 episodes of Inuyasha in 6 weeks plus all 4 movies! Your show is inspiring its action,history, and romance! So hear me out please do this for thousands of Inuyasha FANS!!!!!!!
One HUGE fan
Angell Gardner,
P.S. I and others love it so much that we are being the characters for Halloween im still thinking Kagome or Songo???
Submitted by Kagome and lnuyasha fan (not verified) on Sat, 2008-11-08 12:07.
if u r going to be a cosplay of sango or kagome...I was I in the same stage I couldn't figure out if I wanted to be kagome or kikyo or sango but after I looked at the prices I picked kikyo since she had a low price....anyway if u r gonna do a cosplay for halloween 09 I would choose sango but I do know a website tht has inuyasha cotumes...just vist
then on the left look for the content tht says COSPLAY.then look for INUYASHA. but it always depends on what the outfit looks like,what size u are,and the cost.
Submitted by kayla (not verified) on Sun, 2008-08-24 21:22.
Dear Ms.Rumiko Takahashi
I am fan of your manga/anime Inuyasha and i was hoping you would continue publishing that show here in America i would love to know how it ends. And i read on 1 of your offical sites where people asked you questions and you answered and i have also heard that you made 400 chapters in your manga and that you was goin for 500 and that you was gunna turn them into anime and well i was hopin you could do that here in America and i know you made Inuyasha for the Japanese children or something like that and well i am a 15 year old girl here in America and i must say your show Inuyasha had memerised me and i was devistated when episode 167 was the last episode to air here in America i mean i would stay up until 5:00 A.M. just to watch Inuyasha so please i beg of you to continue the episodes cause i am just 1 of thousands that fell in love with your creation.And i find it so interesting cause i learn alot about Japanese things from that show , your show Inuyasha does not just tell a story about Kagome higurashi but it also shows alot about Japan how they have to dress at school and life style of Japanese people and well i love your show so please continue with the episodes here in America cause i am a devoted fan that doesnt wish to be let down
Submitted by danielle rosebud (not verified) on Mon, 2008-10-20 14:00.
dear rumiko i am you're 1# fan and i'd love for you to play the inuyasha episode 1 where kagome first met inuyasha please and do the song in the background at the end you no the one with the red flowers in the background also it had inuyasha floating down to the bottom of a lake at the end oh and i love youre shows i never miss one so pretty please i'd love it if you would do so mail me ok if i could meet you would you teach me how to draw manga i'd be so happy if you would oh and good work with the anime books title="inuyasha rules"
Submitted by D'Marious Parson (not verified) on Sun, 2009-01-04 16:12.
Hello, Mrs. Takahashi. I enjoy Inuyasha so much and its a wonderful anime. I have such a profound respect for you its unbelievable..and on top of that I have never met you. I everything there is for a fan to know about the anime. I even bought the game, Inuyasha:Fedual Combat. They should transfer it to the PS3 because it was an awsome game. Let me get to the point. I have a story that could pick up where the anime series left off. I was hoping you could read the first chapter and tell me what you think about it. It has such vivid details it's like watching an episode without sound but you can clearly see it.Please allow me to send you the first chapter I've been on so many different sites trying to contact you. I can guarentee you, that you will not be disappointed
Submitted by D'Marious Parson (not verified) on Sun, 2009-01-04 16:13.
Hello, Mrs. Takahashi. I enjoy Inuyasha so much and its a wonderful anime. I have such a profound respect for you its unbelievable..and on top of that I have never met you. I everything there is for a fan to know about the anime. I even bought the game, Inuyasha:Fedual Combat. They should transfer it to the PS3 because it was an awsome game. Let me get to the point. I have a story that could pick up where the anime series left off. I was hoping you could read the first chapter and tell me what you think about it. It has such vivid details it's like watching an episode without sound but you can clearly see it.Please allow me to send you the first chapter I've been on so many different sites trying to contact you. I can guarentee you, that you will not be disappointed
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2009-02-25 15:23.
although the anime has ended the manga for inuyasha still contined and finished.Inuyasha learned about two new moves with tetsaiga, kagome got a new bow from kikyo and sesshmaru got an new sword bakusaiga along with the return of his missing arm.
If you would like to see these storys there is a website known as were you can read every episode. please reply.
Submitted by Kay Meadow (not verified) on Mon, 2009-01-19 15:36.
Dear Mrs. Takahashi, I??m from germany and I??m a great fan of your work. Special from Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2. I??m such a huge fan, that I bought the Anime DVD from Japan (oversea), with english subtitles, to find out how they ending, because they weren??t buy in Germany.
As I read about the 50??s anniversary of Shonen and read about a new Ranma OVA I could believe it. I search for my Ranma 1/2 manga??s which I collected for over twelve years. Very fast the old feeling about Ranma and Akane came up and as I read some of the stories I see, that I can always laugh about some funny happenings between the characters.
Certainly I can??t wait to see how Inuyasha will be ending. But my favour is still the stories about Ranma and Akane. I saw the opening sequence of Shonen in the internet. And I like it. The special moment as Ranma meet Inuyasha and said; "in which Jusenkyo Source he had fallen" And Inuyasha said, that their voices are equal. (Because the same man had give both of them his voice)
I think I speak for some more fans, if I say: I would like to see some more OVA from Ranma and Akane. Maybe a happy End for both of them. It would be great to read/see this story, and if you would write it.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2009-02-25 15:14.
Dear Ms.Takahashi
I am a 13 year old boy who is a big fan of your show Inuyasha. In fact I wathched the entire series last summer. And now all I can do is reveiw every episode aired or read the manga online. But thats not the same I mean look at how many people are asking for new episodes they will never get to see Dragon scaled tetsaiga or tokijin break,or even mediou zengetsuha used by seshomaru in fast acting movement. I used to stay awake till 5AM to watch episodes. So please at least reply to these calls of endearment to watch your show.I know that you are to busy for just one person but what about the thousands in almost every country.
Please Reply
Submitted by PLEASE!!!!!! (not verified) on Sun, 2009-06-07 13:43.
I am a very big fan of inuyasha.
some time ago, a fell in a depression state, i was tired of life, but the only thing that make me leave, was inuyasha. I saw the 167 episodes in 8 days. I am completly oses with it. I beg you to continue the the episodes.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2009-06-12 13:46.
Please we really need a new season this is torture even for the people who have read the manga to watch your creations come to life agin would be so amazing!!!
Submitted by Polly(Kagome) (not verified) on Sun, 2009-09-06 21:08.
I`m a huge fan of Inuyasha! I`ve loved it since it came out. I`m thirteen now. My birthday`s October 9th the day before Rumiko Takahashi`s. I downloaded all the episodes and watched them in three weeks, and all the movies! I would love it so much if Rumiko would finish Inuyasha, instead of leaving us all hanging. Inuyasha was the reason I started drawing anime and am now a proffesional, drawing comics. I owe my talent, hobby, and occupation to Inuyasha. That shows the reason I`m the person I am today. Please Rumiko, you changed my life. Please continue the show.
Sincerely Polly
Submitted by MirokuXSango (not verified) on Sun, 2009-10-04 16:41.
Dear Rumiko Takahashi,
You are so uh-mazin! I don't have much time to write a long letter, but I will write again later I promise(:
Just wanted to say I love InuYasha and I wanna try Ranama 1/2 some time. I have to go but I will write you again later when I have more time. Cause if I could this letter would go on FOREVER! love you!
Submitted by xandyc358x (not verified) on Fri, 2009-11-27 23:57.
Dear Ms.Rumiko Takahashi,
I am a fan of your work. I am even a bigger fan of Inuyasha. I am quite dissapointed that you've ended Inuyasha in a way I was left wondering what became of all the characters. I do hope so wish you will give us, and I do speak for all the fans for I'm sure they would agree with me. Please I beg you to give us all your fans an ending that will show the aftermath of the show or what happens to all the characters. I really hope you will take this letter into consideration and as well the other letters you might have received on this subject. I have faith that you will give your fans a happy ending.
Sincerely your fan,
Manga Zombie
ComiPress teams up with writer Udagawa Takeo and translator John Gallagher to publish an online version of the English-language translation of Manga Zombie.
LISTEN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Rumiko Takahashi,
I am a huge fan of your show Inuyasha! I am about to tell you something for not just me but thousands of people!
We need more Inuyasha episodes or a new movie! I love your show so mush i watched all 167 episodes of Inuyasha in 6 weeks plus all 4 movies! Your show is inspiring its action,history, and romance! So hear me out please do this for thousands of Inuyasha FANS!!!!!!!
One HUGE fan
Angell Gardner,
P.S. I and others love it so much that we are being the characters for Halloween im still thinking Kagome or Songo???
if u r going to be a cosplay
if u r going to be a cosplay of sango or kagome...I was I in the same stage I couldn't figure out if I wanted to be kagome or kikyo or sango but after I looked at the prices I picked kikyo since she had a low price....anyway if u r gonna do a cosplay for halloween 09 I would choose sango but I do know a website tht has inuyasha cotumes...just vist
then on the left look for the content tht says COSPLAY.then look for INUYASHA. but it always depends on what the outfit looks like,what size u are,and the cost.
I hope tht would help
You can read the rest of the series at
hey is it truw there are gonna be new eps of inuyasha sent mail me
please i beg of you
Dear Ms.Rumiko Takahashi
I am fan of your manga/anime Inuyasha and i was hoping you would continue publishing that show here in America i would love to know how it ends. And i read on 1 of your offical sites where people asked you questions and you answered and i have also heard that you made 400 chapters in your manga and that you was goin for 500 and that you was gunna turn them into anime and well i was hopin you could do that here in America and i know you made Inuyasha for the Japanese children or something like that and well i am a 15 year old girl here in America and i must say your show Inuyasha had memerised me and i was devistated when episode 167 was the last episode to air here in America i mean i would stay up until 5:00 A.M. just to watch Inuyasha so please i beg of you to continue the episodes cause i am just 1 of thousands that fell in love with your creation.And i find it so interesting cause i learn alot about Japanese things from that show , your show Inuyasha does not just tell a story about Kagome higurashi but it also shows alot about Japan how they have to dress at school and life style of Japanese people and well i love your show so please continue with the episodes here in America cause i am a devoted fan that doesnt wish to be let down
sorry but i made a few
sorry but i made a few spelling errors in that comment i meant hopeing and mesmerised
dear rumiko i am you're 1# fan and i'd love for you to play the inuyasha episode 1 where kagome first met inuyasha please and do the song in the background at the end you no the one with the red flowers in the background also it had inuyasha floating down to the bottom of a lake at the end oh and i love youre shows i never miss one so pretty please i'd love it if you would do so mail me ok if i could meet you would you teach me how to draw manga i'd be so happy if you would oh and good work with the anime books title="inuyasha rules"
Hello, Mrs. Takahashi. I enjoy Inuyasha so much and its a wonderful anime. I have such a profound respect for you its unbelievable..and on top of that I have never met you. I everything there is for a fan to know about the anime. I even bought the game, Inuyasha:Fedual Combat. They should transfer it to the PS3 because it was an awsome game. Let me get to the point. I have a story that could pick up where the anime series left off. I was hoping you could read the first chapter and tell me what you think about it. It has such vivid details it's like watching an episode without sound but you can clearly see it.Please allow me to send you the first chapter I've been on so many different sites trying to contact you. I can guarentee you, that you will not be disappointed
Hello, Mrs. Takahashi. I enjoy Inuyasha so much and its a wonderful anime. I have such a profound respect for you its unbelievable..and on top of that I have never met you. I everything there is for a fan to know about the anime. I even bought the game, Inuyasha:Fedual Combat. They should transfer it to the PS3 because it was an awsome game. Let me get to the point. I have a story that could pick up where the anime series left off. I was hoping you could read the first chapter and tell me what you think about it. It has such vivid details it's like watching an episode without sound but you can clearly see it.Please allow me to send you the first chapter I've been on so many different sites trying to contact you. I can guarentee you, that you will not be disappointed
I would like to read your story
although the anime has ended the manga for inuyasha still contined and finished.Inuyasha learned about two new moves with tetsaiga, kagome got a new bow from kikyo and sesshmaru got an new sword bakusaiga along with the return of his missing arm.
If you would like to see these storys there is a website known as were you can read every episode. please reply.
Dear Mrs. Takahashi, I??m from germany and I??m a great fan of your work. Special from Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2. I??m such a huge fan, that I bought the Anime DVD from Japan (oversea), with english subtitles, to find out how they ending, because they weren??t buy in Germany.
As I read about the 50??s anniversary of Shonen and read about a new Ranma OVA I could believe it. I search for my Ranma 1/2 manga??s which I collected for over twelve years. Very fast the old feeling about Ranma and Akane came up and as I read some of the stories I see, that I can always laugh about some funny happenings between the characters.
Certainly I can??t wait to see how Inuyasha will be ending. But my favour is still the stories about Ranma and Akane. I saw the opening sequence of Shonen in the internet. And I like it. The special moment as Ranma meet Inuyasha and said; "in which Jusenkyo Source he had fallen" And Inuyasha said, that their voices are equal. (Because the same man had give both of them his voice)
I think I speak for some more fans, if I say: I would like to see some more OVA from Ranma and Akane. Maybe a happy End for both of them. It would be great to read/see this story, and if you would write it.
Best regards
Would you please restart the Inuyasha series.
Dear Ms.Takahashi
I am a 13 year old boy who is a big fan of your show Inuyasha. In fact I wathched the entire series last summer. And now all I can do is reveiw every episode aired or read the manga online. But thats not the same I mean look at how many people are asking for new episodes they will never get to see Dragon scaled tetsaiga or tokijin break,or even mediou zengetsuha used by seshomaru in fast acting movement. I used to stay awake till 5AM to watch episodes. So please at least reply to these calls of endearment to watch your show.I know that you are to busy for just one person but what about the thousands in almost every country.
Please Reply
Inuyasha's Contuing beging
I am a very big fan of inuyasha.
some time ago, a fell in a depression state, i was tired of life, but the only thing that make me leave, was inuyasha. I saw the 167 episodes in 8 days. I am completly oses with it. I beg you to continue the the episodes.
Please we really need a new
Please we really need a new season this is torture even for the people who have read the manga to watch your creations come to life agin would be so amazing!!!
inuyasha rocks!!!!!!!
Please more Inuyasha!
I`m a huge fan of Inuyasha! I`ve loved it since it came out. I`m thirteen now. My birthday`s October 9th the day before Rumiko Takahashi`s. I downloaded all the episodes and watched them in three weeks, and all the movies! I would love it so much if Rumiko would finish Inuyasha, instead of leaving us all hanging. Inuyasha was the reason I started drawing anime and am now a proffesional, drawing comics. I owe my talent, hobby, and occupation to Inuyasha. That shows the reason I`m the person I am today. Please Rumiko, you changed my life. Please continue the show.
Sincerely Polly
Dear Rumiko Takahashi,
You are so uh-mazin! I don't have much time to write a long letter, but I will write again later I promise(:
Just wanted to say I love InuYasha and I wanna try Ranama 1/2 some time. I have to go but I will write you again later when I have more time. Cause if I could this letter would go on FOREVER! love you!
Dear Ms.Rumiko Takahashi,
I am a fan of your work. I am even a bigger fan of Inuyasha. I am quite dissapointed that you've ended Inuyasha in a way I was left wondering what became of all the characters. I do hope so wish you will give us, and I do speak for all the fans for I'm sure they would agree with me. Please I beg you to give us all your fans an ending that will show the aftermath of the show or what happens to all the characters. I really hope you will take this letter into consideration and as well the other letters you might have received on this subject. I have faith that you will give your fans a happy ending.
Sincerely your fan,