A round of of all the new manga acquisitions and new releases announced at this year's SDCC. Data pulled from reports found on this page, updated constantly.
- Lucky Star by Kagami Yoshimizu
- Ghengis Khan by Nakaba Higurashi (adaptation of the live-action film from Funimation)
- March on Earth by Mikase Hayashi
Dark Horse
- World Embryo by Daisuke Moriyama
Del Rey Manga
- CLAMP In America by Shaenon Garrity(history of CLAMP in NA)
- Negima!? neo by Takuya Fujima
- Orange Planet by Haruka Fukushima
- Soryuden(novel, art by CLAMP)
- Yokai Doctor
Viz Media
- Dogs by Shirow Miwa
- Ikigami by Motoro Mase
- One Pound Gospel by Rumiko Takahashi (re-print)
- Pluto by Naoki Urasawa
- Tegami Bachi by Hiroyuki Asada
- Waq Waq by Ryu Fujisaki
Viz Kids
- BakeGyamon: Backward Game
- Dinosaur Hour
- Happy Happy Clover
- Leave It To PET!
- Pokemon - Diamond and Pearl Adventure
- Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai
Yen Press
- Cat Paradise by Yuji Iwahara
- Cirque du Frea by Darren Shan (story) and Takahiro Arai (art)
- GA Geijutsu Art Design Class by Satoko Kiyuduki (4koma)
- Ichiroh! by Mikage (4koma)
- Kieli by Yukako Kabei (novel)
- One Fine Day by Sirial (manhwa)
- Oninagi by Akira Ishida
- Sarasah by Ryang Ruy (manhwa)
- Step by Yanshu Yu (manhua, full-color)
- Toxic Planet by David Ratte (European, webcomic)