Dark Horse Announces Shojo with a TwistTo see or not to see — shojo girls risk losing their image in Translucent Shizuka has problems. Not only is she an introverted girl, dealing with schoolwork and boys, but she feels invisible. In reality, she is victim to a disease that is making her literally translucent! Shizuka finds support with Mamoru, a boy who is falling for her despite her appearance, or lack thereof. Another friend, Keiko, suffers from the same illness and has turned completely invisible. The strange disease becomes a metaphor in the ordinary lives of the students in their classes, as they work their way through romance and friendships. Teen-centric, quirky, and romantic, Translucent will appeal to shojo fans who like a little twist with their gakuen mono. Translucent's shifting variables—between what people see and wish to see-create an emotionally sensitive manga, peppered with moments of surprising humor, heartbreak, and drama. Translucent features story and art by Kazuhiro Okamoto and arrives on sale July 18. |
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