SVC CHAOS SNK vs. CAPCOM awaits you!San Jose, CA, August, 2007. DrMaster Publications Inc. and DGN Productions Inc have announced that the long, arduous wait is over! SVC CHAOS SNK VS CAPCOM is now available in stores around the nation! This is the comic adaptation of the popular video game by SNK PLAYMORE and Capcom, two of the heaviest hitters within the video game industry! Author: Chi Wan Shum
Praise for SVC CHAOS SNK vs. CAPCOM: "But if there's one notable reason to buy this book, it's the stunning art. Splash page after splash page is filled with gorgeous renderings of intense action and bold poses."- "The quality of each page is nothing short of amazing, each character is fleshed out amazing well from their 2D Sprites. For many of the dramatic moments, they opt to actually paint the characters rather than just color them in regularly-So we actually see each character as if they are real people, that is the how outstanding the paint job really is. All the backdrops are amazingly intricate, no detail is left out."- Availability: About DrMaster Publications, Inc.: Each of our books is like a glimpse into a new realm as seen through the eyes of the authors and artists. You don't just read a DrMaster book-it jolts you to life, as you are propelled through the pages. Please click here for a list of our current and upcoming titles. And feel free to tour the site. Regular updates will follow as our line of "masterful" comic series expands. About DGN Productions International: |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
You just got to love them!
Comic Book art has really reached a different level. It started with crayon drawings and no color at all and now they're "painted" using the computer. This is an art that will be present forever.