ANAL Flight 001 Landing at a Terminal Near You!Gardena, CA, January 28, 2008 – June Manga invites you to join the Mile High Club in All Nippon Airlines: Paradise at 30,000 Feet by Kei Azumaya! ANAL - All Nippon Air Lines – is a unique airline company. All of its employees are beautiful gay men. On top of that, relationships between employees, or even between passengers and employees, are highly encouraged! This is of course the premise for many hilarious situations and strange adventures both for them and for their passengers. "This is pretty much all the staff member's favorite title to work on this year," explains production manager Fred, "It has gotten us into all kinds of trouble with its somewhat controversial title!" To celebrate the release, June Manga is producing a limited edition dust jacket. "The bookstores didn't want to actually see ANAL written on the cover," explains sales manager Eric. "But the play on words is what really makes the book unique. We figured a limited edition dust jacket would be a way to give the fans what they want, but also make the bookstores happy." To get your limited edition dust jacket with ANAL in all its glory there are a couple of things you can do: (1) Visit the DMP/June booth at any convention this year (New York Comic Con 2008, Anime Expo 2008, Yaoi Con 2008, etc.) and ask for one. (2) Order a copy of ANAL from Akadot Retail ( and ask for the limited edition dust jacket in the notes/comments section of your order. (3) Mail us a shipping label with your name and address along with three (3) 41-cent first class stamps to: (available for US mailing addresses only) Attn: Dust Jacket Giveaway Now for the disclaimers:
For more information and complete rules, visit the June Manga Blog at! Look for All Nippon Airlines at a bookstore near you on February 26, 2008. ******************************************* About Digital Manga, Inc. |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |