Right Stuf Spring 2008 Anime Catalog Features Interview With EMMA Creator Kaoru Mori, Fans' Questions About Dubbing THE THIRDNow available for order & free download, shipping in April 2008 GRIMES, IA, March 25, 2008 - Anime producer and distributor Right Stuf, Inc. is pleased to announce the Spring 2008 edition of the Right Stuf Anime Catalog is now available for free download at RightStuf.com (http://www.rightstuf.com), as well as pre-order, and it will ship in April 2008. This new edition of the catalog features an exclusive interview with Kaoru Mori, the creator of EMMA: A Victorian Romance - in anticipation of Nozomi Entertainment's summer DVD release of the series' anime adaptation - as well as the answers to fans' questions about the production of the English-language dub for The Third: The Girl With the Blue Eye. Additionally, the 128-page, full-color publication includes money-saving coupons, color images and an overview of anime and live-action DVDs, manga, books, apparel, accessories, games, plushies, wall scrolls, CDs and more! (Please note: All items rated 18+ are in a special, sealed "adults-only" section that is designed for easy removal without tearing apart the book.) Right Stuf's Spring 2008 Anime Catalog will automatically ship, free of charge, to customers who have ordered from RightStuf.com since September 2007. It may also be purchased - for a price of $4 for U.S. residents, $6 for Candian residents and $10 for International customers - via RightStuf.com, by calling 1-800-338-6827 (U.S. only) or 1-515-986-1028 (all other international), or by mail (Right Stuf, Inc., Catalog Requests Dept W, P.O. Box 680, Grimes, IA 50111). For more information - and to download the catalog for free - visit www.rightstuf.com. ABOUT RIGHT STUF, INC. Nozomi Entertainment, Right Stuf's production division, is dedicated to the highest quality releases. True to the Japanese word that inspired its name, Nozomi's focus is on "what fans want." By focusing on a limited number of anime properties each year, the Nozomi production team ensures each release receives the care and attention to detail it deserves. >From anime classics like Astro Boy, Kimba and Gigantor to modern comedies, dramas and favorites such as The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, His and Her Circumstances, Gravitation, Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars, Ninja Nonsense, To Heart, The Third: The Girl With the Blue Eye, EMMA: A Victorian Romance and Maria Watches Over Us, Right Stuf and Nozomi Entertainment produce quality programming for fans of all ages and interests. For more information, visit www.rightstuf.com and www.nozomient.com. |
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