eigoMANGA Refreshes Company WebsiteSAN FRANCISCO, CA - Comic book publishing studio eigoMANGA, announces the launch of its redesigned web site, eigoMANGA.com. With a new stylized look and feel, improved navigation for fewer clicks, better coordination with its other microsite channels, and an assortment of interactive components, eigoMANGA's revamped site promises users a memorable and engaging online experience. The refreshed version represents the progressive direction of eigoMANGA's branding efforts to streamline its brand presentation. "It took us over two years to develop the new site," said Austin Osueke, eigoMANGA's Publisher and CEO. "We wanted to develop a fun site that fans would love to visit again and again but also provide just enough company information for retailers and businesses. But still, we were thinking about the fans first when we were putting this site together". eigoMANGA's new web presence is a dynamic, interactive flash website which includes XML-driven flash components that features company news and announcements, an innovative online comic viewer, a media player to store eigoMANGA's vintage videos, e-commerce online stores, and a host of other interactive media-rich features. The site also serves as a portal to a network of eigoMANGA microsites. eigoMANGA as a company originally began as a 'dot-com' that produced web comics back in 2000. eigoMANGA at the time held industry acclaim as being among the first web comic sites in existence which helped initiate a trend for publishers and artists to use the internet as a medium to promote comic books. Osueke closes by saying, "I'm really excited about the new site. Our online presence has always been our primary resource to get our name and projects out there. This version of the website is the direction I always wanted to take with eigoMANGA ever since we went into business". About eigoMANGA |
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An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
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