Ivrea PublishingIvrea Publishing, one of the biggest publisher of Japanese and Korean comics in Argentina, has licensed and released Mayu Shinjo's shoujo manga Junai Strip (純愛ストリップ) (Argentine title is Amor Al Desnudo). Livrea also announced the acquisition of Yuji Shiozaki's Tachibana, which will be released in February of 2008. Source: Papo de Budega Ivrea Publishing will be releasing in Argentina two manga from Argentine artists. Automatik Kilombo by Sergio Colonel and Casa de Brujas (Witches' House) by Patricia Leonardo. Source: Papo de Budega Publishing Ivrea, one of the biggest publisher of Japanese comics in Argentina, has announced its plans to release Korean manhwa in 2007. While no other details have been disclosed by Ivrea, some launch titles that were announced inclde: Archlord (the first launch title), Cafe Occult, Forest of the Gray City and Baljak and Nabi. Source: Papo de Budega Ivrea Publishing has announced that it will release Battle Club manga by Yuji Shiozaki (Ikkitousen) in Argentina this month. The series is about the story of a guy named Mokichi, his school, and adventures of love. The title is currently serialized in the bi-weekly magazine Young King in Japan. Source Papo de Budega Ivrea Publishing has announced an event to commemorate the 40th edition of the magazine Lazer, one of the most well-known publications on anime and manga in Argentina. The event, called "Night Lazer," will take place in Buenos Aires on December 7th. The event will only open to people who are over 18 years old. The Ivrea website promises anime, music and cosplay at the event. Source: Papo de Budega Ivrea Publishing has announced that it plans to release Takehiko Inoue's samurai manga Vagabond (バガボンド) in Argentina. The manga will have approximately the same format as its Japanese counterpart (12,8 x 18 cm). Ivrea promises that the manga will be released in the beginning of 2007, in either February or March. Source: Papo de Budega |
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