Seven SeasMany new titles were announced by several publishers at Comic Con 2007:
According to Kurt Hassler, Yen Press will not censor any of their titles.
Also, according to this, Seven Seas' new yaoi line will be called "Bee Line."
Last but not least, Check here and here for a big list of mostly non-Japanese titles from Tokyopop. (LOS ANGELES, July 23, 2007) - Seven Seas Entertainment is pleased to announce that Madeleine Rosca's award-winning manga Hollow Fields is going back to press. Earlier this month, Rosca was the only westerner among four winners to be awarded a prize in Japan's first ever "International Manga Award" for her work on Hollow Fields. The initial print run of Hollow Fields was 25,000 copies, which filled orders from the book market, direct market, and Scholastic Book Fairs. However, Hollow Fields is now going back to press to fill a substantial number of back orders. (LOS ANGELES, July 6, 2007) – Seven Seas Entertainment is proud to announce that Hollow Fields creator Madeleine Rosca is one of four winners presented with Japan's first ever International Manga Award. A total of 146 works from 25 countries were submitted and Rosca, a 26-year-old former librarian from Tasmania, Australia, was one of four winners, and the only westerner, to be flown to Japan to receive her award. From Advanced Media Network comes an in-depth report of Seven Seas at this year's Anim Expo, also included is a brief interview with Seven Seas' Adam Arnold and Jason D'Angeles. Via: MangaBlog Seven Seas has announced several new licenses at this year's Anime Expo:
Yuri manga:
New novel licenses were also announced:
(LOS ANGELES, June 25, 2007) - Anime Expo 2007 (June 29-July 2) in Long Beach is almost upon us and Seven Seas Entertainment is pleased to announce its upcoming convention plans. SEVEN SEAS BOOTH You like sexy maids? How about eyepatch-wearing gothic Lolita demon hunters? For the first time anywhere, the hit manga HE IS MY MASTER volume 1 and From Seven Seas' Adventures of a Manga Publisher blog comes an article titled "The Art Of Licensing, Part 1." In the article Jason DeAngelis talks about the manga licensing scene in the U.S., and how a small publisher like Seven Seas has managed to survive and compete in the presence of bigger publishers:
Nymphet (Kodomo no Jikan) creator Kaworu Watashiya has posted on her blog her thoughts on the recent cancellation of Nymphet in the U.S. japanator has a translation of the post:
PWCW's Kai-Ming Cha interviews Seven Seas's Jason DeAngelis, who talks about the recent controversy surrounding the cancellation of Nymphet. Via: Icarus Blog Seven Seas president Jason DeAngelis has sent out a letter in response to the reaction caused by the cancellation of Nymphet. The letter includes a brief timeline of the cancellation process, answers to questions raised by the fans, as well as a look at the current state of the U.S. manga market and how difficult it is to acquire a license for publishers:
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |