Death is reporting that notes with the message "Watashi wa Kira desu" ("I am Kira") were found near the scene of a murder in southern Brussels last week. According to the report, "local police have launched a murder investigation and that they consider it unlikely that the notes were left there coincidentally [...] Translated versions of "Death Note" are available in Belgium, where the comic is popular among young people." Via: Vertical Weblog DEATH NOTE AND DEATH NOTE: THE LAST NAME Based On Popular Anime And Manga Series That Have Taken Japan And North America By Storm San Francisco, CA, September 18, 2007 VIZ Pictures, an affiliate of VIZ Media LLC that focuses on Japanese live-action film distribution, has announced that it has licensed from Nippon Television (NTV) the North American theatrical and DVD distribution rights to the live-action feature film DEATH NOTE and its sequel, DEATH NOTE: THE LAST NAME, based on the DEATH NOTE anime and manga series which have gained massive followings in Japan and North America. VIZ Media is the exclusive North American publisher and distributor of the DEATH NOTE anime and manga series. Hottest Anime Release Of The Year To Feature Notable Cast Of Veteran Voice Talent San Francisco, CA, September 4, 2007 - Following on the heels of the announcement of the release of the DEATH NOTE anime series on DVD, VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has provided more details on the cast for the English dub. From the online magazine Salon comes an article on the Death Note manga titled "Death Strip." The article looks at how Death Note has become so popular in the U.S. "A controversial graphic novel from Japan -- banned in China -- has inspired a hit movie and much fan fiction. Will thrill-starved U.S. readers get hooked?" Via: ANN Long Awaited Debut Of Unique Action Crime Drama Will Delight Fans San Francisco, CA, June 29, 2007 ??? VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, announced the highly anticipated DVD release of the anime series DEATH NOTE??? today at Anime Expo 2007. The latest addition to the SHONEN JUMP??? Home Video line is rated T+ for Older Teens and makes its debut in stores on November 20, 2007. The DVD features four original and uncut episodes with English dub and Japanese with English subtitles for $24.98. Secure Downloads Of Highly Anticipated Action Series Available To Domestic Audiences San Francisco, CA, June 26, 2007 ??? VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has announced the availability of DEATH NOTE???, one of the hottest anime series to hit North America, on a Download-To-Own basis beginning June 28, 2007 on Anime Uk News reports that VIZ Media has sent several cease and desist letters to Death Note fan sites and fansub groups working on Death Note. A copy of the letter can be found here. "I am the Death God, and I will curse you and watch you die, let's see if you still have the courage to confiscate Death Note." A telephone message received by an official at Lanzhou city, Gansu Province on May 31st. After some investigation, it was determined that the call was made by a middle school student using the school's public phone. According to the officials at Lanzhou city, they received around 6 threatening phone calls from middle school students on May 30th (and many more throughout the month) in response to the recent confiscation of Death Note.
The report states that thanks to do the popularity of Death Note, similar death notebooks have become very popular among elementary school children in Korea. The "red" notebook can be purchased from stores around school for 3,000 Korean won (approximately 3.2 USD). Death Note is banned in Beijing, Shueisha comments that "All of them are pirated anyways." More strange incident involving Death Note in China following up to the "banning of horror books in Beijing." On the 16th, a Chinese/English newspaper China Daily reported that "Beijing local government has ordered to retrieve Death Note from its publisher Hualing Publishing due to its bad effect on juvenile - the manga is causing students to neglect their study by indulging themselves in Death Note." |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |