InterviewJari Chevalier from Living Hero writes in to announce that Living Hero will be conducting an interview with Dan Pink, who recently announced his intention to write a career guide manga titled The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: the Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need, towards the end of February:
From ICv2 comes a 3-Part interview (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) with Dark Horse CEO Mike Richardson, who talks about the state of Dark Horse and the graphic novel market, as well as Dark Horse's plans for 2008. Via: MangaBlog Plus hot products in Japan, reviews and more in episode 56. GRIMES, IA, December 21, 2007 – Anime producer and mega-online anime retailer Right Stuf, Inc. is pleased to welcome Wendy Shimamura – associate product manager for VIZ Media's Home Entertainment division – to episode 56 of ANIME TODAY. In this all-new interview, Shimamura discusses the highlights of VIZ Media's 2007 anime releases, its download-to-own products and Toonami Jetstream project, next-generation formats, growing the shoujo anime market, the challenges facing the anime industry and what's coming up in 2008. From Newsarama comes a two-part interview with Paul Levitz, President and Publisher of DC Comics, who talks about DC Comics' performance in the year 2007. Also, PWCW's Kai-Ming Cha interviews animator Aimee Major Steinberger about her comics and "manga-influenced travel journal," Japan Ai: A Tall Girl's Adventure in Japan. Via: MangaBlog From Newsarama comes two interviews, one with Ruwan Jayatilleke, Marvel's Vice President of Development, regarding the recent deal between Marvel and Del Rey to adapt the Wolverine and X-Men series into manga. The second interview is with manga historian Frederik L. Schodt, author of the book The Astro Boy Essays: Osamu Tezuka, Mighty Atom, and the Manga/Anime Revolution. Via: MangaBlog In the latest issue of his Flipped column, David Welsh interviews Eijiro Shimada, Editor-in-Chief of Kodansha's Morning and Morning 2, as well as chief judge of Kodansha's Morning International Manga Competition. From comes an interview with Slam Dunk and Vagabond creator Takehiko Inoue. Also available is a photo gallery from Takehiko Inoue's mural painting event at Kinokuniya NYC. Also available is an interview with Jason Thompson, manga editor and author of Manga: The Complete Guide, and his Top 10 Manga List. In the latest issue of PWCW, MangaBlog's Brigid Alverson talks with writer Christine Feehan about her first manga Dark Hunger, which is currently being published by Berkley Books. From Kai-Ming Cha and Heidi MacDonald comes an interview with Takehiko Inoue during his appearance in New York City. Also, Kai-Ming Cha interviews John McGeary, show manager of the New York Anime Festival, while Calvin Reid interviews Milton Griepp, CEO of ICv2 (go here for an ICv2 article on how Fruits Basket is topping the BookScan list of graphic novels for the week ending November 18th). From Active Anime comes an interview with BL manga author Hinako Takanaga, writer of Little Butterfly. Also, Yomiuri Online has published an article titled "Rolling with the Punch / Lupin III Auteur Explores World of Technology, Manga," where it talks with Monkey Punch, creator of Lupin III. Finally, Times Online has interviewed Moyoco Anno, mangaka of Hataraki Man. Via: ANN Hong Kong (November 28, 2007) - An exclusive interview with noted author Frederik L. Schodt will be posted today on the website of Imagi Animation Studios at |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |