LicenseMangaCast points out via this week's PWCW that CMX has licensed two new manga by Yagami Yu (mangaka of Hikkatsu!):
DEATH NOTE AND DEATH NOTE: THE LAST NAME Based On Popular Anime And Manga Series That Have Taken Japan And North America By Storm San Francisco, CA, September 18, 2007 VIZ Pictures, an affiliate of VIZ Media LLC that focuses on Japanese live-action film distribution, has announced that it has licensed from Nippon Television (NTV) the North American theatrical and DVD distribution rights to the live-action feature film DEATH NOTE and its sequel, DEATH NOTE: THE LAST NAME, based on the DEATH NOTE anime and manga series which have gained massive followings in Japan and North America. VIZ Media is the exclusive North American publisher and distributor of the DEATH NOTE anime and manga series. According to DMP's latest blog post, due to licensing issues, future volumes of Robot will most likely not be released (originally announced at AX07):
Yaoi Suki points out a new yaoi manga listed on titled Yakuza In Love. According to the listing, the manga will be published by Deux and will be released in January 2008. According to the latest entry in Icarus Publishing's blog, the adult publisher has acquired Tohru Nishimaki's Scarlet Desire (NSFW). ANS points out an has listed Osamu Tezuka's Dororo manga under Vertical. According to the listing, Dororo will be released next April. Edit: Publishers Weekly has confirmed the license. Via: The latest post from the Broccoli Books Blog is hinting at a few new manga licenses, although no names were given, the blog did mention there will be one Boysenberry title, one moe/tsundere title, and one Disgaea-related title. Via: Several new titles have appeared on listed under NETCOMICS:
Another new title, Honey Senior, Darling Junior by Chifumi Ochi, appeared in the latest Diamond Previews. Source: AoD Deutsche Mangaka reports that Tokyopop Germany has licensed a few new manga, as well as some old works:
From ICv2 comes an article on Yen Press and some of its recently licensed manga. The article also touches on Yen Press' new manga anthology, which will debut in the summer of 2008 and will feature a mixture of translated and original stories. |
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