Life at Maison Ikkoku is a fansite dedicated to Rumiko Takahashi's romance manga Maison Ikkoku. Created by Dylan Acres in 1997, it is the second oldest site on Rumic World.
The site was initially launched under the name "Maison Ikkoku," and was later renamed to "Yusaku Godai's Life at Maison Ikkoku." At first the site was relatively small, but as time went on, it drew more attention from the fans.
Between 2001 - 2002, Yusaku Godai's Life at Maison Ikkoku experienced inactivity as Dylan became burdened with school work. In May of 2002, prior to the creation of Rumic World, Dylan gave the site another redesign, and finally renamed it to the shorter title of "Life at Maison Ikkoku."