Belgian Police Stumped by Death Note Manga MurderANN is reporting that the Belgian police has reached an dead end in the investigation of the recent "Death Note" murder:
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
your moms so fat when her
your moms so fat when her pager goes off people think she's backing up.
I am definitly locking my
I am definitly locking my door tonight.
Damn paper-thin walls
Good one Wolf.
Good one Wolf.
I am still on the IM if you
I am still on the IM if you wanna keep talking
Well I'm leaving comipress
Well I'm leaving comipress too.
BTW kira if you are reading
BTW kira if you are reading this there is something you should know, there is an evil force on this site that plans on using you as a patsy.
Regarding one of your
Regarding one of your messages, Misa....I must say, Kira is a psychopath, a murderer, and as soon as I can, I will find him, put him to death, and you will have to live with it. A murderer is not a god. He kills people, and he's dangerous. Basically, loving him, or liking him on any stupid. It's like turning your back on reason and law. And I feel comfortable insulting you AND him, because I know what he is doing is wrong.
Do what ever you want to
Do what ever you want to Kira. See if I care.
You think I'm like Misa
You think I'm like Misa don't you?
You think I'm like Misa
You think I'm like Misa don't you?
You think I'm like Misa
You think I'm like Misa don't you?
Well, you were the one who
Well, you were the one who was basically standing up for him. You implied it, I was simply saying that is what it looked like. If you do in fact prefer Kira, I just have to's a bit strange, don't you think? Fancying a murderer? But that's just being sane again.
In Reply To: Everyone who posted so far
I think i can speak for everyone when i say this is going no where.
As u probebly noticed its impossible to delete anything after u posted it,
and posts like:
"Hold on. Be back."
"Ok. Sure. Whatever."
Posts like that have no apparant use, so why bother? Keep it clean.
If u want a big club go to myspace or get some program where u can talk more freely.
Anyway Misa, u were the one with the supposely torture book?
Please contact me at,
And im sure we'll have some fun, i can't wait, will be a whole new experience im sure.
N's right we shouldn't be
N's right we shouldn't be leaving posts and waitng 5 minutes for a reply.
I'll do it anyways. You
I'll do it anyways. You can't tell me what to do.
mr. S
Mr. S's last comment was uncalled for, who are you to insult Misa-chan (thats what i'm calling misamisa now) for what she believes, i respect your right to disaprove what mr. M.M. is doing, but what about the beliefs and codes of everyone else here? Mr. M.M. may have killed a man but in my perspective, it is you, mr. S, who is evil, because you see, good and evil aren't set in stone, they are set in ones perspective.
Who is Mr. S? I thought was
Who is Mr. S? I thought was a girl.
my bad
my bad
I do not get ticked off very
I do not get ticked off very easily, but YES I AM A PERSON OF THE FEMAL GENDER, DAMN IT. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS.
Thank you, that will be all.
I agree with Jack S has no
I agree with Jack S has no right telling us what to believe.
; ) wasn't lieing in her last post. :(
Lets get back to the case
Lets get back to the case please. Thank you.
Great idea, any leads?
Great idea, any leads?
I just know I'm going to
I just know I'm going to Japan with a few other people in about 2 years. That is when the case can actually truely begin.
But the murder was in
But the murder was in belgium.
They could be linked though.
They could be linked though. Didn't hear about the Jap Kira?
I didn't? Please tell me, I
I didn't? Please tell me, I can't believe I didn't know about this
There have been random
There have been random deaths in Tokyo Japan and people have been claiming it's Kira's doing. Death Note is based off an actual Japanese ledgened. There are links on some of the pages here giving links to the Japanese Kira page. ??? can also give you a link.
Misa I am on ythe IM right
Misa I am on ythe IM right now, I want to know what happened.
What page can I find a link
What page can I find a link
Excuse me, but please don't talk bad about S, she is quite respectable, with all this fighting going on we won't get anything done...we need to work together. If you to contact me then say -L-
Aw, I feel protected. Haha.
Aw, I feel protected. Haha. Thank you, L.
S!!! ^^ go on msn immediately please?
Yes, sir. ^_^
Yes, sir. ^_^
Good to hear from you ^^
I'll see you on there, and is my email on there if you lost it, see you on!
S? are you coming on msn? email me either way, I haven't gotten a message from you yet.
Stay on
S, stay online right now, msn, email, and maybe comipress, I will be back on in just a moment
Just to get something straight, you are roleplaying? I'm confusing this with the other page thats more dedicated to solving the "Belguim Manga Murder Case". Well I was,
I'm pretty sure your just roleplaying...and dissing each other
Um ya. Sure we are. Tell
Um ya. Sure we are. Tell this one guys. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's just all rollplay. -wink wink-
Spencer, or as you call him,
Spencer, or as you call him, New Near, won't be coming online today, he's having, dificulties with a certain problem (wink wink), so you have to deal with cute, innocent, little me. Lucky you!
Ok. I think we should all
Ok. I think we should all move somewhere else or email because it seems no one is serious about this case what so ever anymore.
Like you're one to talk
Like you're one to talk
I do most of my work through
I do most of my work through email though. I'm smarter than what you think.
Anyways we need a place to
Anyways we need a place to be able to talk now and this is the only place I can think of. We can't have any interuptions anymore.
Well I guess I'll just say
Well I guess I'll just say it, Spencer's in jail.
Ok. Does it have to do with
Ok. Does it have to do with the case? Just curious.
Of coarse it does! Spencer
Of coarse it does! Spencer is New Near and he's in jail! It's kinda hard for him to help us behind bars
True, but there is nothing
True, but there is nothing we can do.
Gee, don't be to upset,
Gee, don't be to upset, after all, he did start the fight
I'm not. I'm just saying he
I'm not. I'm just saying he must have done something stupid to get himself there. Anyways, I don't even know what he has done for the case so far.
new user
If you really want to help
If you really want to help new near don't refer to him by his real name, for all we know kira might kill him while he is behind bars, btw what's he in jail for.
He and soon-to-be-mine
He and soon-to-be-mine Joshie got into a fist fight, don't worry, no charges, they'll both be out soon,
Ok. Anyways...
Ok. Anyways...
What! mr. Near!?! In
What! mr. Near!?! In prison!!??!!
Hey Jack. I'm glad you could
Hey Jack. I'm glad you could join us.
Glad to see you missed me
Glad to see you missed me misa misa-chan. so, what did mr. Josh do to make our resident nerd, mr. Near, so pissed?
I missed you indeed. So what
I missed you indeed. So what has been going on? I just need to know what you guys have come up with for this case.
I think the Jap Kira was
I think the Jap Kira was created by either the triads or the yakuza to scare and kill snitches, rivals, and those who follow orders. well thats what my logic says, but my gut says that Sakakibara Seito (te 14-year-old kobe school killer) is involved.
What? Who is this person you
What? Who is this person you speak of?
No one knows who he is, when
No one knows who he is, when he was caught he was 14 at the time and a japanese law protects the identitys of underage offenders. On May 27, 1997, the head of Jun Hase, a special education student at Tainohata Elementary School, was found in front of the school gate hours before students arrived for classes. Hase had been beheaded with a hand saw, with further mutilations being done before being left in front of the school, for students to discover when they arrived in the morning. [1] A note, written in red pen, was found stuffed in his mouth, identifying the killer as "Sakakibara." The note read:
"This is the beginning of the game... You police guys stop me if you can... I desperately want to see people die, it is a thrill for me to commit murder. A bloody judgment is needed for my years of great bitterness."
On June 6, a letter was sent to the newspaper Kobe Shimbun, in which Sakakibara claimed responsibility for the slaying and decapitation of Jun Hase, and threatened that more killings would follow. This second letter, delivered in a brown envelope postmarked June 3, had no return address or name. Enclosed was a three-page, 1400-word letter, also written in red ink, which included a six-character name that can be pronounced as "Sakakibara Seito." The same characters, which mean alcohol, devil, rose, saint and fight, were used in the first message that was inserted into the boy's mouth.
Beginning with the phrase "Now, it's the beginning of a game," the letter stated that "I am putting my life at stake for the sake of this game... If I'm caught, I'll probably be hanged... police should be angrier and more tenacious in pursuing me.... It's only when I kill that I am liberated from the constant hatred that I suffer and that I am able to attain peace. It is only when I give pain to people that I can ease my own pain." The letter also lashed out against the Japanese educational system, calling it "compulsory education that formed me, an invisible person."
In the initial panic, the Japanese media misreported the name as "Onibara" - Demon's Rose, though the killer insisted it was as he gave it. Infuriated by the mixup, Sakakibara later wrote to the station, "From now on, if you misread my name or spoil my mood I will kill three vegetables a week.... If you think I can only kill children you are greatly mistaken."
A 14-year-old junior high school student was arrested as a suspect in the Hase murder on June 28. Shortly after his arrest, "Boy A" also confessed to the murder of 10-year-old Ayaka Yamashita on March 16, as well as the assaults of three other girls on and around that same date.
He should currently be 25-years-old and is living free as a bird.
Wow! That is really
Wow! That is really intersting. How did you come up with this?
Heres a link
Heres a link
Ok. Where?
Ok. Where?
Sorry, i just realized that
Sorry, i just realized that i don't know how to set up a link. just go to wikipedia for Sakakibara, then go down to the external links
I'll have to print all that
I'll have to print all that out. Do you think this Japanese Kira is real?
I don't know, who brought it
I don't know, who brought it up, I remenber some kid talking about somthing like this on the last comipress manga murder area. I find him VERY unreliable.
Well there are several links
Well there are several links about it on here. I just can't remember what number though.
Oh my god. Just so you all
Oh my god. Just so you all know, I'm not in jail, and meand Josh just talked, also great work Jack
Too bad, I could have pulled
Too bad, I could have pulled some strings and gotten you a cell all to your self, unless you're into that kinda stuff.
Eeeeeeeee! New Near is here.
Eeeeeeeee! New Near is here. Anyways, back to the case.
I don't believe there is a
I don't believe there is a Jap kira, I first heard about it from an immature kid so i'm not convinced
Like I said there are links.
Like I said there are links. Anyways what case are you guys on on? This one?
Sorry, I got to go, i have a
Sorry, I got to go, i have a date.
What about Katie?
What about Katie?
Ooooooooooo! This getting
Ooooooooooo! This getting good. Cheater!
we shouldn't jump to
we shouldn't jump to conclusions, for all we know it could be Katie, or Josh, maybe both
I was kidding. Gees! Are you
I was kidding. Gees! Are you singal?
I'm serius, remember when
I'm serius, remember when mr. Near said he talk to Josh earlier and also remember ; )'s reaction, and now he hasa date. It's obvius.
Ya. I know what you mean.
Ya. I know what you mean.
Well i gotta go too, work,
Well i gotta go too, work, you'll understand when you get a job, unless youalready have one, in that case you understand my pain, oh well, bye Misa-chan
Um I'm 19 and ya I have a
Um I'm 19 and ya I have a job.
Kira..unfortunately information I have leads to the conclusion
it IS an actual kira, and it's not some Yakuza, I can't give out the reason I have this information, but I can assure you. Don't assume the impossible isn't reality.
Randy Daytona? o.O And hello all
Who is this other Kira on
Who is this other Kira on here?
this is proof their might be a japanese kira in japan.....
Random deaths in Tokyo causing panic in Japan
People in Shibuya held banners of support claiming their hero "Kira" has been punishing the criminals
Strange deaths in Tokyo cause a panic outbreak in Japan.
Several hundreds of people organized a manifestation today in Shibuya in favor of the recent deaths of criminals. The population has been shocked by a recent leak from the police that dozens of yakuza bosses and other criminals have been dying in the last weeks in undetermined circumstances. The Tokyo police department has confirmed the news and said they are investigating alongside CIA specialists. There have been a few dozen of cases reported to the media.
Realitity taking over fiction
The young supports of the deaths have been claiming that someone they call "Kira" is responsible and holds the power of God to punish the criminals in Japan. Local newspapers have reported aditional information leaked from the police which talks about hundreds of deaths across several other countries. The deaths are similar to that of a fictional movie recently released in Japan where criminals were killed by means of a book dropped from heaven by creatures they called God of Death. Fiction or reality, many people are scared they might die over minor or falsely judged crimes
the link i found this on is
i have more info about this
i have more info about this japan case....35 yakuza bosses died and several imprisoned prisoners died in japan.....
I want answers!
I want answers!
what kind of answers...and
what kind of answers...and amane turn on ur phone
Misa ^^
Calm down Misa-chan, no need to get worked up ^^
Who is this other Kira
Who is this other Kira person?
misa turn on ur phone.....
misa turn on ur phone.....
??? I believe you still have my number correct?
How come you stopped contacting me?
phone died and i dont know
phone died and i dont know ur number by phone will be died intill my aunt gives me my phone's charger cause she lives in far way but not the far.........i remember misa's number but i should have talked to u on gmail but.....i have been busy thinking of plans with near so ether way i still would have ot contacted u....a new person joined the investigation though...hes name is A......
The Daytona Killer has
The Daytona Killer has murdered seven human lives. He has evaded Justice for to long. It is up to me. A follower of my lord. Kira. To dispose of this threat to this world. I must had to follow my siblings in Belgium and Japan. We are the new pillars of Justice. Together. Me. My siblings. And my yet to be born Brothers and Sisters. Will usher in a new era of Justice. Of Love. Of Hope.
and i also forgot about u i
and i also forgot about u i was too busy thinking of other things...and aname turn on ur phone...
I'll resend you my number by email.
The Daytona Killer has
The Daytona Killer has murdered seven human lives. He has evaded Justice for to long. It is up to me. A follower of my lord. Kira. To dispose of this threat to this world. I must had to follow my siblings in Belgium and Japan. We are the new pillars of Justice. Together. Me. My siblings. And my yet to be born Brothers and Sisters. Will usher in a new era of Justice. Of Love. Of Hope.
misa..r u there
misa..r u there
What the hell is going on
What the hell is going on here? Who is this other person.
misa did u turn on ur
misa did u turn on ur phone?
why irnt u answer!!! then go
why irnt u answer!!! then go on ur yahho account and talk to me there
The Daytona Killer has
The Daytona Killer has murdered seven human lives. He has evaded Justice for to long. It is up to me. A follower of my lord. Kira. To dispose of this threat to this world. I must had to follow my siblings in Belgium and Japan. We are the new pillars of Justice. Together. Me. My siblings. And my yet to be born Brothers and Sisters. Will usher in a new era of Justice. Of Love. Of Hope.
misa turn on ur phone this
misa turn on ur phone this is improtant..i really need to tell u something
Sorry. I got caught up in
Sorry. I got caught up in something. Call me.
The Daytona Killer has
The Daytona Killer has murdered seven human lives. He has evaded Justice for to long. It is up to me. A follower of my lord. Kira. To dispose of this threat to this world. I must had to follow my siblings in Belgium and Japan. We are the new pillars of Justice. Together. Me. My siblings. And my yet to be born Brothers and Sisters. Will usher in a new era of Justice. Of Love. Of Hope.
Who are you anyways? What
Who are you anyways? What are you trying to say here?
I already told you who I am.
I already told you who I am. You know what I'm saying.
Ok. I get it now. So what
Ok. I get it now. So what brings you here then?
I am spreading the word of
I am spreading the word of my lord. Kira. And to welcome my future brothers and sisters to a new era.
...? No offense, but...I
...? No offense, but...I don't think a murderer can lead us into a new era. Even if he did, he would have to kill me before I willingly went under his rule.
Oh really? Do you think
Oh really? Do you think anyone would listen? Just curious.
Ah, Misa, my favorite little info-bank. I wonder if there is any way to contact the person mentioned in your last e-mail...?
Send me an email S.
Send me an email S.
this is a message to True
this is a message to True Kira, no not you daytona, this was way before you, for those who doubted misa'a and my own claims of the note books power, she is going to a convention tomorrow and she is going to torture everyone there, more specificly guys who are dressed up like Kira from the death note manga. she is also gonna take pics as proof of the power. After that Tru Kira is next.
Hello. S. You say one
Hello. S. You say one murderer can't usher in this new era. You're right. one murderer can't usher in this era. But I'm not alone. I have my Brothers. My Sisters. And my Lord. Together we can usher in this new era. Together we can change the morality of this rotting world. Together we can let people live in a peaceful world. A loving world. A perfect world.
Haha. Oh, and because I
Haha. Oh, and because I don't go along with that, you're going to kill me off, yes? Hilarious. Killing people is just going to make the world even worse.
Hello Daytona Kira. It is
Hello Daytona Kira. It is nice to see you again.
Misa. Do you believe it is
Misa. Do you believe it is okay to rid the world of pests?
Why do you ask? Anyways, if
Why do you ask? Anyways, if you can email me at
Unless you're ashamed of
Unless you're ashamed of your own beliefs. That e-mail address won't be needed.
I just prefer to do my work
I just prefer to do my work through email. What makes you think I'm ashamed? Is it because I won't post what I believe on here?
Maybe I want to tell what I
Maybe I want to tell what I believe in to those who believe in the same as I. Maybe what I believe in isn't what others do, so if you really want to know then email me. What if I do believe the same thing? You will never know until you email me.
Since I have a note of my
Since I have a note of my own then what do you think I believe in?
How many pests have you
How many pests have you exterminated?
Well I am waiting Daytona
Well I am waiting Daytona Kira.
All those who have done
All those who have done wrong to me.
Daytona Kira is right. If we
Daytona Kira is right. If we take away all of the wretched sinners, our Lord will make this a better world. A perfect world.
It's so nice to see a
It's so nice to see a sibling. What have you done for this world?
I have disposed of many of
I have disposed of many of the wrong-doers in the world, Brother. I simply cannot wait for Lord's influence to finally take a effect on all. Soon the world will realize what will happen to them if they allow evil to stain them. Those with evil already in their hearts will perish, and those with clear consciences will follow Lord's word, too. The new era will become the constant era. No one will want to change the new ways.
So far I have been getting
So far I have been getting rid of the people who mock me and my beliefs.
Like what Misa says I'm sure
Like what Misa says I'm sure Kira is kind to those with pure hearts.
I amvery sorry. But I have
I amvery sorry. But I have to leave now. There is work to be done. And the ritual is intoxicating. Soon a disgrace to this world will be neatly wraped in some trash bags. Hidden in my own small corner of the world.
My work has been done. And
My work has been done. And my hunger has subsided for now. The rat I Exterminated should like his new change of address. He and his new nieghbors have so much in common.
Oh, Brother, you are
Oh, Brother, you are devious.
In Reply To All Above
Wolf wrote: "she is going to a convention tomorrow and she is going to torture everyone there, more specificly guys who are dressed up like Kira from the death note manga."
Thats seriously idiotic, and nothing more than a useless crime, those people got nothing to do with this whole thing and only cosplay anyone of the show for the fun of it, using it on them (even though im still not convinced its real;) because they are dressed up like a character is a crime.
In Reply To: Daytona Kira.
U are really pathatic if i may say so, and ofcourse i can, what are u gonna do, u are way to childish, and after reading this u are probebly mad at me and u probebly also want to hurt me, so whats stopping u, if u are so powerfull if your brothers and siblings, how long is it gonna take for u to find me?
Misa wrote: "I just prefer to do my work through email. What makes you think I'm ashamed? Is it because I won't post what I believe on here?"
Daytona Kira wrote: "Exactly."
Thats even better, your logic is none, that site means nothing and not a single nickname on comipress can be verified. So whats the use of saying something on this website, i can pretend to be U, Misa, Wolf or anyone i like, who knows maybe U Misa or Wolf is already doing this!
like u'll ever know, U must have been happy to read this, atleast someone is being honoust, and besides the name u stole from the show itself, im sure u are just as childish and Yagami is in the storyline, anyway, come and find me, do it yourself if u can, otherwise go ask your brothers & sisters for help!
the whole torture people
the whole torture people dressed like kira was a message to true kira, to prove that we were not bullshitting.
I'm with N, if Daytona kira
I'm with N, if Daytona kira really does kill people and at the same, claim to be responsible for the creation of a loving world he is really screwed up.
New Near and N
Well spoken N and New Near....besides, the REAL Kira wouldn't be wasting his time posting on
a website like this, nor risk it. Posting on a site like comipress is only proof you are not Kira, unless you're a REALLY stupid Kira. A post on a site like this may not be trackable by nicknames, but it is trackable in other ways, I dare you to prove you're Kira, and that is when you will fail.
Would all Kiras please
Would all Kiras please leave, you are all very annoying.
Be careful Alex. You don't
Be careful Alex. You don't want to be an enemy of the new world.
How did you get my name?
How did you get my name?
It's more fun if you don't
It's more fun if you don't know. How's Kelly?
You think i'm scared of you?
You think i'm scared of you?
You should be.Does Kelly
You should be.Does Kelly know about Natalie?
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
Oh. You don't know. Maybe I
Oh. You don't know. Maybe I should call Kelly and ask her about Natalie.
Don't worry. I won't tell
Don't worry. I won't tell Kelly. You will.
In Reply To Daytona Kira
Well well well someone saw some psychopath movie don't u think?
Besides, im sure u read my post very well, expecially the "clarifying" part.
Who knows, maybe u made those posts, which could very well be the case, i'm wondering, why would u be threathning someone else while im the only one here calling u "pathatic", doesn't that upset u?
You are going to call Kelly.
You are going to call Kelly. And confess your sins. You will tell her how every friday you go to Natalie's appartment. Go to the second floor. and fuck her. Either you tell Kelly this. Or I will. I am typing this on a laptop. Kelly likes to spend her sunday after noons at a local coffee shop. She has beautiful blonde hair. Have you noticed how lucky you are Alex?
I notice Kelly hasn't
I notice Kelly hasn't touched her cell phone yet. Thats right Alex. I chose you before hand. It's nothing personal. But you were close to where I live and I need to set an example. Another reason for choosing you was Kelly's tasty looking neck. Oh look. Her phones ringing. Is that a N'sinc ringtone? She seems so happy to talk to you Alex.
So, do you know my name,
So, do you know my name, Daytona Kira? I doubt you do. You're just some twisted weirdo who has seen one too many psycho movies.
I'm waiiiting.
I'm waiiiting.
Why? you fucking
Why? you fucking motherfucker.
Kira manga murder cases
ok obviously something is missing.... I refuse to believe there is such a thing as a perfect crim... this Kira is going to be brought to Justice.
As of now im going to study the case....
Im challenging this kira... And "Kira" if you are reading this I want you to know that with this many people on your case you will be brought down..
and another thing... if you really are Kira then kill me.... if you can...
Im challenging you "kira" and I hope your reading this and I want you to know that the closer you get, the closer I will be to solving your identity...
Im willing to accept any assistence... if you would like to join my investigation team go to my website at:
I won't blame you if you decide to not join...
I'm sorry Alex. But like
I'm sorry Alex. But like i've already told you. You are an example. You are here to show what I am more then willing to do for the new era. Kelly's Crying now Alex. I can ease her suffering with my K-Bar. Thats a knife Alex. Just say the word.
It's sick bastards like you
It's sick bastards like you who make the world a bad place! You're a hypocrite! Murdering people isn't going to create the place you have in mind. You're world will never be. Just realize that and leave innocent people alone!
stay the fuck away from her
stay the fuck away from her
Why? I thought you didn't
Why? I thought you didn't love her.
I do
I do
Then why did you cheat on
Then why did you cheat on her? Why did you hurt her?
Hey I am all about justice
Hey I am all about justice and all that, but when someone threatens a man's girlfriend, even a dead monster that kills babies has no right to say that shit. Daytona, you've just made me your lifetime enemy.
it's complicated.
it's complicated.
Then Uncomplicate it.
Then Uncomplicate it.
I want you see as I see.
I want you see as I see. Feel as I feel. live as I live. Kill as I Save. There is a man. resently released from prison. His name is Leonard K. Shelby. Kill him.
I'm leaving.
I'm leaving.
Jack don't let him get to
Jack don't let him get to you, he may be justice in florida but out here he is nothing more than a mere mortal.
Hello. Alex. I know you work
Hello. Alex. I know you work for the police. So I expect you have access to criminal files. It should be easy to find Leonard K. Shelby's file. In that file you will find out what he did to those three poor girls. Shelby wasn't convicted for their murders but he's to blame. Two of the girls commited suicide. The other died of an overdose. I'm sure you'll also find Shelby's current address.
I'm sorry about Kelly. But
I'm sorry about Kelly. But it's only when you've lost everything are you able to do. Be. Anything.
Daytona, this is idiotic,
Daytona, this is idiotic, Just leave us alone.
Be careful. Spencer
Be careful. Spencer Hamilton. I know about you too. You can thank Debra for that. I also know a few phone numbers. I could call Josh. Maybe Katie. Who know what hells I can raise.
I don't wanna know how you
I don't wanna know how you know these people, but you have got to stop this shit, it's gone too far.
haahahha, you idiotic
haahahha, you idiotic bastard. you make me laugh. now just knock it off and leave anyone alone. hahaah, if i could i bet i could beat the living shit out of you. ahahahahahahah
What is your problem?
What is your problem?
My Problem? My Problem is
My Problem? My Problem is this rotten world. My Problem is the pointless blood flowing from yesterday to tomarrow. My Problem. Is Your Problem.
So what do you think about
So what do you think about me Shane? Do you think I'm some Internet addict? A lone Psycho? Or maybe a visionary?
actually some people
actually some people probably think the same about me.
eheheh, i think you are a
eheheh, i think you are a WACKO!!!! hahaahhahahaha
look, what is this little
look, what is this little game you all are playing? hmmm??
hmmm, so Daytona Kira, you
hmmm, so Daytona Kira, you say you kill people, correct? hmmm, then who have you killed. have u really killed for justice, or to satisfy your own murderous thirst?
Why do you not want me to
Why do you not want me to kill?
do you enjoy killing? does
do you enjoy killing? does it make your heart thump? a thrill of excirtement pass through your veins?
Killing. It's when I'm
Killing. It's when I'm Killing do I feel like I'm breathing.
makes you feel like a god
makes you feel like a god doesn't it. you enjoy ending lives. innocent or criminal. don't you? you are just using the excuse that it is for kira, when it is only to satisfy your murderous craze.
What the hell is going on?
What the hell is going on? Someone fill me in please.
I kill for myself and for
I kill for myself and for the new era.
now is killing for yourself
now is killing for yourself killing for kira? no it isn't. you kill the innocent do you not? you are nothing more than a murderer. you have no values. you only want to rejoice in your supposed power, when really you have none. you are only a psychopathic killer without a conscience and without a sense of true justice.
I did that. Well not kill of
I did that. Well not kill of course, but torture. Sometimes I still do. Like Wolf and he knows it.
Innocent? A pedophile? A man
Innocent? A pedophile? A man who strangled children as he violated them. An enforcer? A man who threatened small buisness owners for money. A drug dealer? A man who stole the futures of dozons of lives. And lets not forget the desease spreading whore. Only in a world this rotten can you call these things Innocent.
Confused I know you know
Confused I know you know what I mean when I say I wish those two guys were dead.
If Daytona Kira could I
If Daytona Kira could I would have him kill them.
hmmm, Daytona, so you
hmmm, Daytona, so you believe you have not killed the innocent do you?
Thats right.
Thats right.
These men are not innocent.
These men are not innocent.
So you are in fact doing
So you are in fact doing this for kira? for the creation of a new world. free of criminals?
and if so then why are u
and if so then why are u threatening the people on this site? aren't THEY innocent?
You all of a sudden left
You all of a sudden left Daytona. Planing your next move are you?
Yes they are im sorry, its
Yes they are im sorry, its just that my troubled childhood, and my lack of common sense make me do these things, i can't control myself im sorry im such a fool, i should commit suicide just to help the community, and let them have a big party once more. Good bye happy happy world live on without me. LOL
In Reply To: Daytona Kira
Finally, thats what i wanted to hear, maybe now u'll come after me?
Jesus fucking christ
Jesus fucking christ Daytona, everyone had a troubled childhood, whether they been abused by there parents had a loved one lost in an accident or even if they have been robbed at school, it's no excuse to go around killing strangers that you don't even no personally only that they ave been arrested for something they did or didn't do.
i agree with this hurricane
i agree with this hurricane person
i was the one who went around and made peoples lifes a living hell
i have had to spend days and nights in jail
when i got out i was given a second chance and so far i havent messed that up
so why do you go around killing people wether they are innocent or not
where is their second chance
I see we have Daytona Kira
I see we have Daytona Kira back. Also I see we have a new person. Hi new person.
Where did everyone go. Hmmm?
Where did everyone go. Hmmm?
Hi guys, It turns out there
Hi guys, It turns out there really is a guy named Leonard Shelby who was released from prison. Also, I got a call from Daytona, He says he knows alot about me and New Near. Just I while ago He called me and said the last post by Daytona was a fake and told me to ask the fake my last name. I guess only Daytona and i know that.
Hey Jack! If this guy is for
Hey Jack! If this guy is for real, then let him bring it! I have a note too and even though it can only torture I'll do my best to torture the hell out of him.
You reely thing i would fall
You reely thing i would fall for that, jack, i am daytona. Besides you just upset i stol your girl. ;p
You have messed with my
You have messed with my friends for too long. I would like to see you come after me. I may think the way you think and feel sometimes, but these are my friends.
Who would date you anyways?
Who would date you anyways? Who dates a killer? I mean come on. Unless you liked forced her to.
The following is a previous
The following is a previous post of mine.
"Hello. Alex. I know you work for the police. So I expect you have access to criminal files. It should be easy to find Leonard K. Shelby's file. In that file you will find out what he did to those three poor girls. Shelby wasn't convicted for their murders but he's to blame. Two of the girls commited suicide. The other died of an overdose. I'm sure you'll also find Shelby's current address."
This is a post by the fake.
"Yes they are im sorry, its just that my troubled childhood, and my lack of common sense make me do these things, i can't control myself im sorry im such a fool, i should commit suicide just to help the community, and let them have a big party once more. Good bye happy happy world live on without me. LOL"
Note the difference in grammer. I type "I'm". The fake types "i'm". Also the message is a complete 180 of my ideals. And I would never say "LOL". And finaly. the lat fake post was from "Datona Kira". The only explaination is that the fake messed up while changing names. Also. Your last name is Morgan.
I hope you are not talking
I hope you are not talking about me because that is not my last name. You will never know who I am.
Morgan is my last name.
Morgan is my last name.
Oh ok. I thought so because
Oh ok. I thought so because I think I know my own last name. Anyways, I'm tired of this threatening on comi. I'll threaten him back!
So what will it be Daytona?
So what will it be Daytona? Are you going to stop or do you want to mess with me. I'm not all peaches cream you know. I do have a dark side. One I do not wish to show people on here. It is the side of me I had in my past and I don't want to bring it back, but I will if I have to.
The following is a previous
The following is a previous post of mine.
"The following is a previous post of mine.
"Hello. Alex. I know you work for the police. So I expect you have access to criminal files. It should be easy to find Leonard K. Shelby's file. In that file you will find out what he did to those three poor girls. Shelby wasn't convicted for their murders but he's to blame. Two of the girls commited suicide. The other died of an overdose. I'm sure you'll also find Shelby's current address."
This is a post by the fake.
"Yes they are im sorry, its just that my troubled childhood, and my lack of common sense make me do these things, i can't control myself im sorry im such a fool, i should commit suicide just to help the community, and let them have a big party once more. Good bye happy happy world live on without me. LOL"
Note the difference in grammer. I type "I'm". The fake types "i'm". Also the message is a complete 180 of my ideals. And I would never say "LOL". And finaly. the lat fake post was from "Datona Kira". The only explaination is that the fake messed up while changing names. Also. Your last name is Morgan."
This was posted by a fake someone pretending to be me,
See how he tries to turn around the words i already wrote there?
Manipulating if u will, making 2 stories 1.
Don't listen to him. I can only hope some of u share my ideals, and will not stop trying because someone pretends to be me. May peace be with the rightious.
ps: 1 more piece of evidence: LOL
Just answer the question.
Just answer the question.
This just got interesting.
This just got interesting.
Give me a try Daytona. Just
Give me a try Daytona. Just do it.
I've had my fun. And I got
I've had my fun. And I got contact to a few of you. I guess I'll leave for now.
You're just scared aren't
You're just scared aren't you?
I'm sorry I'm a fag.
I'm sorry I'm a fag.
Ya I know.
Ya I know.
So do you have a Death Note
So do you have a Death Note or do you prefer to kill with your own hands?
I like to kill with my ASS.
I like to kill with my ASS. MY ASS FUNNY!!!
Are you alright there
Are you alright there confused?
Well well well, such killing
Well well well, such killing intent. I love it! Let me tell you about myself, My name is Droog, my interests include, Rape, Ultra-violence, and art, I concider myself a relativly sick-minded individual, who has performed my three intrests many a night. So, tell me about yourselves.
Ok. It's people like you who
Ok. It's people like you who need to die. You think rape is funny. I could tell you differently. Don't even fuck about that shit. I'll use my note on your ass so be it.
Confused you better hold
Confused you better hold back from this fucker. You know what I'm talking about. I'll fuck this person up.
What wrong with the persuit
What wrong with the persuit of haappiness? I'm simply living the American dream. Bog bless America.
If you were to ever come
If you were to ever come near me I would kill you personally with my own two hands. I know two people who got away with rape you fucker.
I'll kill your ass.
I'll kill your ass.
I tell you what, put a hand
I tell you what, put a hand on me and do something. I will have people after your ass.
Such a cut little devotchka,
Such a cut little devotchka, aren't you?
I meant cute not cut. Please
I meant cute not cut. Please don't hurt my handsome face.
You don't even know what I
You don't even know what I look like.
What do you want?
What do you want?
The level of this
The level of this conversation is dropping faster than rain in a english summer. Why oh why must 90% of the total earth population be people with capabilities to only do worse. Even though thoughts like "the world will be better without most of them", and "maybe 1 man can make a difference" are bad, and in most ways turn out bad for the individual himself, and or more,
its not possible to achieve this in legal way. And screaming on this website won't make any change either. So let it be, if u can make a difference in a legal way without making the same mistakes as the one someone might be after, then do so, otherwise; save the energy, and let them be.
I just want to talk, for so
I just want to talk, for so long, the only people who knew the true nature of the thing called Droog were me and my playmates, and I need to let a little steam out.
give it a rest Alex. yes I
give it a rest Alex. yes I know who you are, I guess that fall out the window didn't teach you anything.
Ah, so you're a fan of
Ah, so you're a fan of Anthony Burgess too. He has a very violent mind, doesn't he?
I seen that vulgar display
I seen that vulgar display of filmmaking and I never knew it had a cult following.
I was refering to the 1962
I was refering to the 1962 novella "A Clockwork Orange", The film is too tame for my taste.
Shut the hell up N. You
Shut the hell up N. You don't even know why I am amd at this person. if you knew my past you would understand, but you don't.
What do you want Droog? My
What do you want Droog? My goodness! Just answer the fucking question.
I want to talk, about what
I want to talk, about what is your choice, Good and evil, life, afterlife, pain, joy, my life, your life, you know, whatever.
Listen if you don't stop
Listen if you don't stop this you'll end up like Alex DeLarge. and your own droogs would turn against you just like they did.
Well why did you have to
Well why did you have to come here as a psycho?
In Reply To: Misa
"Shut the hell up N."
I don't think i said (anywhere) that what i wrote was pointed at u, but now that u started about it, would u like to tell me about it?, in private ofcourse.
Fine N. Just send me an
Fine N. Just send me an email. Just don't tell anyone. If they wish to know then they can come to me.
Because, my little
Because, my little devotchka, I am a Psycho, and I am well beyond repair. I have always wondered what pushes people to do good, probibaly the same thing that pushes me to evil.
Why do you keep refering to
Why do you keep refering to me as little girl? I'm 19 going on 20.
It's a term of indearment.
It's a term of indearment.
Well you won't get much out
Well you won't get much out of me. I won't budge.
Who is your favorite serial
Who is your favorite serial killer.
my favourite serial killer
my favourite serial killer is Hannibal you know why, he disposes of rude people like you.
Why would I have a fave?
Why would I have a fave?
Am I beautiful?
Am I beautiful?
Oh come on, Serial murder
Oh come on, Serial murder in an american passtime, just look at a list of summmer blockbusters, or news.
Well Sweeney Todd was a good
Well Sweeney Todd was a good movie.
I'm a fan of Ted Bundy's
I'm a fan of Ted Bundy's work.
You don't get it. I like it
You don't get it. I like it because hotty hot hot Depp is in it. Also Alen Rickman. I love his movies. Especially when he is Snape in Harry Potter. Now no more questions. Damn I just gave into you. DAMN!
I have a problem with saying
I have a problem with saying yes to everything.
I agree, I'm not gay, it's
I agree, I'm not gay, it's just an observation. Also, Have you seen Bundy, he's the fuckin Brad Pitt of Psychopathy.
Oh my! I will never answer
Oh my! I will never answer your questions again. That is what you want. I know it.
I want what?
I want what?
Oh you know all of it.
Oh you know all of it.
Hey! My 20th b-day is in a
Hey! My 20th b-day is in a few months guys. I get my pole!
You had me at "pole". Please
You had me at "pole". Please add the word "dance".
Ok. Pole dance. I wanted one
Ok. Pole dance. I wanted one for my b-day. A gold one.
I got the same thing on my
I got the same thing on my last B-day.
Interesting, but TMI. I'm
Interesting, but TMI. I'm not getting a dance I'm getting one to dance on.
wow, who is the weird
wow, who is the weird psychopath?? hey and i NEVER said this "I like to kill with my ASS. MY ASS FUNNY!!!" WHO WENT UNDER MY NAME??!!!
Same here. ;)
Same here. ;)
Are you like a Chip and
Are you like a Chip and Dales worker?
Confused you just walked in
Confused you just walked in at the wrong moment. HAHAHAHA!
Ok, droog, heheh, i am not
Ok, droog, heheh, i am not afraid of you!!!! you are just another psychopath. or just some old man who is a pedophle and has no life and wants to torture us little innocent girls.
No, Are you talking about a
No, Are you talking about a cartoon?
Is Confused sure he/she hasn't killed with his/her ass? I've heard horror stories.
No. It is a mans strip club
No. It is a mans strip club where they strip for women.
Oh, hey misa, oh, i see,
Oh, hey misa, oh, i see, what an interseting time to come in, hahah. and i am a girl you psycho rapist. you know it isn't very smart to put on a blog that you are a psycho rapist. but of course, i highly doubt you are a psycho rapist at all or else u would not have admitted to the fact that you were.
You tell him!
You tell him!
I don't know about Chip 'n
I don't know about Chip 'n Dales, But I have stripped for women, also, "psycho rapist"? I'll have you know I'm a "Psychopathic Lust Murderer", and you will say it with respect.
hahaha, no i won't psycho
hahaha, no i won't psycho rapist and you CANNOT make me!!!! heheheeheh
OH MY! That is funny.
OH MY! That is funny.
You don't know what lust is
You don't know what lust is untill you have met me. -wink-
Well well well, it apears
Well well well, it apears some one is warming up to me. Oh, and Confused, Be carful, after all, I, am,
Did I scare you?
Wait, how old are you mr.
Wait, how old are you mr. psycho rapist?
Nope. heheheheheh.
Nope. heheheheheh.
I'm 22.
I'm 22.
Who said I was warming up?
Who said I was warming up? I'm heated. HAHA!
Wait, so you are a stripper
Wait, so you are a stripper and a psycho rapist at the age of 22? well that's an accomplishment......