Belgian Police Stumped by Death Note Manga MurderANN is reporting that the Belgian police has reached an dead end in the investigation of the recent "Death Note" murder:
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
It;s medicinal, plus it
It;s medicinal, plus it works better than those antidepressents the doctors gave me before they found out I was autistic. Now those are bad.
Hey! Maybe if I get a pole
Hey! Maybe if I get a pole you guys could come over. Sounds like a party!
Pills are fun! Just kidding.
Pills are fun! Just kidding. Hahahaha!
If you guys get a Myspace
If you guys get a Myspace you must add me.
Wow! You guys have seen the
Wow! You guys have seen the side of Misa on Red Bull energy drinks.
i take pills
i take pills
Well I'm going guys. Bye!
Well I'm going guys. Bye!
I got mine
I got mine
Love ya V. See you later.
Love ya V. See you later. Bye! Love love kiss kiss hug hug. And all that jazz.
I'll check yours real quick.
I'll check yours real quick.
i take pills
i take pills
i already have one
i already have one
You have one and you didn't
You have one and you didn't share it with us?
I sent you a request Wolf.
I sent you a request Wolf.
this isnt the place
this isnt the place
Hey! I have relatives that
Hey! I have relatives that live in Ontario. I go there when I can. Do you know any Steckly's? That is not my last name, but it's on my grandpa's side. It use to be my last name.
Well email it to me if you
Well email it to me if you want. or send me a request at
Well I got to go for reallz
Well I got to go for reallz now.
DAMN!!! i just get home and
DAMN!!! i just get home and i have 14 emails from you guys!!!!!! WOW AND A LOT HAS HAPPENED!!! ok well i'm going to sleep. hi and bye.
What the heck?
What the heck?
I now delcare that Near is
I now delcare that Near is me and L's love child.
I sent you a friend request
I sent you a friend request Wolf so you better accept it bitch! Just kidding. Love you! I'm kidding about the bitch part by the way. Hehehe!
I think I need to stop with
I think I need to stop with the "your mom" jokes. At the concert there was this guy making announcements and he said something about a carnival ride and I said your mom is a carnival ride. This other guy behind me started laughing. I thought he was going to lose it.
yeah, I sent you a message
yeah, I sent you a message about this, but incase it didn't get there: Since you have been on MySpace Longer than I have, How do you upload the music on the computer.
That whole empty shell thing
That whole empty shell thing I told you guys about only happened to me once and since then I have been paranoid of it happenong to me again, you know the pills I told you about? that caused it.
im back......
im back......
You missed EVERYTHING!
BTW When I smoke weed I
BTW When I smoke weed I don't get hgih as a matter of fact the THC in my system hightens my senses and reflexes. it also gives me the power to superspeed.
When I'm high I get more
When I'm high I get more drastic and HXC EXTREEEM than normal
smoking is bad u
smoking is bad u know.....smoking is bad for ur body and etc....
not weed as a matter of fact
not weed as a matter of fact there have been medical breakthroughs with weed aside from painkillers.
Have you ever tried Astral
Have you ever tried Astral Projection?
Yes but I have no idea how
Yes but I have no idea how to.
But I can manipulate my chi
what is going on about?! all
what is going on about?! all of a sudden u talk about chi
Well Wolf was talkin about
Well Wolf was talkin about astral projection
Which I cant do so I mentioned chi manipulation
Which he (probably) cant do.
well put it this way when it
well put it this way when it comes to astral projection, you're practically a ghost, but you are not dead.
I know what it is I just
I know what it is I just don't know how to do it.
well you have to be in a
well you have to be in a state where you are awake and asleep for it to work.
How to get into that state?
How to get into that state?
well, it could take a long
well, it could take a long time to do it yourself, so the best bet is for someone to hypnotise you.
How to do it myself?
How to do it myself?
there are videos on youtube
there are videos on youtube that teach self hypnosis, and they work trust me.
I can control my dreams. I
I can control my dreams. I dream in color and I have full dreams. It's like watching movies in my sleep.
I don't dream much,my
I don't dream much,my subconscious broke.
Where did everyone go?
Where did everyone go?
I am truly saddened at how
I am truly saddened at how this worked out...I hoped that perhaps there were enough people who cared about this case to actually become serious with it, but all I see are pointless arguments going, if you don't mind, I'm going top go find some people who actually want to work on this case.
If anyone actually IS
If anyone actually IS serious about this case, you may contact me. My e-mail address is
S how dare you say we don't
S how dare you say we don't take this case seriously, it just lets out stuff that you don't normally express.
In other words...
You tell that S person whos
You tell that S person whos boss. Why is he all up in our Kool Aid when he don't even know the flavor? What the hell? Hey Boo Boo lets steal ourselves a picnic basket!
Hey V we are losing touch
Hey V we are losing touch since most of us are using Myspace. I want to hold your hand. It makes me feel good.
every where around I feel a
every where around I feel a soft touch as if someone put their hand on my shoulder but the wierd thing is I am the only one there. I think something is watching over me.
Please do not refer to me as
Please do not refer to me as "he". I am not a male, thank you very much. And did I say EVERYONE here was in pointless arguments? If that's how it came across, then let me rephrase: I have seen many people in pointless arguments, and I think it's a waste of time when they could be doing something productive. I know for a fact Hurricane Wolf is serious about this case. I think if anyone is willing to put his life at risk, it's him. As for V and MisaMisa, you two also seem serious about it. Good. It's nice to know that some people are. My apologies if I offended anyone, which I know I did. Just another flaw of mine.
We have been mostly talking
We have been mostly talking through Myspace. I am serious about this case and I want to use my Death Note on Kira when I get the chance.
Well, the only way I'm
Well, the only way I'm letting anyone here contact me is through that e-mail address. Myspace is too...public for my liking.
sent email
I have not said anything in relation to your previous posts, but I sent you an email
I sent you an email S if you
I sent you an email S if you haven't gotten it yet.
Yes, I go it. Thank you.
Yes, I go it. Thank you.
Apple bottom jeans. That
Apple bottom jeans. That song is weird. Anyways, where did Wolf and V go? Hmmmmmm.
I am still here that stupid
I am still here that stupid captcha crap is keeping me from writting for a while so i am instant messanging and myspacing it.
Oh. Ok.
Oh. Ok.
.....comipress is becoming
.....comipress is becoming very interesting
I think that we should keep
I think that we should keep going until we find something.
Jesus Christ, like "Kira"
Jesus Christ, like "Kira" would try to kind you that hard. No offense, you do have a good reason to be scared, but it's just...I don't think "Kira" would come after you. Not "Kira" himself, anyway. He might send someone else, though. I think he would try to lay low for a while.
who is it? who is trying to
who is it? who is trying to take it from you.
I don't know his name or
They are probably fucking
They are probably fucking around, but still keep your eyes open incase.
Why would they use 5
Why would they use 5 different emails already if they are just messing around? They obviously don't want to be tracked.
I know it can't be
I know it can't be !!!KIRA!!! because it would be stupid of him to do that because I found out he was also the other Kira that was threatening us and he finally admitted he was a fake. It can't be Kira because he said he has a real Death Note and has nothing to do with me. I just want to know who it is. It better not be some sick joke from anyone or I'll be pissed!
His anger at the fact that
His anger at the fact that we all took part in exposing, humiliating and beating him is gonna fill his head with greed, maybe he knows of the note's power and wants it for his own sick intentions.
And the fact that we are
And the fact that we are still talking about him will make him surface.
I don't think it's him
I don't think it's him though. He hasn't been on. Why would he want mine if it can't kill and if he says he has a real Death Note that does kill? Kira hasn't wittnessed my Death Notes powers. The only people that heard me personally use my Death Note is Light and Ryuzaki because I told them of the peoples names that I was going to write when we were talking on the phone.
Besides he said he don't
Besides he said he don't think I really have one. They emailed me again with a different email address again and said they hacked into my computer and got my information. I don't know if I should believe them or not.
Change your e-mail adress,
Change your e-mail adress, besides what's some regular person gonna do with your info?
Anyone who knows how to hack
Anyone who knows how to hack is as unpredictable as I am, my uncle is teaching me how to be a programmer for his company, that means until I graduate I have some spending money, which I plan to at least half of what I earn to better prepare myself for this.
V!!!!!!!!!! I have missed
V!!!!!!!!!! I have missed you!
In my world everyone is a
In my world everyone is a pony and eat rainbows and poop butterflies!
V!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOUR
V!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOUR HELP! I think Light and Ryuzaki are leaving me. They can't do that. Light hasn't answered me and Ryuzaki said that making friends is a waste of time and bullshit. If they leave me I will have no one to protect me and I will have no choice, but to give into Kira. I have had several dreams of Kira taking it and using it on me. I know what it feels like to have it used on myself, but in my dreams everything I felt was so much more painful. My dream last night was even worse. I had a dream that something tall and dark was attacking me and it had long claws. I woke up and it still felt like something was holding me down and I heard quiet laughter. I'm scared V. What do I do?
Stop drinking red bull
Stop drinking red bull before bed and light probably has other things to take care of and ryuzaki is probably just having a rough time unless hes always been dark
the laughing was tv or radio or your mind and the clawed thing was batman! But yeah it's probably all in your mind and besides,we'll protect you =)
Batman? What the hell? I
Batman? What the hell? I didn't have Red Bull before I went to bed that night. Hmmmmm! Do you even know what is going on right now?
V we need you to be serious.
V we need you to be serious. Why don't you ask Wolf how he reacted when he saw my Death Note? Ryuzaki and Confused both know what it looks like as well.
I didn't look like what
I didn't look like what you'd expect to see on the show, but when I looked at it, m instincts told me that I have seen this book before.
Ok I'm creeped out. My tv
Ok I'm creeped out. My tv just blew up. You're damn right it did. I mean really.
So i haven't seen the DN?
So i haven't seen the DN? Why doncha show me? I think u have my e-mail right?
...real death note...
O? I have to admit that this is the most interesting thing that I have read thus far... but for an actual note to exist... and the proclamation of Kira?! I would have to say is an exaggeration at best.
The only question that I have is why no one here that claims to have a note even talks about their shinigami or the existence thereof? or is it that in this world shinigami don't come with the note... Could someone that has note explain it to me if applicable... and also, I would love to see an actual note if possible...
I have been interested in this case for quite some time, but aside from that the actual existence of a death note definitely peaks my interest!!!
However, if the note (given that it actually exists) has rules in correlation with the manga/anime, than it is a less than 1% (incalculably small) chance that the murderer has an actual note.
Of course you have the nature of the crime to consider... even though there was not any conventional evidence left behind at the scene of the crime, the possibility of those kind of murder results happening in a maximum time of 6minutes and 40seconds is highly unlikely.
Most likely this was nothing more than a medical school prank or a carefully constructed murder with a note used to promote confusion, and the manga/anime and the murder are most likely unrelated at best.
I would like to be contacted though if someone has more light to shed on the situation, and once again, I would love to see an actual note!
No I don't have your email
No I don't have your email V. Just send me an email at with your email address or something.
V I'm going to find out if
V I'm going to find out if there is something more about my book. The person who gave it to me well her sons are going to tell me everyhing today. When you give me your email address I will let you know what has been going on so far ok?
joshua is a idiot Submitted
joshua is a idiot
Submitted by true kira (not verified) on Wed, 2008-03-26 22:24.
your all the ones cosplaying do you think V hurricane wolf misamisa that i do not know you are acting and i am kira but glad to know you do not think i am.
Wow! I was looking back at all of this and Kira must be stupid if he thinks I'm playing around because I have better things to do in my life then play around. I'm serious about this. Maybe he has nothing better to do and is playing, but I'm serious about this case and wanting to find Kira. Payback is a bitch! You pissed me off Kira. I wanted to be more than a follower, but no. You went against my wishes. I know mine is real and it might have more powers than what I knew of and that is why I'm going to find out today if there is something more to my book. All I can say Kira is good luck with your disillusional superiority.
Just kidding Kira, but I
Just kidding Kira, but I know if you were honest in the begining I'm sure we could have been straight up friends. I don't do this offten, but I forgive you. I'm a very forgiving person and anyone can hate on me for forgiving Kira, but I don't care. I have said mean things to him and a lot of people on here and I don't normally do that because it makes me feel like I'm just like the people who treated me badly and said mean things to me. SO HATE ON ME ALL YOU WANT!
"but glad to know you do not
"but glad to know you do not think i am."
I'm not stupid. I know you are Kira. I don't know how, but I just have a feeling you are and I'm going to leave it at that.
Are you still on Myspace
Are you still on Myspace Misa?
I forgave Kira first so no
I forgave Kira first so no hatedge from me
This is the post stupidest
This is the post stupidest comment I have ever gotten from a guy. What the hell? What do you guys take me for?
"Nice Legs, what time do they open?"
I want a banana!!!!!!!!!!1
I want a banana!!!!!!!!!!1
It's dark and I hear
It's dark and I hear laughter.
this blog died you are in a
this blog died you are in a ghost chat room creepy is'nt it.
You're creepy.
You're creepy.
Have any of you found out
Have any of you found out anything.....sorry for coming back if you don't want me to come back to the table.....but...I was sooo bored with having a normal life, and i've been missing everyone
Woops.....I kinda went under
Woops.....I kinda went under the name of Watari e___e"
Oh and Wolf-Sama....I've
Oh and Wolf-Sama....I've been eating candy non-stop since I was little, and still, I gain no weight, no sickness, or anything. But thanks for your concern on page 5!
true kira X has become true kira once again.
who's this deluded L wanna be loser only kira is real in the real world you understand that?
True Kira, I knew you would
True Kira, I knew you would be here (cough) Pansy (Cough) yet again, I guess you couldn't leave well enough alone that you try once again (sneeze) Shitkicker (sneeze) to make innocent people's lives a living hell. You better not stirr up the same stuff you keep saying because:
1. We already called your bluff
2. you are full of more bullshit than a rodeo
and 3. It's getting old
So just quit the charade while you still can.
afraid not bitch was'nt
afraid not bitch was'nt planing on coming back here i can back here to talk to charles and no other reason so go fuck your self and not a single thing you say bothers me i lol @ you bitch hehehe ^_^
i am true kira.
yes he has now become true kira again hahahahah i am kira i will rain over you all i will cleanse the earth of the sin fall i will destroy evil wear ever it may be i am kira i had to do it some one did why not some on had to do it and i was the one hahahahaah i am kira the smartest of the smart the greatest of the great i had to be me.
You don't own me!
You don't own me!
If you are here, I am
If you are here, I am telling him to go on comipress right now.
r u here misa
r u here misa
Yes. Hold on ok?
Yes. Hold on ok?
Don't worry I'm here. I'm
Don't worry I'm here. I'm emailing other people ok.
ok then
ok then
i guess ill wait then
i guess ill wait then
Also keep emailing me
Also keep emailing me Charles.
is someone coming on already
is someone coming on already
for what?
for what?
there u are u must be
there u are
u must be kira
the one that has been using misa
Charles. Don't even start. I
Charles. Don't even start. I mean it. Also check your email when you can, but not when your brother is around.
hello charles
hello charles
Hey Confused! I'm scared
Hey Confused! I'm scared right now.
answer me fucker
answer me fucker
uh oh, not again!
uh oh, not again!
Now you see why I'm scared.
Now you see why I'm scared. Charles stop!!!!!!!!! I mean it. I don't want any fighting on here ok.
hmmm........this always
hmmm........this always happens.
I know and I don't want it
I know and I don't want it to happen. Charles is just pissed right now.
Charles called and said he
Charles called and said he is gone because his brother is getting suspicious. Charles isn't really suppose to be getting involved with this. He'll be on again though soon.
My happiness is his
My happiness is his happiness.
Hello charles glad you can
Hello charles glad you can make it.
I see you got my message.
Are you still there Wolf?
Are you still there Wolf?
I had to get my computer
I had to get my computer fixed.
im back......... i can
im back......... i can reslove this case.....true kira if ur going to japan to find the kira in japan ill see u there and i will encounter u...and i will catch u and the kira in japan
The Kira case
Now everybody...I think some of us need to calm down. I guess for now you can call me...let's think...well, that isn't important at this point. Now listen:
This is just for the Belgium case, not anything else but, the notes Watashi wa Kira dess/desu, if I'm correct, is the female translation for I am Kira, male being Ore wa Kira dess/desu, and the fact the manga death note came out recently in that area has nothing to do with it, because the manga was translated into Belgian, so they most likely wouldn't have even known that phrase, leading to believe either Kira controlled the victim, and is Japanese, he's not Japanese, used the phrase from another manga, having nothing to do with Belgian, or even is Japanese, and had the victim write the notes, possibly using a slight Japanese speaker, verifying the mispelling. The body was found in the exact same spot where someone was lieing down for 2-3 days, told by an eyewitness. The fact of how cruciallty the body was damaged is another factor, considering that the identity of the person could have led to possible clues. I really rather not type much more on here. email me for more information. to email me, and use msn, I prefer fast contact. I only wish for the finest to work with...those who are interested seek me, but I cannot make any guarantee's. I will decide if you're trustworthy in the future. As well as I use the name "L" to intimidate Kira, so if you're reading this. Acccept my challenge, Kiras
You're probably gonna need
You're probably gonna need our help on this one.
no i have not got time to
no i have not got time to waste on you and i don't give a shit about what you you don't intimidate me at all i am not even going to pay you any attention at all same goes for that little retard joshua pawell go fuck your self!
btw that was to you "L" of
btw that was to you "L" of the task force working with Exodus of Akatsuki and stop bothering me if your laughable comments you losers have not got a clue!
lol @ "L" for thinking he can intimidate me.
lol @ "L" for thinking he is in my league.
lol @ "L" for acting like L.
lol @ "L" for all the things he has said.
lol @ "L" in general.
lol @ "L"
same goes for the rest of you i lol @ you all lol
To the "True Kira" and other groups
Actually...I wasn't referring to you. In fact...your not much of a threat at all, you are insignificant compared to just about...anybody else here. In fact, even if you were Kira, which it is pretty obvious you're not, MisaMisa would do a better job than you at this rate. You tell me I'm not in the same league as you, you were correct. I'm in a higher league, the real Kira wouldn't bother going on some website like this to try to spread the word anyways. If you WERE Kira, you'd be making yourself known not just on some website, but worldwide. You are a pathetic excuse for a Kira wannaba. So...I will repeat, anybody who wishes to work with me, contact me via email or msn.
Let us catch the real...not some pretender, Kira.
um.....L. You're gonna make
um.....L. You're gonna make him mad. There really is no point is starting arguments now is there?
You are obviously a child
You are obviously a child seeking attention. You are not Kira, so...maybe you should just go. Okay? Yeah, bye.
If true kira doesn't stop
If true kira doesn't stop bothering people I am gonna have to kick his ass.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
to Confused
I'm not arguing at all, actually I have nothing to do with him, I'm stating that
ok then. But L, so you are
ok then. But L, so you are serious about the Belgium investigation?
to confused
Quite...I've already found quite a bit of things working with the Akatsuki as well, although I'm not inclined to talk about any of it on here exactly.
ok well i have got to go
ok well i have got to go now. so goodbye L.
Akatsuki? I don't like the
Akatsuki? I don't like the sound of that.
Then again you don't know about this Akatsuki do you? Unless you've heard of Exodus
not really, just where the
not really, just where the name was taken from.
this Akatsuki is different, unfortunately I cannot give any information beyond that on here
I do know what Exodous of
I do know what Exodous of Akatsuki means: Dawn of Departure.
We are talking about the
We are talking about the Exodus in the Bible right?
No, this is the word exodus,
No, this is the word exodus, not the name of the story.
Look I want to know why
Look I want to know why Exodus of Akatsuki is interested in this case.
The name Exodus, Wolf, like I said, I can't talk much of this on here. if you want to know what you can know, email me or talk to me on msn not my email. but we can talk on there. Same email for msn. And come to think of it...this is slightly ironic, the bible of god, and Exodus is seeking he who is trying to become that, heh, sounds memorable in my books nonetheless. If you are going to contact me, contact me soon, I'm getting tired of having to explain myself.
I sent you a message.
I sent you a message.
You son of a biscuit eating
You son of a biscuit eating bulldog.
You Yanks and your rudy
You Yanks and your rudy chemical leveaners!
Yes I have a question. Why
Yes I have a question. Why are we all speaking with British accents when we are from outer pace and there is no Britain?
Ok that was the most random
Ok that was the most random thing I have ever read.
That's because I'm a random
That's because I'm a random person Wolf. I speak my mind and it could be good, bad, funny, sexual, or scarey. Get use to it. I'm kind of crazy, but shhhhh. Don't tell no one.
Honk if you support Canada!
Honk if you support Canada!
I'd honk if I had a car.
I'd honk if I had a car.
Why do you guys say eh like
Why do you guys say eh like at the end of almost every quesion?
That's a sterotype eh. In no
That's a sterotype eh.
In no way do we end our sentences in eh.
we are just like everyone else eh.
That was funny. I was just
That was funny. I was just wondering because my aunt lives there and she does it all the fucking time. It drives me crazy!!!!!!! I'm gonna slap my butter on your buscuit. Please don't take that seriously. It was just a joke. Hahahahaha!
that's nothing compared to
that's nothing compared to the molson candian commercial where the canadian worker jersys his american coworker for making fun of him.
exodus of akatsuki
Akatsuki (???, Akatsuki? meaning "Dawn" or "Daybreak") is a fictional organization of criminal ninja in the anime and manga series Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto. They serve collectively as the primary antagonists of the second part of the story and their membership includes several of the series most recognizable characters. All of the members are criminals as they have betrayed their villages of origin and banded together for the ultimate purpose of world domination. Akatsuki is initially introduced midway into the first part of the series, though the group does not become the main threat until later.
exodus means exit(from the bible).
exodus of akatsuki or maybe exit of dawn. / the leaving of daybreak. / exiting morning. / or if you start to think deep about it exiting the beginning. / past the start. / elder. / experienced.
hello there zestu.
hello there zestu.
is that a welcome for me to
is that a welcome for me to explain myself well whether it is or is not i'm going to any way hi!! i am zetsu i have quite a talent for investigation and an
obsession for anime manga and of cause ZESTU.
um who's zestu????
um who's zestu????
zestu is like only the most
zestu is like only the most assume kick ass member of Akatsuki ever i grow venus fly traps in my garden in honor of him well thats got nothing to do with this case so tell me confused what do you have to say about this case?
you grow venus fly traps in
you grow venus fly traps in his honor?? um, hahahahahhahahaha!!!!! um ok............ well it's the kira case to catch kira, can't say much more than that mr. zestu.
btw i am talking about the
btw i am talking about the Japaneses kira not the Belgium one even though this blog is officially titled MM reading though your post i think that japanese kira
sounds like more of a interesting person to catch.
yes i am talking about the
yes i am talking about the japanese kira but i must go now mr. zestu. bye!!
Hurricane wolf is missing,
Hurricane wolf is missing, He doesn't seem to be online at myspace and I sent some emails that haven't been answered.
Actually the correct meaning
Actually the correct meaning for Exodus is "departure", but in a way it is the same. The whole book talks about the departure of the people of Israel from Egypt. Anyways, this has nothing to do with the case. I haven't heard from Wolf either.
What is something bad
What is something bad happened to him. He usually always answers my emails.
Do you think Kira, did it?
Do you think Kira, did it?
I was driving crazier than
I was driving crazier than normal today. I don't know if it was from the 5 Red Bulls I had or not. I'm glad I was out in the country driving because cops don't go out there normally. I was driving on the other side of the road. No offense, but I was like "I live in Englnd and I drive on the wrong side of the road"!
I hate when people diss
I hate when people diss Alton Brown. He is a genius when it comes to anything and everything about cooking and baking. Actually he could be a genius on everything. Fuck all who hate Alton. I would do anything for Alton. If anyone hurt him I would kill the bastard who did it. Sorry. I just got a meesage from one of my friends saying they watched Alton and said he sucked. I think he's awesome.
Guess what? I get to see
Guess what? I get to see Alton again. I got tickets. Yeah me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alton Brown Sucks
He's a bad example of a half-assed cook his atrocities are disgusting and they make me want to eat infants just to get the horrible taste out of my mouth!
Who the fucking hell are
Who the fucking hell are you? Do you have a fucking death wish asshole? I'll kill you mother fucker. You don't even know him. I do and he is the nicest person ever. You need to eat fucking shit and die. You fucking fuck face fucker. Die bitch.
Die fucker. I hate you.
Die fucker. I hate you.
Where are you fucker? I'll
Where are you fucker? I'll kill your ass.
I'll kill your ass.
I'll kill your ass.
Alton Brown Sucks
I'll gladly eat shit before I eat his crap. Well goodbye then.
One Last Thing
I'll eat dog shit, cat shit, hobo shit, fuck, I'll eat the japanese prime minister's shit as long as I don't have to look at Alton Brown's food.
I'll kill you fucker. Your
I'll kill you fucker. Your ass is mine. Go to hell and die.
I'll kill you bitch!
I'll kill you bitch!
Fuck you fucker. I hate you.
Fuck you fucker. I hate you.
I'll torture you with my
I'll torture you with my note.
This better not be Light,
This better not be Light, Ryuzaki, Kira, or anyone I know or I'll go psycho on your ass. I'll fuck you up.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Alton is
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Alton is on. I'm happy.
new kira blog
new kira blog
What the hell is all this?
What the hell is all this?
I will find out who the
I will find out who the bastard is who dared speak about Alton that way. FUCKER!
O_O i dont chek in for a wile an this is what happend's?!
Was it yu who said that
Was it yu who said that fucker?
comipress has gotten more strange these past days.....
Yes it has and don't forget
Yes it has and don't forget it bitch!
That fucker hasn't came back
That fucker hasn't came back yet. Hehehehehehehehehehehehe!
LS, hmmm LS, who in the
LS, hmmm LS, who in the world are you???!!! so many different people gives me a headache!!!!! la li ho!!!!! heheheh!!!!!!!
LS is an associated with SL
LS is an associated with SL on the Death note Connected to murder in Belgium article. Someone you know on this page knows this person.
Wait a tick. I know someone
Wait a tick. I know someone else who said that.
huh? what??
huh? what??
I'm still looking for that
I'm still looking for that person who pissed me off.
If you WANT me to come back...
He still sucks hehehehehehehehehe.
Your mom sucks and I'm not
Your mom sucks and I'm not going to tell you what. I swear it's Kira doing this.
Anyways, I have wasted too
Anyways, I have wasted too much time. I have plans and I'm sure they will work now. I'm focused on the case more than anything now. If I die, then so be it.
Incase you wondering I am a
Incase you wondering I am a friend of Hurricane, I heard that he was missing and wanted to ask what was going on.
why is everyone talking
why is everyone talking about other things beside this case...this is a real case and should be treated like one.....and also this case about a kira in japan i know in fact that this is as like this case the japanese kira is a real case or should i say that in japan there r mysteriuos deaths of inprisoned prisoners....and also 35 or so yakuza bosses were killed....severy people think or suport the fact that there is a real kira lurking around killing the judge minor crimes or not he'll kill people that do bad and i dont aprove of that...even if he thinks he's clinsing the world...a killer is a killer and killing a person is killing a person even if they done something bad...but anyway back to the point.....for awhile now on comipress u all have been talking about pointless things while killings still acuire but i dont know if killings still do acuire or not but we cant take the chance both cases can be solved and it is a maybe that both cases could in fact be linked but i or none of us has enough evidence to prove or even say it is....but maybe its now but we wont know intill we try...we need to take these two cases very seriuosly........not go on comipress to talk about stupid this
If you WANT me to come back...
Submitted by Alton Brown Sucks (not verified) on Sun, 2008-04-13 14:40.
He still sucks hehehehehehehehehe.
this person should get off of comipress he's wasting everyone's energy and time that can be spent solving this case and maybe the case in japan.....i am trying to solve the case in japan but sometimes i go on to see what everyone is saying and how far they r geting to this case but as i see no one has gotten any further to solving this case as the police was when they first started it even if everyone or no one on here r cops or etc...if u use ur head....and look for info and etc...and r really determine to solve this case they might have a chance on sovling this not going to try and sovle this case.....the case in japan is of a more threat, but if they r linked both cases we might be able to find out somehow but i dont know yet...does anyone have any info about this case or whaT i mean......what i mean did anyone figure out something about the case...or etc.does anyone have also any info about the japan case if they do please tell might be of use to my investigation.......but that is what i think everyone has been doing for awhile if we want to solve the case or cases we cant be wasting time on a person or people who dont go on comipress to not solve this case or the japan case....these two cases can in fact be solved but everyone plays around they cant get solved and nothing will get done and the killer or killers invlolved in both cases will get away! especially the japan case about kira and a real death note.....the japan case is of more importance to solve but thats my opinion......well just keep this in mind everyone who goes on comipress
and if anyone wants to help
and if anyone wants to help me solve this japan case and r willing to risk their lives to solve this case then u can help on this investigation.....the kira in japan must be stoped at all cost....this is my gmail if anyone is willing to risk their lives and want to help solve this case u can reach me with my gmail
kira has killed alot of
kira has killed alot of people already maybe even more then we know....he has to be stoped somehow....but it will be hard to catch a person with a death note...we have no why to find him or etc..but we will sooner or later...
If this Kira is responsible
If this Kira is responsible for Wolf's dissappearence I will find him.
hmmmmm, the kira in japan,
hmmmmm, the kira in japan, yes.....
Seriously, I will find Kira
Seriously, I will find Kira if he was responsible i'll get him.
Alright Um im not really
Alright Um im not really sure whats going on but i would aprishate it if some one could sumerise it for me. if no i will just read all nine pages. Some of you might know im fromt he other osting sight and im hoping to get some help from this posting site
Thank you
Ja Ne
Something about a notebook,
Something about a notebook, and this guy terroizing people on this page and that Hurricane Wolf is Missing.
Look I am only here to find
Look I am only here to find Hurricane Wolf, anyone hear of him?
How is hurricane wolf
How is hurricane wolf missing and why are you looking for him?
He hasn't recently posted
He hasn't recently posted here and misa said that he always answer her emails, but he isn't answering them now. I am looking for him because he sent me a message telling me to go to this site. I sent him a dozen emails with know answer. I am worried something happened to him.
Hm. I don't doubt that the
Hm. I don't doubt that the real "Kira" has a multiple personality disorder and is still living around the scene of the crime. Just saying, for, you know....when you guys get back on topic.
Look something tells me you
Look something tells me you guys stumbled onto something big and that wolf was in on it I want to know what's going on, it's the only way I can be able to find him.
I'm going to try and find
I'm going to try and find the Jap Kira. I want to know what he is like if there is one. Hehe!
Dumbass, this isn't
Dumbass, this isn't something to be excited about. He could fucking KILL you. I suggest that you get your head out of this idiotic world where Kira is a good person and realize that he is an insane criminal. And we all know what those are like, at least I do. They're sick bastards, just like every other fuckwad in the world who think they can change something by getting rid of all of the people who do bad. Evil will always exist in the world, it's time those idiots realized it.
I'm back everyone, weeks ago
I'm back everyone, weeks ago I staged my dissappearence so I could draw true kira out of hiding, myself and a couple of friends of mine were able to contain info about his current wherabouts we could only find out where he lives and where he is going. Listen Carfully True Kira, I know your real name and sooner or later I will find you even if it costs me my own life. By exposing my self now I lost the battle, but I will win the war.
The Kira in Japan, and Belgium,
If what I have come up with, they are the same, or will be trying to work together in the future. ??? is right, you all are wasting your time on useless nonsense, when many of us are trying to solve this case. I would however like a few of you to contact me..."S" ??? Confused, and possibly Zetsu. send an email to to contact me. I have quite a few questions for you, as well as many answers. I also have a few plans we could put into action. Contact me immediately, or I will not answer soon.
Kom op, toen, Kira. U denkt
Kom op, toen, Kira. U denkt u enkel rond het doden van mensen kunt gaan en met het weggaan? Nr. Ik zal het niet toestaan. Vorder. Probeer om me te doden, toen, Kira. Probeer om me te doden, op dit ogenblik. Kunt u? Kunt u me, u krankzinnige bastaard doden?
Waarom zou u Kira willen om
Waarom zou u Kira willen om u te doden? Weet u zelfs welke soort van geneukte op ding dat is? De gerechtigheid, is deze man nothng meer dan dat van een krankzinnige psychopaat en door te zeggen dat iets van dat houdt, bent u vermoedelijk geen verschillend dan hij is.
Hier is een idee: krijg uw
Hier is een idee: krijg uw hoofd uit uw ezel. Kira zou niet proberen u te doden omdat u niet belangrijk genoeg bent. Ga weg. Er zijn mensen hier die ernstig over dit geval is. U bent in de weg.
En ik herinner niet me dat
En ik herinner niet me dat het aanspreken van u. Niet eenmaal. Verlaat mij ben. Ik heb geen verlangen om te horen wat u moet zeggen. Ik ben verschillend van Kira, omdat, verschillend hem, ik ben oprecht gerechtvaardigd. Ik weet wie verdient, hij te sterven maakte vermoedelijk slechts sommige willekeurige, onschuldige personen af. ....
Waarom wordt zich u zo in
Waarom wordt zich u zo in kira ge??nteresseerd? Waarom alle plotseling noemt u uzelf gerechtigheid? Verder wie zijn u en wat doet u hier op de
eerste plaats?
Hier is een idee: krijg uw
Hier is een idee: krijg uw hoofd uit uw ezel. Kira zou niet proberen u te doden omdat u niet belangrijk genoeg bent. Ga weg. Er zijn mensen hier die ernstig over dit geval is. U bent in de weg.
How the hell did I post that
How the hell did I post that twice? o.O
what kind of sick bastard
what kind of sick bastard would want kira to kill him?
I have no clue. He obviously
I have no clue. He obviously thinks this is a game and needs to get his HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS-CRACK.....
I think that he thinks that
I think that he thinks that he'll go to heaven if he died by someone else hand he'd go to heaven, because if he killed himself he'd go to hell.
That's probable...
That's probable...
Probeer te raden niet wat ik
Probeer te raden niet wat ik denk. Elke keer zult u onnauwkeurig zijn.
If I'm correct, there have
If I'm correct, there have been several people posting here claiming to be the "kira" you're looking for. Is it not possible to trace their IP addresses and begin an investigation on them? Even if it is just a prank they're pulling, anyone who could be a possible suspect should be looked into, should they not?
She was not bullshitting.
Misa and I have been experimenting with that notebook she had. She wasn't kidding first she used minor stuff, stomach ache chest pains and a needle pain in my eye. She then did something to me that fucked me up royally I haven't felt this bad or scared in a long time. what ever you do don't piss her off.
The book is able to to give
The book is able to to give Misa My energy and memories to make her stronger, she saw things that I never even thought about in a while, bad sick twisted things that scare even me.
Haha. So, what you're saying
Haha. So, what you're saying is that she wrote your name in a NOTEBOOK and you got...fucked up? And you gave her your name and face? No offense, but that's a very, very, very, VERY stupid move.
None taken, but by making
None taken, but by making that "stupid" move just so proves that I would risk everything including my life.
You have something to say S?
You have something to say S? I'm sure Wolf knew what he was getting himself into.
And I'm not afraid if you
And I'm not afraid if you get angry with me; you don't know my name or what I look like.
If your "Death Note" really
If your "Death Note" really DOES work, I would like her to prove it to me and kill this man:
Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll just have to go under the impression that you are a liar.
Though not meant to
Though not meant to contridict my previous statement, I don't believe any of those here claiming to be "Kira" are the one of this murder case. If they are truely the fanatic that would call themselves after an anime, then would they not try to resemble their namesake in every way? From what I've seen of the series, the only time that that kira reveals his identity, is when his victem is about to die. In which case, it doesn't add up that they would come here and broadcast that they are Kira. Which brings me to another point: the manga's kira did find several websites praising and inquiring about him, though not once was he shown glorifying himself there. There are also several instances in said manga where people other than kira claimed to be him. Also, from studying posts from these "kiras" I doubt even further that they are who they claim to be, as their writings don't suggest the least amount of intelligence or "portrayed manners" of the character they are inspired by.
On the matter of this "true kira" who has been lurking around this site, I don't believe that you are the one we are looking for. This murder took place in Belgium. And, though I'm not entierly sure of this, you could be the same "true kira" from the topix article I just read about a student being suspended for using a marketable-fake deathnote. On that article, I saw several names from here repeated, including true kira, misamisa, and a few of you who are refered to by letters. If you are in fact the same true kira from that site, then you do not live in Belgium, but what I believe is the UK. Of course, I have no evidence that you are the same true kira, so those last few sentences are based on a hunch. But, from reading your posts here, I gather that you are very possibly under 18, as you tend to break into fits of emotional swearing, something commonly observed in teenage boys, especially when they lack the intelligence or maturity to handle any situation causing them emotional stress apropriately. So, assuming that you are the same true kira from the topix article, and that you are under the age of 18, I can assume that you would lack the nessessary funds or connections to get to Belgium to commit a murder. And, any claims of using an actual death note to commit such an act, while not a 0% chance since anything in this world seems to be somewhat possible, is less than 1% and there for extreamly unlikely.
Therefor, I must conclude that you are not our criminal, but a child in desperate need of a social life.
Of course, I havn't read all 9 pages of this, so there may be things I've missed or brought up that have already been discussed, and because of this I could be wrong. But I still think I'm right, if not very close.
For one my note can't kill.
For one my note can't kill. It can only torture. Two normally I don't use it for fun like trying to prove to people it's real. People can think what they want. If I use it for fun then I would be just like Kira or something. Three if it did kill Wolf would have been dead by now. If anyone has any questions they can just go to Wolf or come to me.
I still doubt you. You
I still doubt you. You proved it to Wolf, did you not? Why not prove it to me? I don't like not trusting people. It makes me feel like they're hiding something already.
I wouldn't egg her on man.
I wouldn't egg her on man.
No...I'd like to see what
No...I'd like to see what she does.
Tell me more about yourself
Tell me more about yourself S. I'm curious.
Me? Well...I'm 13 and I
Me? Well...I'm 13 and I attend Lake Hamilton Middle School in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I have four half-sisters, three half-brothers, a step dad, a step brother, my dad is close to death and I think you're trying to get my name out of me.
location and age
that is amusing
we are the same age....
and live less than an hour away from each other, and are both intrigued by this case.... ^-^
location and age
that is amusing
we are the same age....
and live less than an hour away from each other, and are both intrigued by this case.... ^-^
How old are you S?
How old are you S?
How old are YOU, Misa?
How old are YOU, Misa?
Not really because I don't
Not really because I don't actually need your real name. I would watch what you say S.
I'm 19. I got my note when I
I'm 19. I got my note when I was 15.
Oh? If you don't need my
Oh? If you don't need my name, then what DO you need? I'd like to know how your notebook works. For future reference.
S you won't like what
S you won't like what happens trust me.
Probably not. So, all you
Probably not. So, all you need is whatever name I've given to you, then I can basically be your pincushion?
trust me I am still messed
trust me I am still messed up ofver the last one. so whatever sane part of me left is till warning you don't push it.
If you want to know ask
If you want to know ask Wolf. I used just simple info on him like you just gave me.
You're lying. You have to be
You're lying. You have to be lying. I don't believe you. I wouldn't have fallen for a trap like that...
So your dad is close to
So your dad is close to death eh?
Very. He has lots of health
Very. He has lots of health problems.
What do you do when you are
What do you do when you are not on here?
I do homework. Go to the
I do homework. Go to the mall with my friends. Normal things like that.
Tell me more about your dad
Tell me more about your dad and other family. Why is your dad close to death?
No. How do I know you won't
No. How do I know you won't hurt them? I mean, I can't risk them getting hurt. I could care less what you do to me.
Do you want to know what I
Do you want to know what I look like?
I don't see how I would have
I don't see how I would have to know that. Tell me if you like.
How do you know that I
How do you know that I haven't done something already?
I swear to god, lay a hand
I swear to god, lay a hand on them and I'll come and kick your ass myself.
threatening women, I hate
threatening women, I hate people who do that.
Well, Wolf, if I were a man,
Well, Wolf, if I were a man, I would be on your side. However, I am a girl, so I can hit another girl, if I desire to do so.
Give me your email so I can
Give me your email so I can show you. Just ask Wolf what I can control with my note.
...My e-mail is
...My e-mail is, Stupid
Stupid typos....
If you didn't want me to do
If you didn't want me to do anything then you would have kept your mouth shut!
I just didn't think you'd be
I just didn't think you'd be so low to go after my FAMILY! You should know what it's like having a family member be hurt, shouldn't you, Misa?
Saddness Love Hate Fear all
all that she can control
along with any torture that is worse than death itself.
So...she can make me feel
So...she can make me feel any emotion, is what you're saying...?
I am saying is that she can
I am saying is that she can use it against you.
I wonder what will happen
I wonder what will happen over the week?
If you're going to hurt
If you're going to hurt anyone, hurt me.
What family activities do
What family activities do you do?
I'm not telling you.
I'm not telling you.
I can hurt you by not
I can hurt you by not hurting you. If you know what I mean.
This may sound unbelievable,
This may sound unbelievable, but I still think you're lying...